
War is over

"Amelia! Are you there?!" I roll my eyes. Who else would be there? One of your other imaginary daughters. "Yes!" I shout back. The next moment, my father yells from downstairs, "Get down here now!"

Before I can even say "Bye", the dust flies into my face and my father's car turns the corner. Gone he is, for good. I exhale and turn around, along with my suitcase, towards my grandmother's beautiful apartment building. The beauty of the surroundings of this house is destroyed by the screaming of a girl, who shortly afterwards pulls open the front door and crosses the large front garden, including the relatively large car park, only half dressed, clothes in hand. When she sees me, she gives me a nasty look and says, "Go ahead. They're just taking advantage of you anyway." Before I get to react, let alone respond, she has already whizzed past me and is getting into a yellow mini that matches her appearance perfectly.

By the time I look back towards the house, it's too late and a loud voice yells, "Ami!" And in the next moment I am thrown onto the floor with force, along with a not-so-light extra weight, which is on top of me. "Kei! (Kay)," I shout back and hug the guy on top of me. Let me introduce you. Keion, my most dearest cousin, who is currently trying to crush me. "Keion, get off the girl before you squash her to death!" Pouting, the addressed rolls off me and says, "It's all muscle." "If that makes you feel any better." The next moment Grandma says gleefully, "Amelia! My darling!" She comes towards me with open arms and pulls me into a hug the moment I am standing.

In it she whispers to me, "The war is finally over." Tears well up in my eyes.

The war is finally over.

It is a sentence that triggers an unimaginable amount in me. At last I am free, no longer under the dictatorship of my parents, so I don't have to suffer under them either. There are no limits to my imagination, and thus also to my possibilities. I can now become an architect, a doctor, a waitress and a teacher. I can become anything I want to become. All doors are open to me.

The war is over.

At last, I finally get to be happy, to be me.