
Chapter 7

"Er, excuse me, gotta go." She'd lost her damn mind that's it. All the pressure from the last few months had finally made her crack and that's why she was standing on a sidewalk salivating over the very well proportioned schlong of a complete stranger. She had never in her life done such a thing, what in the world had possessed her? Sure he was the hottest thing she'd ever seen outside a TV screen, but still. She wasn't the type to act in such a way.

What must he think of her? She knew he'd caught her, oh damn. But funnily enough where the old Kerry would've run in mortal shame, the new one wouldn't mind another peek. Good grief.

You'd think she'd learned her lesson. What happened to all those private vows she'd made to herself, never to even look at a member of the opposite sex again in this lifetime? It took her a moment to realize he hadn't moved out of her way to let her pass since she'd gotten tangled up in her own head.

"You're absolutely gorgeous." Her eyes bugged out of her head at his declaration. She'd never been called gorgeous before, attractive yes but never gorgeous.

"Thank you, I better get going." She came back down to earth as she realized that he was probably just being nice.

"Sure see you around." He walked away and headed for a bike that was parked across the street. Shows how much attention she'd been paying, she hadn't even noticed the strange bike, speaking of which who the hell was he? She'd never seen him around here before and she'd been born and raised here. She turned quickly when he turned to look back, but couldn't resist one last stare over her shoulder.

She watched as he climbed on his bike, his ass looking almost as good as his front.

"Good heavens Kerry; get your mind out of the gutter." Meanwhile, she'd forgotten all about Ms. Thompson who'd been taking in the whole show.

"Morning Kerryanne, I see you've met our Kyle. Nice young man isn't he?"

"Kyle? I don't think I know any Kyle from around here." She took the few steps necessary to reach the lawn in front of the woman's home.

"He's not, he's here to help his grandpa since his grandma passed, looks like he's staying around for a while."

She knew she shouldn't, the old lady was a terrible gossip but she couldn't help herself. Even though she wasn't in the market for another asshole jerk she had to admit to being intrigued. The man was hot as hell. Tattoos and a bike and what she'd spied in his pants, wow the guy sure did pack a punch and he'd called her gorgeous. "His grandpa?"

"Kerryanne where have you been child? That's the Clancy's grandson, you did know that old Mrs. Clancy passed away last month didn't you?" She was ashamed to admit that she'd been so busy feeling sorry for herself that she hadn't a clue about anything that had been going on in their little close knit town.

"No, I'm sorry I've been busy..." Her voice trailed off as she felt the familiar tears prick her eyes. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea after all.

"You're not still pining after that worthless pile of horse manure and his new hag are you? Shame on you, you were always too good for him honey. That divorce was a blessing in disguise if you ask me, those two pigs deserve each other." She sniffed as if she'd smelled something foul and went back to pulling the weeds from her rose garden.

"Where you off to in a all fired hurry anyway? Almost knocked poor Kyle on his ass and the sparks flying off you two, whew. Almost thought I might have to set my garden hose on the two of you."

"I'm headed to the library." She chose to ignore the more inflammatory comment and stick to the mundane.

"Ain't been nothing new in that place in years and now with the new cuts there's even less to look forward to. Dag blamed thieving ass politicians." She went off on a tangent about budget cuts and deficits and money-grubbing politicians who will burn in hell for sure.

Kerry felt as if she'd fallen down the rabbit hole as she stood there listening to the older woman who she'd never heard utter a bad word in her life. Yes, the woman was a gossip but she wasn't necessarily malicious or vicious. But here she was calling people names and cussing up a storm.

"I need to use the computer." And why are you telling her your business Kerryanne?

"Hate those damn things too. My grandson just sent me another one. Don't know why seeing as how I didn't ever use the first one they sent me. Might as well give it to you if you know how to use the fool thing." She looked the younger woman up and down thinking she could do with a good meal. Poor thing her bones were starting to push through her collarbone.

If she'd been any kin to the girl she would've taken a switch to that Paul and his hussy, but around here people tend to keep to themselves, stay out of other people's mess. The hypocrites. That didn't stop them from gossiping behind closed doors though.

She felt sorry for the poor girl, her being all alone in the world and those two doing her the way they had. It was a shame and that's a fact. She was better off all the same as far as Lucille was concerned and life would take care of them two right and proper.

Kerry's head was spinning from all the different directions the old woman was going in at once. "I couldn't do that Ms. Thompson. Your family probably sent you that so they could keep in touch." She seemed to recall a bevy of grandkids coming to visit in the summer when she was much younger.

"And what's wrong with the good old fashioned telephone? Too much new technology around here if you ask me. No wonder the young people are so worthless, too much easy living and not enough reason to get off their ass. You come on in here and take this thing with you if you want." She turned to head into the house.

"But I can't afford to pay you for it." She felt equal parts excitement and trepidation. It had been so long since anyone had done anything nice for her, that it was hard to believe what the older woman was offering.

"Why the heck would you need to do that? I sure as spit didn't pay a dime for it and those blood sucking relatives of mine can afford it. Now stop fussing and come on in here."

"Well if you're sure." Yep definitely down the rabbit hole, her life had never been this easy. What were the odds that she would find a computer that she could take home with her so she could work as long as she wanted, instead of the one hour they allowed you down at the library? At least she thought that's what she'd heard. What the woman was offering was nothing short of a blessing. It would mean no daily trips outside. The prospect felt like a weight lifted off her shoulders and was too good to pass up even for her already bruised pride.