
Broken Jade (Chasing my husband)

Jade has always known she is very different from her parents and siblings, of course not because of her red eyes. Everything was going well until she finds herself with a 'little light bulb' who took her from her home to a strange space and tells her she has to to earn points from people and also do missions. She expected everything but falling in love with someone at first sight. Its hard for someone who doesn't believe in love. All she can do is to 'protect' him. Jade:Void get me a bracelet with a tracker,a pendant with a camera, and a stuffed doll puppet that can house a part or my soul and I can control at will. Void: what do you need them for?. Host I tell you its illegal to pry on someone's privacy. Jade:its not prying I just want to 'protect' him incase he encounters danger. After a period of time Void looks at his host who is being consumed with lust because the person who she gave the doll to is touching the doll.. It warned her that any sensation the doll feels she is going to feel like like a hundred times more but she didn't care ....well let her enjoy. At another place A man sits Infront of a laptop with a stuffed fox doll in his arms one of his hands caressing the doll while the other...... In the laptop is a live video about a girl who is currently crying trying to supress her desires, her red eyes appear even redder...

Angel_Ibhafidon_7995 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"Ajiu where have you been and whats with the doll? "Xu Jingze asked while stretching his hands toward the doll Ye jiushang was holding.

With a smack Xu Jingze hands turned red testifying that Ye jiushang didn't hold back "don't touch my baby " he warned.

Blowing his hands Xu Jingze looked at him incredulously and turned to his other friend Han shichen "do you think a girl gave Ajiu that doll? Could it be he has a girlfriend now??"

Han Shichen only smiled at his friend plight only a fool like him would want to touch a doll that Ye jiushang holds even a stranger can see that the doll is strange and as his friend he couldn't tell it was special he deserves the beating.shifting the topic "Ajiu are you busy today we have to go visit the site in country B they called saying something has happened and they need help. "

"What could possibly happen to them that they can't fix I think they just need a beating " Xu Jingze who no longer looked like a silly fool said while observing Ye jiushang.

"Ajiu you started wearing jewellery??????"and there goes his rare serious expression.

Han Shichen was quite suprised that Ye jiushang was really wearing jewellery who doesn't know that he doesn't wear any except from the black earrings on his ears.

Not responding to his friend question Ye jiushang "call Gu Jiarui to come with us to Country B I think we might need his expertise there. "

Walking away with his friends Ye jiushang could help touching the fox doll while thinking of the girl who gave it to him,he has been thinking of the same person for over a week now.

The first time he saw her was on a Saturday where she was on an outing to buy clothes and as for how he knew she was here to buy clothes its simple he followed her to 'protect' her incase she is in danger.

She looked so cute so he couldn't help taking pictures of her, when he got home that day he went to find information about her but looking at the pictures of her from when she was little felt different to him.

It doesn't give the same feeling he felt when he saw her or in the picture he took which was currently used as his desktop wallpaper since he couldn't make sense of it he just saved her information and later he found out she was going to attend the same school as him and she is also in his class.

Till now the only pictures he has of her are the ones he got when she was still living in The Yun family house and as for how he got those pictures he just wanted to make sure she was not being bullied by the Yun family so he placed some cameras in her room and as for the bathroom he did it because he didn't want to leave any stone unturned not that he was a pervert or anything.

Smiling and caressing the doll he wondered if he should place it in his secret room where his collections are or in his bedroom where he could see it every time.

Yun Yu couldn't tell how she currently feels with the constant shock going through her body she couldn't concentrate in what her friends were saying.

Void couldn't bear it anymore and cut of contact with her thinking that its a good thing that she would only react and feel it if the person touching the doll is Ye jiushang or else it would be disastrous.

When Yun Yu couldn't feel any sensation anymore she finally grasped what Mo Li was saying 'I heard the song siblings has resumed is that true yaoyao'

Lu Yao would was busy stuffing her mouth nodded her head and swallowed the food she was eating "Yeah they resumed today but because they didn't come on time they missed the morning classes and they are also in our class too."

'Song siblings' Yun Yu wondered why for some reason they sound familiar.

"They are the second ML and the Second FL who both had bad endings"Void who decided to come back online helped her "it was on the novel their names are song song and song donglin"


'you bitch are you blind can't you see'

The girls who were currently in the school canteen turned their necks toward the crowd who have already gathered to watch the show.

The girl who had her head down who also seemed to be crying while apologising"I'm sorry I didn't mean it someone pushed me from behind".

Yun Yu who was also looking towards the crowd frowned while thinking that the voice and scene is kinda familiar and giving her signs of déjà vu.

Lu Yao who has already stood up and gone there came back to the girls "its shen nian and song song. "

"You mean the song sister we just talked about ?" Mo Li was shocked by their fate .

Lu Yao who could not resist going back dragged Chen Jiao and Yun Yu while saying to Mo Li "let's go and look we have already eaten anyway lets watch the show we missed the one that happened in class before".

Song song whose clothes has been soiled by the dish Shen nian poured on her felt terrible.

They were new Chanel clothes, the tie was customised by Chanel, not to mention her shirt and skirt that were made to make it look like the school uniform was almost at the verge of tears she wore them and even did her make up just to look pretty for her brother Ran. "Is sorry going to fix my clothes? Do you know how expensive they are?? Even if you sell your self you won't be able to afford it, even if you work like a cow and horse all your life you won't be able to afford it".

Shen nian who is almost unable to control her expression is on the verge of eruption saw someone walking toward them " I'm really sorry*sob* I don't have enough money to compensate you it for for but if you want me to work for you I can but you can't look down on my pride or is it that you look down on the poor?.."

"Niannian why are you crying who bullied you" Tang Ran who just arrived at the scene and heard the last part asked.

"Nobody bullied me Brother Ran " Shen nian said while darting her eyes towards song song and quickly retrieving it as if she was afraid.

Looking at Song song

Tang Ran "song song its wrong to bully people because of their family background ".

Song song who was shocked by his arrival was in panic and couldn't even defend her self.

Turning his back to her and taking Shen nian away"I'm so disappointed in you song song".

Watching their back song song who could not still say anything ran away crying thinking of how her male god saw her in such a state and he is even disappointed in her.

The girls who has left after the play was over returned to class.