

Revenge, a destroyer of worlds! Born in a world engulfed by chaos. A world ruined by the insatiable nature of man. A world not even fit for wild beasts. Oliver, a teenager who made a promise to his unfulfilled father to become liberated from this lost world of crime: He's a charming young boy who must overcome his deep lust for money, and become a success or the opposite. Vanya's world is a literal inversion of Oliver's. She's basically born with s silver spoon. But even the best flower has its thorns – she too must overcome the emotional trauma she's made to face; the hurdles she must cross seems to increase daily. Both Vanya and Oliver cross paths, leading to an unbreakable bond; one that may last forever. Now, would the difference of their worlds affect their bond? Would the overcome the status quo? And would Oliver get over the thirst for revenge buried beyond his soul before it destroys the bond? Read on to get answers. Read to satisfy your curiosity. #Bullet, Roses and Quotes.#

Josh_Cyberson · Action
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48 Chs


Li Chang and Charles reached the hideout. They walk into the building.

'How was it?' One of the gangster asks. 'Where's Ruòxi and Wu?' another asks.

Li Chang was ashamed to say that Wu was the traitor, and he killed Háoyû instead, because of anger. He was bitter that he killed that boy; innocent and young. In what way am I better than The senator? – He asks himself.

'Ruòxi and Wu were unfortunately killed. I escaped with the help of Charles.' He lies.

'Oh no!!' They remark.

LI Chang was tired of trying so hard to hurt the senator, now he is wanted around the US.

'We are going back to Hong Kong. Charles will follow us back, he's the member of the Serpent brothers.' Li Chang states facing Charles. Charles raises his arm in opposition.

'I can't join you.' He says.

'You have to; if not, the senator will find you, and kill you. He knows everything about you from Wu.' Li Chang says.

'Damn it!!'

'Don't worry; you'll be safe with us.' Li Chang assures.

Scorpion X was in his hospital bed when two gangster enter his ward. His face was bandaged, because of the injury he incurred.

'Boss, it looks like we found the cause of your son's murder.' Says a guy with an undercut haircut, and some marks on his head, and a tattoo on his neck.

'Flare W and ZZ found a guy who is suspected to have told the police about Rodney. It looks like the guy works for the police, or he's the traitor in the 'hood. In any case, he's the guy who caused Rodney's death.' The second guy with a red hair and goatee beard, says.

'So that guy had the guts to tell the police about my son. I will personally visit him tonight. And it will be a horror visit,' he says. 'Get the weapons and the guys ready. I'll get to the root of this matter.'

'Boss, you're not in a good condition.'

'I will do it even if it's the last thing I do.'

'Bye boss. We'll get everything ready.'

Scorpion X reclines on his bed.

Oliver woke up from his sleep. Yesterday, his search for Charles was futile; he prayed today will be better. He took the phone as he stood up from his bed. He walks out of his room only to meet his dad's luggage already packed.

'Dad, what's wrong? Why are you all packed?' He asks.

'Oliver, we are leaving this neighborhood. We'll go somewhere safe – Canada. You would love it there.' Mr. Myles narrates.

Oliver was surprised about this. Why the sudden travel. He was astounded to see fear in his father's eyes.

'Dad, please… I don't want to go anywhere, now. All my life I have lived in the US. Dad why are we moving?' Oliver walks closer to his dad. 'What's wrong, Dad? Is everything fine?'

'Yes, everything is okay. I just wanted you to have a change of environment.' Mr. Myles says trying to hide the fear buried in his soul.

'Dad, please, excuse me. I'll be back. I'll come back before you know it.' Oliver says and walks towards the door, but Mr. Myles holds him back. With tears in his eyes and horror in his voice, he says, 'Oliver, promise me you'll never be like me; you will be a free man; free from the clutches of crime. Promise me that you'll be a success and not a failure like me.'

Oliver was shocked to hear all this. He couldn't fathom the reason why his father said all this. He looks at his dad with surprise.

'Dad, are you sure you're fine? What's the matter?' Oliver asks.

'Just promise me you would be a man of virtue, honor, and discipline. Just promise me this, and you can go to wherever you want to go.'

'Dad… What's… ' Oliver breathes in. 'Okay, I promise you that I'll make you proud. I'll be a success, and I'll put a smile on your face. Dad, I will make you the happiest dad.' Oliver hugs his dad. 'Dad, I can never disappoint you; not in a thousand years.' He smiles, and leaves to meet Charles.

Mr. Myles still kept packing his cloths and Oliver's into different suitcases. He felt so scared. His eyes were bloodshot, and his arm shivering.

It was not very long after Oliver left, and two cars arrive at Mr. Myles house. The atmosphere was choked up with the smell of smokes exuding from the cigarettes. A guy hops out from the roadster. He had tattoos all over his face and body, and a cornrow hairstyle. He smiles and walks to the second car, a hatchback. He taps the car door's glass, signaling that it should be lowered. As it was lowered, the dreadful face of Scorpion X was revealed. It was so scary, and it made the guy twitch a little.

'Boss, this is the house of the guy, Flare W and ZZ told us about.' He says.

'Get him tied up; I will have a brief discussion with him.' Scorpion X says.

'Okay, boss.' He turns to his roadster.

'pssst! Sting, we are going in.' He tells the second person in the roadster, who had dreadlocks, and his eyes and neck were tattooed with a scorpions image.

'Okay.' They both walk towards the house. As soon as Mr. Myles saw them, his heart stopped pulsating for a moment. He felt faint, but he had to do something. His mind was in disarray; he couldn't think clearly. He didn't have any plan, he had to hide somewhere. He hid in a hidden enclosure, beside his closet.

Oliver looked everywhere he thought Charles would be in the old bridge, but he couldn't find him. He gives up the search, and decides to go to another place, then the phone he was holding rang. The contact name was 'Mr. Williams.' He couldn't pick this phone call, but he noticed something – he hadn't checked the phone contacts. It seemed like it was a lady's phone. After the call had ended, he browsed the phone contact. He was shocked to see 'My sweet girl, Vanya.' Was it a coincidence? He browses more and he saw 'Charlotte,' and 'Maryam'. Is this the owner of this phone the person he had in mind? His eyes were wide with amazement, and his heart throbbed faster. He needed Charles to answer his questions that lingered in his mind. Why was Charles with the phone? Li Chang, Charles, are they in this together? He decides to check the basketball court.

The doorknob rolled as the door creaks open. The first guy walks into the room. He was welcomed by the pleasant scent of roses that lurked around the atmosphere. He looks around and sees the suitcases, all packed up. He could hear the drops of water, pattering in the kitchen. The place felt warm as he walked inside. The second guy follows the first closely. They pull out their guns, and aims it directly at the front as they walked deeper into the house, not having a definite aim.

'It looks like this guy was set to run. It's good that we came on time.' The guy with the braided hair speaks.

'Poison, we need to get him, wherever his hiding.'

Mr. Myles prayed hard. He was fidgeting really badly, sweat dripping off his face. He could hear the chit-chat of the guys. He would have called the police. Of course, he'll be rescued if he did, but his phone was not with him, it was just sitting on top of the table in the sitting room. More sweat droplets dropped from his face.

Poison, the guy with the braided hair, walks into the kitchen, looking around for Mr. Myles. He looks around at the corners, even in the fridge; but Mr. Myles was not there.

Sting, the guy with the tattooed eye, walks into Oliver's room. What a room! Sting thought. The place was in disarray, as if there was a tornado in the room. Oliver's jeans were everywhere. His books were all scattered on his study desk. His backpacks were on the bed, and wide open. His closets was also open. Sting stumbles as he hits his leg on a box.

'Damn it! What a chaotic place.' Sting walks out of the room angrily.

Poison's new destination, was now Mr. Myles' room. He enters the room, still aiming the gun at his front, as he walked.

Mr. Myles was scared to death when he heard footsteps approaching his room. He seized his breath as if that will help make him invisible. The door creaks open, and the smokes from Poison's cigarette made it's way into the room, making Mr. Myles very sneezy, but he had to fight the urge to sneeze. After a minute, Poison walks past him without noticing him. Sooner or later, this guy will find me, Mr. Myles says to himself, so he sneaks out of the enclosure, and walks to the door, tip-toeing, but the wooden floor creaks.

'Stop right there!' Poison orders, and walks towards him. His heart sank into his stomach. He dies numerous times in his mind.

'Put your hands where I can see them!' Poison yells, moving closer with a fixed aim. He was now very close to Mr. Myles. With a swift move, Mr. Myles turns with his elbow, and hits the gun down, and it enters under the bed. Now, it was a hand combat. Mr. Myles clenches his hand into a fist, and Poison does the same.

Poison looked far tougher than Mr. Myles. He was muscular plus he was on drugs, which enhanced his strength. Mr. Myles could hear little voices telling him to run for his life, but he doesn't budge. Mr. Myles throws the first blow, but Poison dodges, and he locks Mr. Myles' arm in between his flexed elbow and pushes him down. But Myles had something under his sleeves. He uses his leg, the iron replacement of his amputated leg, to hit Poison in his groins, and Poison didn't feel the same again. He fell on the floor and passed out, giving Mr. Myles enough chance to run out of the room. But as Mr. Myles ran out of the room, he hears a loud gunshot – Sting was right behind him, he shot at him to warn him not to make another move.

'Put your hands behind your head!' He shouts. 'If you make another move, I'll shoot you.' He turns to the room, and calls to his injured buddy, 'Poison! Poison!' He couldn't hear any reply.

'What did you do to him, you sucker!' Sting yells. To act safe, He calls Scorpion X, immediately.

'Please, Boss, I need backup; this guy has proved to be more than we bargained for – Poison is down.' Sting reports.

'I will send more backup, don't worry.' Scorpion X says.

Oliver reached the basketball court. It was Charles' dream to become a basketballer, and he was pretty good at the game. Charles would come to basketball court most times, sometimes to play basketball, other times to sell drugs.

Oliver searched every corner of the court, but Charles was not in the court.

He sat down on a bench in the court. His mind was restless. He wished he had seen Charles. Then the phone rings again. The contact name 'son' came up. Is the phone's owner really the person he had in mind? He knew that Vanya never mentioned having a brother. Out of curiosity Oliver picks the call.

'Hello, mom. Thank God, you picked the call. I've been calling for 5 days non-stop, but you didn't pick my calls… Mom are you there?' He says with a British accent.

Oliver clears his throat, and says, 'Yes.' Maxwell didn't notice it wasn't Mrs. Theodore, so he goes on.

'Mom, I've returned to the US two weeks ago. I saw Senator Theodore at the wedding I was invited to. I never expected him to harm others, but he was there, about to rip off a guy's eye. Mom, I can't take off that image from my head. Please Mom, take good care of yourself, and Vanya. Senator Theodore isn't who we think he is. Mom, I will call you again. Bye, see you soon.' He disconnects the call.

Oliver wanted to ask questions, but he couldn't. Since he didn't see Charles, he decides to go back home.

Li Chang and his gang, with Charles, walk to the ship port. The ship was ready to move. Charles was about to get into the cargo ship, but he suddenly steps down.

'Please, Li, let me see my best friend for the last time. I promise you, it will be quick. I'll need just a few hours and I'll be back.' Charles requests.

Li Chang pauses for a moment. He looks at Charles.

'No problem; just be on time. Two of my brothers will escort you.' Li Chang pauses says, and walks into the ship.

Charles could imagine the loneliness he would feel not seeing Oliver again. Oliver was his one true friend. He could remember all the time they spent as children. The time Oliver spoke up for him, despite being younger. When he was regarded a riff-raff, Oliver was there as his only friend; a support in times of need. Oliver would go against his father on most occasions to bring Charles and his sister something to eat. When Charles grew older, he joined the street life. But he could never forget Oliver; not in a hundred years. Their friendship is one of great commitment and sacrifice. Charles would never have left without seeing Oliver, at least, once more. A brother is always a brother, he would say. Charles smiles as he thought of all the fun he had with Oliver.

Mr. Myles was tied to the chair by the two men: Wu and Sting. Wu was critically injured in his left eye. He wore an eye patch to hide the scars. The place felt awkwardly silent. The smell of smokes and strawberries combined, was lurking around the atmosphere. Scorpion X was smoking a shisha stick. He smiles as he sat on a chair, oppositely facing Mr. Myles.

'Hello.' Scorpion X smirks. He holds up a pistol. He ticks on the trigger guard with his fingers.

'I've a simple question for you; so simple, it won't waste the little time you've left.' Scorpion X says.

Mr. Myles gave up of ever surviving this. He knew Scorpion X gruesomely murdered many victims – Innocent, or guilty as charged. Scorpion X unsheathes a dagger from his thigh.

'Choose to die either by a dagger, or by a gun.' Scorpion X smiles. 'I was joking.'

Scorpion X stands from his chair, and walks in a circle, round Mr. Myles. Suddenly, he crouches and faces Mr. Myles.

'Do you know Rodney? Most people do.' Scorpion X states. 'I said, do you know Rodney?!' He yells.

'Yes, I know him.' Mr. Myles replies.

Scorpion X gives off a mischievous smile. He pulls up the dagger.

'Rodney is dead. He died because of your inability to keep your mouth shut. You gave the police information about him, or do you work for the cops?'

Mr. Myles was still mute, all tied up. He didn't regret informing the police about Rodney; not at all. He knew this may be his last day on earth. He was not scared to die, but he was scared to die as a 'nobody.'

Suddenly, Scorpion X uses the gun's stock (the handle) to hit Mr. Myles on the head.

'I don't… regret ever… upholding justice. Rodney is a monster; he's not fit to live.' Mr. Myles says.

Scorpion X was now infuriated by these words. He punches Mr. Myles several times. He wears a brass knuckles, just to make the punch more effective.

'You're brave, ay? I'm Scorpion X. No one messes with me.' Scorpion X smirks. He throws several more blows to Mr. Myles. Now, Mr. Myles is bleeding profusely. He could taste his blood, as it flowed down from his broken lips. He could smell the smokes from the cigarettes of Wu and Sting, as they smiled. He could feel the punch breaking more bones in his face. He was giving up fast. He was heartbroken that he didn't give Oliver the best life which he always wanted.

Oliver was almost to his house, when he saw some cars packed on the lawn. He knew that his Dad had only one rich friend, which was Ryan. Ryan rarely visited, and each time he visited, he was quick to live.

Oliver walks closer to the cottage. He looks at the license plate of the hatchback; it was strange.

SCPX424X wasn't a regular license plate. He walks to the veranda, he climbs the steps.

Mr. Myles had already given up. His face was swollen, as well as his eyes and mouth.

'How dare you…!' Scorpion X says, out of breath. He breathes in and out. 'How dare you report my son to the police? This will serve as a lesson to those that dare think of messing with me.' Scorpion X points the gun to Mr. Myles.

Outside, Oliver heard noises coming from the house – Someone yelling. He was curious, so he peeps through the window. His jaw dropped as he saw his dad at gunpoint. His dad's face was disfigured; injured beyond recognition. His heart starts to pulsate faster. His hands were trembling; he was very confused. He saw Scorpion X standing right in front of his dad, with a gun to his head, and Wu, Sting, and Poison were standing beside him.

Mr. Myles had a vogue vision, but he could still recognize his son's face. He saw Oliver peeping from the window. Oliver had tears dripping from his eyes. Mr. Myles smiled at him, signifying goodbye. Then, Scorpion X thought Mr. Myles was mocking him, he glares angrily at Mr. Myles and pulls the trigger. The bullet made it's way through the air, and pierces into Mr. Myles' chest, blood splattering all over. Mr. Myles gasps for air. Tears streamed down his face. He was trying to overcome the pain, but he couldn't. He takes his last breath and he was dead.

Oliver gives off a loud scream, someone suddenly closes his mouth. It was Charles.

'Come with me, if you want to stay alive.' Charles whispers. 'If they see you, they will kill you, too.'

Scorpion X and his gang were alerted because of the scream they heard. They released fire at the door, but Charles ran as fast as he could with Oliver. They both enter a car and the car zooms off.

Oliver was traumatized. His eyes were twitching, and he was still in a perplexed state. Sorrows filled his soul. He couldn't yet believe that his dad had been killed. He wanted to shout as loud as he could, but he had no strength left in him: He could feel the pain tearing deep into his soul; eating him up from inside.

'Dad!!' He yells. 'Dad!!' He yells again, and cries intensely. Charles tried to comfort him, but he felt Oliver's pain.

'It's Senator Theodore's men; Scorpion X and the others. Why did they kill your peace loving father? But you've to get hold of yourself. You have to stay alive.' Charles tells Oliver, embracing him. Oliver couldn't stop wailing in pains. His loving father, a man who stood for him in times of trouble, a man who would happily sacrifice his happiness for his son, was dead. Mr. Myles was a man who stood in the gap of both parents. Oliver couldn't stop crying, after seeing his father killed like a common criminal. His hate for Senator Theodore, Scorpion X, and the rest of the gang, grew to it's climax. But at this moment, he had to find away to find a way to get rid of the pain.

Vanya was still thinking of what Angela told her. In her mind, she knew it may be true, however Angela isn't her mom. She was just a surrogate mother, and she got paid for what she did. Vanya really appreciated the fact that she came to this world through her, but Angela had no right to claim her as her child. She loved her mom, Kate Theodore, so much, even if she was adopted, she wouldn't give up her mother for anything in the world. She felt that Kate Theodore loved her the same way. Some relationships surpass the laws of nature.

Suddenly she spots the necklace Oliver gave her. She stands from her bed, and takes the necklace. She smiles as it glitters in the sun. She puts the necklace round her neck. She missed all her friends. She picks up her cellphone from the cupboard. She saw numerous notifications pop up, due to the fact she hasn't used the phone for a long time. A news notification pops up. The headline said:

'Asantel Dion, the famous actress and model, has decided to fix her past, by accepting her abandoned son.'

Vanya was so happy for Oliver. She couldn't help, but smile.

'So Oliver would have a complete family, now', she thought. Messages from Charlotte and Maryam, and some of her classmates filled her phone. Most of the text Messages were inquiry, asking her why she wasn't in school.

She wanted to go back to CGDA, but her dad was making arrangements to home school her, and she hated the idea. She walks outside to the garden to see the beauty of nature. The birds were chirping happily up above in the trees. She could feel the sun shining brightly on her.

The senator drives into his home. He was very annoyed that Li Chang had not been found. He imprisoned Li Chang once, but this time he sought to kill him. He enters into the mansion. Vanya noticed her dad's angry countenance. She walks to him, as he sat on the couch, in the living room.

'Dad, you look restless; what's the problem?' She asks compassionately.

'It's nothing, my dear.' He gestures that she should sit beside him, and she does. 'All I do is just for you. Just to give you a great future, and a comfortable life. I don't want you to suffer the cruel fate I had to face as a child. My parents were so poor, we didn't have a proper home. After so many years, my father got a campervan, and we lived there. I went to school, and was mucked by my peers. My Dad worked as a laborer. Those were tough times. I fought poverty with all my might, and I did things which I shouldn't have done. I vowed never to return to where I came from.' Senator Theodore hugs his daughter passionately.

Oliver and Charles reached the ship port. Oliver heard voices telling him he wasn't meant to be happy – he harsh words. He remembered when his dad would hold him compassionately, and tell him he was going to be famous someday, and he'll be proud to be Oliver's father.

His dad opened the door for him. He was so happy that his dad was still alive. He runs and hugs his dad passionately.

'Dad, I thought those nitwit killed you. Dad, I will never do anything that will harm you in my life. I will make you proud.'

'You will always be my brightest star.' Mr. Myles says.

Oliver was snapped back to reality, as Charles taps him on his leg.

'Oliver, we are leaving for Hong Kong, now.' Charles tells him. Charles walks out of the car to Li Chang.

'Please, Li, I beg you, let my friend come with us; his dad was killed by Senator Theodore's men.'

Li Chang wanted to oppose, but he considered Oliver's situation.

'We've to leave fast. Come on in.' Li Chang says. Charles leads Oliver into the cargo ship. The ship left the port and Hong Kong was its next stop.

#Title : I can't say goodbye.#

#When I was lost, you found me.#

#When I was broken, you mended me.#

#When I was hurt, you healed me from the pain.#

#But now I bleed from inside, and you're no where near me.#

#I can't say Goodbye#

#Not without a fight.#

#in your love and compassion, my life lies.#

#I can't imagine not having you in sight.#

#I can't just say goodbye.#

#I will see you again, beyond the glorious light.#

#I feel you're near.#

#Your presence, so ever dear.#

#My one true family,#

#My ever loving dad.#