

Christy_Charles · Urban
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6 Chs


The office building was built with mirrors, a person could not see what was happening on the inside, but could only see his or her own reflection on the outside. The company was one of the most richest and popular company, known to have an enormous amount of shareholders, products that dominated the market, high sales of products and many other branches around the world.

Inside the building,

Damian was seen seated on an office chair , he was dressed in one of the most expensive suit ever.He looked very enchanting and handsome but he had lines of worries on his face. He looked like he was thinking of something so important that he didn't even notice or feel the presence of Lydia.


"Hi Damian, good evening" Lydia said

"Evening lyds how are you" Damian asked

" Oh I'm good, uhmm where are we going to tonight "

" It's a secret I can't tell"he said with a distant face

" Are you okay "Lydia asked when she noticed his expression

" Oh I'm fine let's go "he replied

" Okay, I trust you "she giggled

" You... You.... Trust me"he stuttered

" Of course, come on let's go I can't wait for the surprise "she said excitedly

She entered a white limousine and sat down comfortably

" I'm sorry "he muttered beneath his breath and got into the car and zoomed off.


" Why doesn't she remember anything, did she suddenly lose her memory or does she have amnesia." He muttered beneath his breath as his head was bent low as he racked his brains .

" Excuse me sir, sir please I need your attention, sir Damian" Lydia tried calling him but he seemed to be in deeper thought than ever, he was not even paying attention to whatever she said.

Slowly Lydia approached him and tapped his shoulder and immediately she did that, It made Damian act on impulse as he held her waist and forcefully made her to sit on his lap then he stared at her face.

Lydia tried to move but it was impossible, he tightened his grip around her waist, as his piercing eyes stared deeply into that of Lydia .

Poor Lydia felt helpless at this point, she couldn't help but try to struggle but it seemed she was trapped .

"Don't you remember anything Lydia, please just call me dammy, hug me the way you usually do, touch me and say the lovely words of Lydia "Damian pleaded.

" I have absolutely no idea about what you are talking about, maybe I look like someone you know,or I'm just awakening a memory. "Lydia said with annoyance laced in her voice as she kept on struggling to get out of his arms but all to know avail.

" What do you mean?? "Damian asked as he face became pale, he entire body had become weak . Seeing this Lydia took the opportunity to quickly get up from his laps and rushed out of the office.

" I'll make you remember, no matter what it takes . "He said with determination.

Determination was set in the heart of Damian as he was absolutely ready to do anything for his love. Time wasn't something he could gamble with.


"Hey dude, what's up?" A tall lean young man walked into the office as he was dressed in an expensive tuxedo and was eventually blessed with heavenly features.His every step ensued elegance and eloquence which made him look outstanding and ravishing, but not like Damian the king of beauty.

"It's been a while dummy." Damian replied in a sarcastic tone which seemed to upset the recipient of the harsh words.

"Can you more polite, rather than being a rude demon as you've always been ."His reply was like that of an annoyed person but the expression on his face was filled with playfulness.

"Really?? Tony !! How have I ever been a demon, have you ever been castigated by me before. "Damian asked with sarcasm.

Tony's had an assertive attribute which suited him perfectly, but he had a hobby for being haughty." I know you okay so don't pretend I'm your friend you mischievous monkey. "Tony's reply carried the exact same tone which made it seem like an exchange of insult but rather to them it was just a way of greetings.

" My innocent Tony turned into an elite all because of me, I regret it, I really do"Damian faked a cry

Tony just scoffed" funny character, you are still as delusional and stupid as I abandoned you. "Tony muttered sarcastically.

Their discussion finally dropped to the level of normal people, as the talked and laughed to catch up on old times.


"I suppose the mimicker is tired of Mimicking" Dylan said while both Tony and Tyler busted out in laughter.

" dude, get a life for crying loud. Don't fustrate him okay" Tyler said referring to Dylan.

"I have absolutely no business with a dummy like him, besides I warned him not to stupidly play with his own feelings but as a playboy he played with a girl's feelings and also played himself how stupid" Dylan said with sarcasm

"Dude, you really have a poisonous tongue" Tyler said

"well thank you" Dylan replied

"I hate you Dylan" Damian kept on weeping

"The feeling is mutual, idiotic ignoramus" Dylan said and left the room

"Damn that's gotta hurt Damian, I mean ignoramus" Tyler said and both Tyler and Tony busted out laughing and left the room.

Few minutes later Damian was in his room all alone and then his phone rang and this made him jolt out of the couch and he answered the call

"Damian, master needs the girl you brought the first time, according to him he wants to taste her"the caller said as Damian had put the phone on speaker.

" I told you that the deal is over, I am not gonna hurt anyone anymore if he wants me to refund his money I can do that but there is absolutely no way I'm gonna hurt her again "Damian said determinedly.

" He says he is ready to double the amount of what he gave you last time "The caller said more cunningly.

" Do you have problem with your ear drums or has my voice suddenly turned to a whisper that you can't comprehend my words "Damian said more angrily.

" okay, fine I'll hang up now call me when you change your mind" the caller said and ended the call.

"Gosh, I need to do something, I really can't..." He trailed if I his words as he began sulking again.

outside the apartment where Damian stayed , his four friends where discussing, but Dylan seemed to be out of it as he stared into space.

"Guys I know for one that master would want to hurt Lydia, we all know how cunning he is" Tony said with sarcasm

"it's not funny it's just pitiful, the two lovers are sulking but on a serious note why would Damian take such a decision that made absolutely no sense at all, I remember when he bluntly refused master the first time" Tyler said.

"He was threatened" Dylan said with certainty as he continues to scribble something in his drawing book.

"Dude how sure are you, besides we are always five, one of us is missing but I can't understand who" Tony said.

"I don't necessarily need to be sure, I know that he was threatened, and the Damian I know is not weak he is just regretting so I believe we should all prepare for the worst as we all know that master is a demon in white clothes "Dylan said

" I have to confess he is just like a white chicken, I mean who the hell Cooks blood daily and wears a white clothe that has absolutely no stain on it"Tyler said trying to sound sarcastic

" He isn't a chicken but the saying goes "the devil I know is better than the angel I don't".Tony said and they all began laughing except Dylan

" are you guys drunk"Dylan asked and then he stood up and left . ...

As soon as Dylan left the conversations died out.



What were they talking about??

Did Damian do anything to Lydia??

What happened to Lydia???

Why is Damian so determined to bring back the memories of Lydia??

What were they talking about when the said he was threatened??

Will a new event take place ???

... The end of chapter two.....