
Broken Mirror: Reincarnated as a Mirror

Tom wakes up in an unknown place, feeling like a piece of himself is missing but no matter how hard he tries but nothing fits in place. He looks around and is surprise what he finds out. This is my first novel, so give all the things that can help me also I don't own the picture it goes to the owner I would want to get my own but I am bad at drawing but the title and writing itself I own.

hat_coll · Fantasy
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18 Chs

7. Living with a fairy (Vision O)

Fairy-Here it is.

Summer-What this place and why does it have a sinister feeling to it.

She asks, a little worried.

Fairy-Oh that only to keep the monster away.

Summer-So it is safe, there food and water in there.

Fairy-Yes, just follow me.

The fairy says in a sweet voice.

Summer follows the fairy into the cave.

Fairy-There should be fruits and a campfire at the end of the tunnel.

Summer-'Should? Well, probably nothing.'

The fairy and human walk for a while, up ahead they see a fire ablaze with fruits on a giant leaf.

Summer-Can I eat these?

Fairy-Yes they are safe for humans to eat.

Summer-What your name?

Fairy-My name daisy. (name?)

Summer-That a nice name, also is their water around here I am thirsty.

Daisy-Yes it right over there.

Point at a lake on her left.

Summer-Oh did not see it there.

Daisy-Well it is a little lake, but that all there is around here.

Summer-Can I eat these fruits?

Daisy-Yes you can.

*Much* *Much* *Much*

Daisy-Mouth close why you are eating, please.

Summer-Sorry I never had this much food in my life.

Summer says crying.

Daisy-You can stay here as long as you like.

Summer-Thank you.

Summer-Ouch that hurts.

Daisy-What happen?

Summer-There a spike in the fruit.

Daisy-I just got those so I had no time to take the spikes out.

Daisy-Here let me wipe it off.

She brings out a little cloth from her dress and wipes off the blood before putting it back.

Summer-Thank you.


𝟐 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

Daisy-You got the rabbit yet?

A yell comes out of the cave.

Summer-Yes I just pick it up.

Summer yells walking out of the woods with a decent tunic and wearing a leather chest plate over it.

Summer-Hey where did you find these clothes and leather chest plate?

Daisy-Oh I found them by some bones in the woods.


Moving the cloth that blocks the cave entrance. You can see a hay bed with a little one next to it besides a campfire with a small pot over it.

Summer-Did you find that pot with the bones?

Daisy-Yep, I think it was a campsite or something.

Daisy says looking away from Summer.


Summer says with a smile on it.

Summer-Is the stew ready.

Daisy-Yep with the fruits I got and the rabbit you got it should taste good.

Summer-I bet it taste good.

Grabbing a bowl and pulling some rabbit and fruit stew in it.


Daisy-What happen?

Summer-There a spike in mine.

Daisy-What, how can that happen I check all the fruit before putting them in it.

Summer-It probably was inside the fruit and you did not see it.


Giving Summer the same little cloth that she wipes off the blood before.

Summer-Well it getting late so I going to bed.

Daisy-Ok good night.


𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰

Tom-'Follow the fairy cause it a fairytale, hehe I need someone to talk to.'

Summer-What this place and why it has a sinister feeling to it.

Tom-'Well maybe she will eat you.'

She asks, a little worried.

Fairy-Oh that only to keep the monsters away.

Tom-'But she has not encountered a monster so far.'

Summer-So it safe, there food and water in there.

Fairy-Yes just follow me.

The fairy says in a sweet voice.

Tom-'Nope, nope don't follow a fairy with a sweet voice it like following a woman than finding out she going to kill you.' (Not saying they do that but some do so...)

Summer follows the fairy into the cave.

Fairy-There should be fruits and a campfire at the end of the tunnel.

Tom-'Why you saying should, that is suspicious.'

Summer-'Should? Well, probably nothing.'

The fairy and human walk for a while, up ahead they see a fire ablaze with fruits on a leaf.

Tom-'This is a long cave.'

Summer-Can I eat these?

Tom-'Yep just eat a stranger food.'(Don't kids, well why would kids read this, well this is 2021.)

Fairy-Yes they are safe for humans to eat.

Tom-'Why you say human and not elves?'

Summer-What your name?

Fairy-My name daisy. (name?)

Summer-That a nice name, also is their water around here I am thirsty.

Tom-'Also drink some cave water why don't you.'

Daisy-Yes it right over there.

Points at a lake on her left.

Summer-Oh did not see it there.

Daisy-Well it is a little lake, but that all there is around here.

Summer-Can I eat these fruits?

Daisy-Yes you can.

*Much* *Much* *Much*

Daisy-Mouth close why you are eating, please.

Tom-'I mean got to have table manners? Well, there is no table but still.'

Summer-Sorry I never had this much food in my life.

Tom-'I mean your brother and father did treat you like a slave.'

Summer says crying.

Daisy-You can stay here as long as you like.

Tom-'Ok, you being too nice to someone you just meet but whoever listens to the talking mirror.'

Summer-Thank you.

Summer-Ouch that hurt.

Daisy-What happen?

Summer-There a spike in the fruit.

Daisy-I just got those so I had no time to take the spikes out.

Tom-'Well it does not seem like you just got those.'

Daisy-Here let me wipe it off.

She brings out a little cloth from her dress and wipes off the blood before putting it back.

Tom-'Why you not going to wash that cloth?'

Summer-Thank you.


𝟐 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

Daisy-You got the fruits yet?

A yell comes out of the cave.

Summer-Yes I just pick them.

Summer yells walking out of the woods with a decent tunic and wearing a leather chest plate over it.

Summer-Hey where did you find these clothes and leather chest plate?

Tom-'Oh, oh I know she killed someone.'

Daisy-Oh I found them by some bones in the woods.

Summer-Oh.(OH, OH, OH, OH)

Moving the cloth that blocks the cave entrance. You can see a hay bed with a little one next to it next to a campfire with a small pot over it.

Tom-'Well if it was me, I would not want her to sleep next to me.'

Summer-Did you find that pot with the bones?

Tom-'Yep let her find a pot with bones and a chest plate so convenient.'

Daisy-Yep, I think it was a campsite or something.

Tom-'How do you not know.'

Daisy says looking away from Summer.

Tom-'Why you look away, huh?'


Summer says with a smile on it.

Summer-Is the stew ready.

Daisy-Yep with the fruits I got and the rabbit you got it should taste good.

Tom-'Good for you, you can kill a rabbit now, cause the first time you could not do it.'

Summer-I bet it taste good.

Summer grabs a bowl and pulling some rabbit and fruit stew in it.


Daisy-What happen?

Summer-There a spike in mine.

Tom-'Go figure another spike what that like the 4 time.'

Daisy-What, how can that happen I check all the fruit before putting them in it.

Tom-'Sure, sure.'

Summer-It probably was inside the fruit and you did not see it.


Giving Summer the same little cloth that she wipes off the blood before.

Tom-'I can understand if you don't have another cloth but there leaves around so use those.'

Summer-Well it getting late so I going to bed.

Daisy-Ok good night.


Daisy-This so tastes

Tom-'Oh what was that?'

Hope you enjoying the story and he is revealing himself next chapter.

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