

Revenge, a destroyer of worlds! Born in a world engulfed by chaos. A world ruined by the insatiable nature of man. A world not even fit for wild beasts. Oliver, a teenager who made a promise to his unfulfilled father to become liberated from this lost world of crime: He's a charming young boy who must overcome his deep lust for money, and become a success or the opposite. Vanya's world is a literal inversion of Oliver's. She's basically born with s silver spoon. But even the best flower has its thorns – she too must overcome the emotional trauma she's made to face; the hurdles she must cross seems to increase daily. Both Vanya and Oliver cross paths, leading to an unbreakable bond; one that may last forever. Now, would the difference of their worlds affect their bond? Would the overcome the status quo? And would Oliver get over the thirst for revenge buried beyond his soul before it destroys the bond? Read on to get answers. Read to satisfy your curiosity. #Bullet, Roses and Quotes.#

Josh_Cyberson · Action
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48 Chs


Vanya was in her mansion. She rolled on her bed as the alarm kept ringing. 'Bam!' she sweeps the alarm clock down, with her hand, breaking it; and continues her slumber.

'Hello, my lady, its morning. Do you want breakfast-in-bed, or should I set it on the dining table?' her steward, Angela, asks politely, as she picks up the broken clock.

'Not now, Angela. I just want my rest. I will need no further disturbance,' Vanya speaks casually.

'It's okay my lady.' She takes her leave.

Few minute later, the door swings open.

'I told you I wanted to rest!' Vanya yells, but when she turned to see who it was - it was her mom.

'Vanya, why don't you want to go to school?' She sits beside Vanya and checks her temperature with a thermometer, and it was normal. 'You look fine to me,' she says, looking deep into Vanya's almond shaped eyes. 'What happened?'

'Nothing, mom; I just feel stressed today,' She utters, acting sick.

Her mom takes her hand and smiles. 'You get tired sometimes, but that doesn't mean you will give up your dreams. If everyone because of tiredness forsakes their dreams; this world will be a chaotic place. Go to school, not because of anything, but because you have an unfinished business.'

She holds Vanya up, 'let's see my beautiful daughter in that school uniform and off to school, don't forget to take a bath and have your breakfast.' She tickles Vanya and leaves. Vanya got ready for school and left immediately.

That same morning, Oliver's happiness knew no bounds as his acceptance letter from Cyberson's Golden Dream Academy, was sent to him.

'Wow, is this real? I can't believe it. I am now a student of CGD Academy, the best in the state.' He giggles as he shows his dad.

Mr. Myles was not as excited as Oliver expected him to be, but he was relatively happy. He had a long list of bills to pay, and now he has more. CGD academic tuition fee is a blast. He didn't know where to start from. He promised his son he would never steal again, so he had no source of income. He didn't want to break his son's heart; he just smiled as his son celebrated. He presently needed a breakthrough, or better still, a miracle.

Oliver, full of excitement ran to his friend to tell him about the acceptance letter.

'Charles, I have been accepted into Cyberson's Gold Dream college,' He tells his friend with sheer delight.

Charles is a tough looking boy, a bit older than Oliver. He has scars around his shoulder, which was visible as he wore a basketball tank top. He is an Irish boy with red hair, and a pompadour hairstyle.

He looks at Oliver, with happiness booming from his brown eyes. 'Wow! Good news! When do you start attending classes?' Charles asks.

Oliver thinks for a moment, and then he looks at Charles, and says in a low tone, 'as soon as I pay the tuition fee, I will officially become a student.'

'Great! Soon you'll be going to school, and I will become so lonely.'

'Not really. I won't leave my best friend. I know you will start school too.' Oliver gives off a hopeful smile.

'Nah, I don't want to go to school, not really. I am happy for you, though.' He smiles.

Oliver waves Charles good bye as he returns home after giving the good news.

At home, Mr. Myles looked stranded. His eye looked deem and his gaze was fixed at the small TV set, which was in the middle of the living room. Then suddenly, his phone rings. He picks the phone call.

'Hello? Ryan?' he asks.

'Hello, my friend, I have something good for you. Senator Theodore wants you to meet up with him at the old bridge,' the caller states.

'Ryan, I will be at the old bridge by 17:00 is that okay by you?' Mr. Myles asks.

'Yes of course. Bye, see you soon.' Ryan ends the call.

When Oliver came back home, he saw his father dressing up.

'Dad…?' Oliver speaks startling his father.

'Ah! Oliver, you are back.' He smiles as he glances at him.

'Dad, you are all dressed up as if you're going on a date. Where are you really going to?' Oliver asks.

Mr. Myles had to lie to Oliver. He didn't want him to worry.

'What a good guess. I'm going on a date, this evening,' He lies.

'Who is she?' Oliver asks.

'You don't know her. But, I promise, you'll see her soon.'

He waves Oliver goodbye as he leaves. 'Bye Dad. I wish you good luck.' He smiles watching his Dad enter a cab.

My book is in the process of edition, you can be very helpful to me, if you can pinpoint grammatical errors, thank you.

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