
Broken trust: A journey of betrayal, revenge and moving forward.

Ranuchca and Jamel have been married for 6 years and have known each other since childhood. But Jamel cheated on her and even impregnated the woman. She now decided to move on but not before she takes revenge on Jamel for breaking her heart. Let’s follow Ranuchca on her road to self-improvement and revenge.

Anta_Esterlin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 9

Two years had passed since the end of Ranuchca's trapped self, and in that time her life had blossomed in ways she never thought possible. Beside her, Shamal had been a beacon of light, guiding her through the unfamiliar waters of newfound love and freedom. Their love had grown into something infinitely stronger, and now they were expecting a child together. As the island sun warmed her skin, Ranuchca finally felt she had found peace and happiness.

Their simple yet flourishing business on the island had been a joint endeavor, a solid testament to their bond. As their family was about to grow, they made the decision to return to their shared hometown, eager to start a new chapter in familiar surroundings. Shamal had moved to the island with his mother after his parent's divorce and returning to the mainland represented a closure of his own painful past. Hand in hand, they prepared to embark on their heartfelt journey back home, eager to build a life filled with warmth and love.

Meanwhile, life had not been as kind to Jamel. The seemingly rosy future he had envisioned with Laura had quickly soured, their arguments becoming increasingly frequent and volatile. The pregnancy that had once bonded them together was now a distant memory, replaced by the harsh reality of daily life. Jamel found himself yearning for the happiness that he had foolishly taken for granted in his past life with Ranuchca. A part of him deeply regretted his actions, painfully aware that he had lost the woman who had once devoted her entire being to him.

As word spread throughout their small hometown of Ranuchca and Shamal's return, the news eventually reached Jamel. A storm of conflicting emotions surged through him – curiosity, fear, and longing he could no longer suppress. Despite his current tumultuous relationship with Laura, he couldn't help but wonder how Ranuchca had fared since their painful parting.

In a moment of selfish impulsivity, Jamel decided he had to see her, to reconnect with a part of his past that he couldn't quite let go of. He needed to know if seeing her would bring closure or simply serve as a painful reminder of the love he had thrown away. With a heavy heart, he began preparations for a journey that would not only change his life but would inevitably stir the delicate balance of Ranuchca and Shamal's newfound happiness.

As the sun set on the island, casting a warm golden glow over the scene, Ranuchca placed her hand tenderly on her growing belly. With a loving glance at her husband, they continued packing their belongings, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing on the horizon. Little did they know that their peaceful world was about to be shattered by the ghost of a love long gone, changing their lives forever.
