

Revenge, a destroyer of worlds! Born in a world engulfed by chaos. A world ruined by the insatiable nature of man. A world not even fit for wild beasts. Oliver, a teenager who made a promise to his unfulfilled father to become liberated from this lost world of crime: He's a charming young boy who must overcome his deep lust for money, and become a success or the opposite. Vanya's world is a literal inversion of Oliver's. She's basically born with s silver spoon. But even the best flower has its thorns – she too must overcome the emotional trauma she's made to face; the hurdles she must cross seems to increase daily. Both Vanya and Oliver cross paths, leading to an unbreakable bond; one that may last forever. Now, would the difference of their worlds affect their bond? Would the overcome the status quo? And would Oliver get over the thirst for revenge buried beyond his soul before it destroys the bond? Read on to get answers. Read to satisfy your curiosity. #Bullet, Roses and Quotes.#

Josh_Cyberson · Action
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48 Chs


When Oliver got home, Mr. Myles was fast asleep. Oliver tip-toed into the house; He took a quick bath and changed his cloths, and off he went to Charles. He looked for Charles in the major part of the streets. And lucky for him, he found Charles.

'Hello, Charles.' He greets, but Charles snobs him.

'Charles, I am sorry for what my dad said to you, he didn't mean it.' Charles says apologetically.

'Why would he say that?' Charles complains.

'I'm sorry. I would never leave a brother no matter what, and you're the only brother I've.' Charles hugs Oliver, smiling broadly. They sit on a pavement near the basketball court.

'What's up in school?' Charles asks.

'Nothing big; I've not yet made progress in finding my mom. I was caught today, and it was very embarrassing.' Oliver confesses.

'I hope you're not in trouble.' Charles says, concerned.

'No. But I almost entered trouble, and I scaled through just fine.' He breathes in deeply, and says, 'There's this girl, who wants to help, but I don't trust her.' Oliver reveals.

'If she can truly help you find your mom, let her do it. You don't trust her yet she found out about your mom, how?' Charles looks at him, confused.

'She saw the picture, and then made up a story in her head and the story turned out to be true. I don't know why I couldn't lie – I just couldn't.' Oliver says softly.

'Okay, good luck my friend. I know you'll find your mom soon. If I could do anything to help; you know you won't tell me twice.' Charles says sadly.

'Thank you. Good bye.' Oliver hugs him as they go their separate ways.

Mr. Myles thought hard of a business he could venture into, and he found none that interested him. Then suddenly his cell phone rings.

'Hello,' He greets, picking the call.

'Hello, Mr. Myles, its Ryan.' The caller says.

'Ryan, my friend, how's it been?' Mr. Myles asks nonchalantly.

'My friend, I know you well enough to know that you still have the money The senator paid you. If you still have it, then you're lucky.'

'Why?' Mr. Myles asks, puzzled.

'I got a business proposal for you: The profit is 100%, dude. Meet me at the old bridge.' Ryan states.

'Okay my friend, I'll meet you there in few minutes.

'See you there.' He disconnects the call.

Mr. Myles dresses up quickly. He goes to the old bridge.

A dark-skinned man; huge and muscular, and heavily bearded, and with a crew cut hairstyle. He was wearing a dark shade of Aviator sunglasses, as he reclined on his car's windshield, and sat on his SUV's (Sport Utility Vehicle's) hood. He smiles as he sees Mr. Myles coming closer.

'Hello, my friend.' Ryan stands from his car's hood, and walks to Mr. Myles.

'Hello, Ryan. How're you doing?' Mr. Myles asks with delight, as he embraces him.

When they were done with pleasantries, the two old time friends enter Ryan's car. In the car, it felt really warm; Mr. Myles looks at Ryan firmly.

'Ryan, what's the business proposal about – the one you told me on the phone?'

'I've been doing this business for a long time. I know all the edges.' Ryan says in a low pitched voice.

'Ok, what is the business?'

'--Its drugs…' Ryan couldn't finish speaking as he's interrupted by Mr. Myles, who looked worried.

'You said drugs? Do you know how dangerous that is?' He asks.

'Let me speak. The business is drugs smuggling, and you're 100% safe. If you invest your money and the trafficker smuggles the drugs, you'll have tremendous gain. Sometimes 100%, other times less, depending on how the drugs are sold.' Ryan explains. Ryan could see dissatisfaction on Mr. Myles' face.

'You don't trust this business, right? I used the cash I made last month to buy a house in LA, and I also have a house in Vegas; all thanks to this business. My fleets of cars are attributed to this business as well.'

'What?' Mr. Myles was dump founded by his friend's achievements due to this business. He feels a chill passing through his spine. 'When do we start?' Mr. Myles asks hurriedly.

'My friend, calm down. All things will be done in due time: Anytime a trafficker is leaving the country, I'll let you know.'

After the conversation, Mr. Myles leaves for his house. When he reached the front door, he could hear some weird noises inside: thumping of boxes, and rattling of papers. He opens the door; he walks to the direction of the sound – His room. Oliver was searching through his things, when he came in.

'Oliver! What are you doing with my stuff?!'

Oliver couldn't talk. He was holding a picture of his mom, and when Mr. Myles saw it, it opened old wounds.

'Oliver, where did you get this from?' Mr. Myles asks with a broken spirit, as he sits on his bed.

'I found it in an old box, I saw in my wardrobe.' Oliver replies.

'I see; you want to know more about your mum, don't you?' Mr. Myles asks.

Oliver nods, sitting down beside his dad. Mr. Myles wipes off the tears from his cheeks.

'I loved a woman. She was very beautiful. She had a good heart, so I thought. She was the only one my heart beats for. I knew she was the one I wished to spend my life with.' He sobs a little.

'After sometime, we got married. I wanted a happy family; a peaceful family.

After she gave birth to you, she was depressed. She suffered from what the doctors called postpartum depression. She lost her love for me. We always had arguments.

One day, I saw a letter on the desk. She said she has gone to start her life all over again. I looked for her for months. 4 months later, she got married to another man, and my life was shattered; I couldn't believe it. The only good thing that came out of our relationship was you. You became my life and everything.'

Tears streamed down Mr. Myles face as he spoke. His son, Oliver, felt every inch of the pain his father felt, even far more. But, he had to forget about his pain and comfort his father.

'Even if I didn't get the love of a mother, I got the love I needed – The true love.' Oliver holds his father's palm. 'Dad, I truly love you, and that's what matters.' Oliver embraces his dad with passion.