
The pact

" ding " the alarm goes and its time for school, i readied myself and sloped down to have some maple syrup and pancakes.

As soon as i was done derrick picked me up and we headed for school . i was scared because i had to deliver a message to shona. The car was mostly quiet because i was caught up in vacillating thoughts of how i was to execute such a suicidal plan.

As we arrived galaxy international institution i hopped out and derrick packed the car, he winked at me and we quickly rushed to class.

i found shona arranging her table and i gave her the note with out even saying hi or how are you doing.

" what the hell is this ", she said with a confessed look.

" please read it ", i replied.

But before i could finish the tutor got in which meant it was time to act like i love learning.

i loved to tell her that it was from my friend derrick but everytime i tried calling her the teacher looked behind and i think he was really getting mad so, he sent me out of class.

Finally class was done and it was recess. derrick walked up to me and said

" Did you give it to her "

"ya", i replied

we fancied a game of footy and we played for hours till it was time to go home. i went back to class to get my bag and i found shona arranging her bag pack, i quiverd and tried to hide but she had already seen me.

" hi dominic, i read the letter and u should have just told me", said shona.

" no it wasnt fro..."

"hey bro are u coming!", derrick shouted impatiently.

i picked my bsg pack and quicly ran to the car

" so did she get it ", said derrick .

"yes she did" i replied

"bro i knew i could count on you ", stated derrick as if proud of me.

As derrick was still blabbering about how good a friend i am, i saw a message pop up on my phone screen. i ignored it and quickly attended to the wannabe at the steering wheel