

Revenge, a destroyer of worlds! Born in a world engulfed by chaos. A world ruined by the insatiable nature of man. A world not even fit for wild beasts. Oliver, a teenager who made a promise to his unfulfilled father to become liberated from this lost world of crime: He's a charming young boy who must overcome his deep lust for money, and become a success or the opposite. Vanya's world is a literal inversion of Oliver's. She's basically born with s silver spoon. But even the best flower has its thorns – she too must overcome the emotional trauma she's made to face; the hurdles she must cross seems to increase daily. Both Vanya and Oliver cross paths, leading to an unbreakable bond; one that may last forever. Now, would the difference of their worlds affect their bond? Would the overcome the status quo? And would Oliver get over the thirst for revenge buried beyond his soul before it destroys the bond? Read on to get answers. Read to satisfy your curiosity. #Bullet, Roses and Quotes.#

Josh_Cyberson · Action
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48 Chs


Oliver arrive Cyberson's Golden Dream Academy. It was so gigantic. Oliver could not believe he was now the student of this renowned high school. He walked naively through the hallway looking for his new class. Then his class president meets him.

'Hi, are you the new boy?' The class president asks him scornfully.

'Yes, I am. I don't really know much about this school. Can you please tell me something I should know?' Oliver replies naively.

He walks him to the locker room and shows him to his locker.

'It's okay. You'll manage just fine if you stay off trouble.' He speaks and leaves Oliver alone.

Oliver felt so lonely, he wanted to return home. Then suddenly, a pretty brunette girl, with two pony tails, walks to him.

'Hi.' She waves at him.

'Hi.' He waves back.

'I'm Angel and you're?'

'Oliver. I'm Oliver Sparrow.' He replies hurriedly.

'I am new here, and I heard you're new too.' She speaks serenely, waiting for a reply.

'Yes, you're right; I am new, I just resumed today.'

'Perhaps, we can become friends.' She smiles.

'Sure. I would love to have a friend in this school. Which class are you in?' Oliver asks.

'I am in grade 11.'

'Wow! We're in the same class, then - Grade 11. So, certainly we can be friends.' They both smile as she leads Oliver to the class.

Vanya was talking to her friend, Charlotte, when Maryam told her a new boy was in school. Vanya was a girl who didn't fantasize about a boy, no matter how cute, rich or smart the boy is.

'Maryam, why do you like boys a lot?' Vanya asks offensively.

'I don't like boys a lot; but this new boy is hot. He is really cute. He's tall and he has a sweet stature.' She visualizes.

'Okay, I will see how cute this boy is.' Charlotte mutters, as Maryam takes her to Oliver.

'Wow! He is cute. How come I've not seen him before?' Charlotte exclaims.

'He's new; you wouldn't have seen him before. I think Stanley is cuter, but this guy… is handsome.'

Oliver noticed that the two girls were staring at him. This made him really edgy.

A moment later, Angel, his new friend, came and sat close to him holding two cup cakes. She gives Oliver one.

'Thank you.' Oliver says, and collects it.

'You look overwrought, what's the problem?' She observes.

'It's nothing.' He keeps cool.

They talk for some time. Soon, Charlotte and Maryam got tired of staring and went back to meet Vanya; While, Oliver and Angel kept talking.

Mr. Myles was having troubles with his plan. He almost got caught by the security which guarded the borders, but he made it through to Mexico. He decides to call Senator Theodore and tell him about the breakthrough.

'Amazing; I always trusted you.' The senator flatters as Mr. Myles informed him. 'Drive to the Silent city club house, México city. I will be right there with you.'

'Okay sir - I will do as you've said.' Mr. Myles disconnects the call and turns the ignition key, starting the car's engine. 'Thank you, lord. I've seen your mercy in my life.' He prays, and then drives to the club house.

Senator Theodore travels with his chopper, an MH-6 Little Bird helicopter, to the club house. He alight the chopper, as the propeller whirred loudly, and walks to Mr. Myles.

'Thank you very much. I really thought you would mess up; but you scaled through.' He extols him and continues, 'this is just the beginning of our mutual aid; you'll help me a little bit more.'

'No, I disagree with you, sir. I won't be able to do this again. I promised myself and my son, that I would disassociate myself from any illegal business as soon as I get the capital to start my own business. So, I beg you; I won't indulge myself into any of this again.' Mr. Myles states.

'Uh-huh, that peanut I gave you will finish in some few days. Money doesn't last if you've no source for more. This simple understanding makes the rich richer, and the poor even poorer.' The senator pauses and glances at Mr. Myles and says, 'I give you one last chance to triple what you've.'

'Sir, I am not greedy. I'm contented with the little I've gotten.' Mr. Myles says, 'I will be glad if you'll excuse me; I would love to return to the United States.'

Senator Theodore stares at him for a minute, afterward, he speaks harshly; 'in view of the fact that you have a little mind, I won't force you to have more. When you need anything, don't ever call me.'

'I won't call you. I don't even need to. I've changed into a better person; you should do the same.' He finishes speaking and leaves the club house.

From that day, Senator Theodore despised Mr. Myles. He couldn't just control his greed. He wanted more of everything good, and with his ill-gotten money he could have more. He presently wanted a tool like Mr. Myles, which would do his evil deeds for him.