
My so called new home

Hey! My name is Alianah Anderson, I work at this sloppy pizza shop and live at my best friend's house aka Claire, she's my life saver. I don't live at home with my mom since well yeah alcohol and my step dad abused me, i couldn't take it, so my friend Claire took me instead, i love her mom and her dad. Oh yeah my dad left my mom after she cheated on him with yeah the so called "daddy" as she calls my stepdad, he's name is Claus. I'm an only child so he took his time.

"Hey Alianah! Anyone in her head?" I saw Claire's hand in front of my face. I shook my head to come back to the real world. "Yeah Alianah is here!" She smiled and said "Good, now go and take that order". I walked over there and looked down at the screen, then looked up and said "Hi my name is Alianah how can i help you?" I was shocked to see a beautiful boy standing in front of me. "Well hi, uhm can I get a uhmmmm number 3 and 2 number 6th and a number 19?" His voice was so soft and I could listen to his voice all day "Yeah uhm, anything to drink?" (His Pov) She was so pretty that i almost couldn't talk, we had so much eye contact, but one thing my brother said to me "no dating girls outside the mafia" (Back to Alianahs pov) He was so lost "Uhm hello anything to drink?" Then a man barged in and was "Well yeah of course my brother cant talk as you can see, 2 sprites and 2 cokes all medium" He was so brutal, and i prolly knew that i just talked to a person that prolly could be in prison for life time if i called the police. "Uhm yes that will be 65 dollars and 59 cents" He paid and walked out

Claire looked over at me as she didn't know how to say "Ali what was that?" i was prolly as shocked as she was "I really don't know Claire". My shift ended after me and hers convo. I went straight home, but as I walked closer I heard two loud voices. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT DIEGO!?" "My name isnt Diego, and i don't know what your talking about" "YOU WERE GONNA ORDER PIZZA, NOT STAND AND LOOK AT HER, IDIOT" I was now very much shocked, it was them who was at the pizza store. I then heard a bang i stood behind the wall so hopefully they wouldn't see me. I was quiet and stood there and boom, they came and saw me.

"Oh hello woman" did the old brother say "Uhm hi" He looked at me like I was some kind of alien. "Can i help you?" I was so stupid why did i say that to a person who really just shot his brother right in front of me. "Uhm no you can't, and don't worry he aint gonna die, and you gonna go into that car!" I was shocked and said "Why?" He was "I don't think you want to die darlin, do you?" I then rushed into the car with no hesitation

I thought to myself that i prolly gave up my whole entire life, i just rushed into a car with a person who shot his brother like it was his biggest enemy. I never was this scared in my life, more scared then i was when my step dad abused me, I knew if i did one thing wrong i was prolly dead "May i ask wh-�� And my world got black

I woke up in a nice comfy bed, my head was dizzy like I was drunk last night. But I remembered everything from last night. I turned my head to my right while I was laying down and saw the boy. I pulled myself back as he got closer. "Well i didn't get to introduce myself yesterday, Im Matteo". I really can't tell how mad i was at him "Look i don't care what your name is or your story, i want to go back". He looked me dead in the eyes " You ain't going back home, this is your new home Alianah." I got so angry "Take it easy Ali you're not gonna die, i just saved your life" I was now more confused than i was before "How the hell did you just save me?" he smirked at me "How i just saved you, well that wasn't my brother who i shut" He made me more confused then i had ever been "What the hell do you mean?" "Well Ali, that was Tanner, he was a bastard who worked for us" I was still pretty confused "But what about the person who ordered pizza?" He still looked me dead in the eyes "Oh well that was Diego, that's my brother. We killed him as a run away because we got caught" I tilted my head "Who caught you?" He whispered "The klewants" I whispered back in confusion "The Klewants?" He nodded at me, and walked out while he said "now get some sleep".

I slept for about two hours. I couldn't sleep well, since I was scared I ended up in a mafia house. It felt weird, I then checked my phone to see if there was anything. I then felt forgotten not even Claire checked up on me, as she always does if she feels something is wrong. But why hasn't she called or texted me? Did this house take everything away from me? The only person who I saw checked up on me was Lucas. My ex, we are still friends since well yeah my mom and his mom are still friends, so we kinda couldn't go away from each other but i'm happy with that.

I heard two knocks on the door and a voice saying "Can i come in?" I really didn't want the person to come in, but I still said "Of course" the boy walked in, and now guess who it was, the boy who was really awkward, the boy who was gonna order pizza. "Oh hey Pizza boy" I thought to myself why the fuck did i say that, am i stupid or something like that? He then laughed at me "Hey Alianah, I was just checking up for safety" I got confused again "Safety?" He closed the door and said "No it was just so my brother knew i wasnt doing some stupid shit" He looked at me "So he has trust issues?" He said "Yes a lot of trust issues" I said "How has he so many trust issues?" "His life got fucked up after our mom died, he was a momma's boy she was the only one who understood him" I somehow felt sorry for Matteo "How come, how did she die" He said "I can't say that, you need to talk to Matteo for that" I was confused again "Why" He looked kinda annoyed at me "Your very curios huh?" "Well yeah I am indeed." He didn't answer why he's mom died. The only thing he said was "btw my name is Diego, and you can take a bath, and i will ask Nala if she can choose an outfit for you?" "Uhm why can't i myself?" He said "it's her clothing you're borrowing" "Oh ok." I said

When I was in the shower I felt relieved. I was alone without anyone checking up on me, it was so great that I could just be myself for once. I don't even know why I talked like I was their waiter or maid for some reason. If the real Alianah was here, she would have talked down to those boys without hesitation. It's also good to hear that i'm not the only girl here. If i was the only girl i wouldn't feel that this was my new home, it still doesn't but still a bit better with a girl on my side tho. I just don't hope she's a bitch and we can't get along.

When I got out of the shower I took the towels around my body and my hair, and walked out. Diego came over to me. We walked to my room again, pretty awkward, he looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't, he closed the door and walked out without looking. While taking on close the only thing i thought about was that these boys didn't disrespect girls, you kinda felt safe with them for some crazy reason. When I had my clothing on I took my phone and remembered the message that Lucas sent me. The message said "Hi Ali. I really hope you see this message. Claire can't get over that you're maybe dead or kidnapped, that's why she hasn't called or anything. She's scared and is worrying about you. Hope you come home soon that would be nice. Dear your friend Lucas" I looked up from my phone and began to cry knowing i would prolly never get home. I don't even know if i can reply.

As I walked down the hallway to try and guess where I was, it felt pretty normal or like home. I have no idea why? I then heard everybody and walked over to them. "OMG, this is the girl you have been hiding from me!?" "Uhm i'm guessing you're Nala? She laughed and looked at me and said "Yes indeed I am the so-called Nala. I already know you are a fun girl to be around when i look at you" The boys stared at me and Nala. "Well the girl who hasn't said her name yet, can you please?" I looked at Nala with her big smile on her lips, waiting for my name "Well uhm my name is Alianah" She stood with her mouth opened "Holy shit, that's an amazing name!" "Uhm thank you. You guys can just call me Ali" They all nodded. As an individual I just knew what kind of person they are. I first looked over at Matteo, the first sight I saw of him that he is hundred percent an Aries no matter what you will say. He looks like a total leader, he looks confident and optimistic. Diego I was more unsure about but I think he might be a Virgo. He looks loyal, kind and hardworking. I took a look over to Nala. I really don't know but I'm thinking she is a me aka Gemini, i think she's two faced without knowing and she's social and likes to communicate. But i really don't know. I looked over and saw a boy in the background, he looked so shy so i knew he was a water sign at first sight, maybe a cancer, i haven't talked to him, he seems so shy and emotional and loyal.

They all wanted to know me more, but before they could ask me any questions Nala already took me to her room, because she now has a girl in the house so now she wants to gossip. "Okay girl! So what kind of person are you?" She looked at me again waiting for my answer "Well when you get to know me im more confident, knows what i want, can be a bit manipulative, i can be two faced and people say i'm fun to be around" she sat with a big smile and said "are you a Gemini?" I said "I am indeed" she screamed so the whole house probably thought i just murdered her. "OMG we are the same sign" I looked at her with a smile "give me a knuckle to my twin" She gave me a knuckle and said "May my twin be for me here everyday?" I said "Hell yeah!" Me and Nala talked so much and she made this scary ass place feel like home, like actual home. I kinda forgot about the message Lucas sent me, until he sent another one saying: Look I know you are alive, since I saw that you saw the message I sent you earlier, I want you to answer me Ali. It's the least you could do. as i read the message i saw Nala peeking over my shoulder "Oooh so you have a boyfriend?" I sat there looking down at my phone "No, he's my ex" She was so curious about what happened on my screen "So he wants you back?" I looked up at her "No" She then smiled "Ok but don't get mad what i'm about to tell you, but since your single and what you told me. You and Matteo will fit perfectly together. I gave her a death look and said "Oh hell no, we aren't like each other" she looked and smirked "Who is the person who has known him since she was 3?" She then pointed at herself. I then just asked a new question, "So this guy wants to know where i am, but i don't think i can tell him. So what do i do?" She looked and said "Oh well make up a story but don't go too wild with the story. That would just be weird" I then wrote to Lucas: Hi Lucas. I'm sorry I haven't answered you this whole time, my aunt moved into the neighboring town yesterday and she said that I could live at hers, like a real family. I said to her "Sure" I forgot to say it to Claire, but told her that I'm fine and nothing is wrong. I made sure that it was a good excuse so I made sure that Nala saw it, she nodded and I then sent it. He saw it immediately and I saw the three dots pop ups, my anxiety went right up to the sky while he was typing. Then the message pops up. I could feel Nala's eyes in my neck, and looked at my phone. Lucas's message said Well isn't your auntie from Cali? And you haven't talked about it, are you sure you're okay? Nala's eyes just looked at me like she wanted to kill me with her eyes. I sent a message saying: Yeah she is, but she felt like she was long distance from the family and she knew what was happening at home. I didn't even know it. But i'm okay. I didn't hear from him the whole day after that message.

I said to Nala that I would just go into my room for a few seconds, to get something. she nodded and said "that's okay." I walked out of the room. In the hallway guess who I saw, probably the devil himself. He looked over at me, and walked towards me like there was something important to say. "Hey Ali. I'm happy you and Nala can be around eachother" I looked up, he was so fucking tall i couldn't almost see his eyes. I took some steps back. I could see he kinda laughed and I knew it was because I was tiny. "Yeah, I'm happy i have her. she makes me feel more welcome" He looked down at me and up and then down again. "So i have to tell you that my dad comes over tomorrow, and i better not see any attitude" I looked up and crossed my arms. "sure, sure." I then went into my room and thought to myself. What could be so wrong with his dad, that made him switch mood in 2.0 seconds? And how does he know I have an attitude? He hasn't seen it, but one day they probably will.