
Broken Jade (Chasing my husband)

Jade has always known she is very different from her parents and siblings, of course not because of her red eyes. Everything was going well until she finds herself with a 'little light bulb' who took her from her home to a strange space and tells her she has to to earn points from people and also do missions. She expected everything but falling in love with someone at first sight. Its hard for someone who doesn't believe in love. All she can do is to 'protect' him. Jade:Void get me a bracelet with a tracker,a pendant with a camera, and a stuffed doll puppet that can house a part or my soul and I can control at will. Void: what do you need them for?. Host I tell you its illegal to pry on someone's privacy. Jade:its not prying I just want to 'protect' him incase he encounters danger. After a period of time Void looks at his host who is being consumed with lust because the person who she gave the doll to is touching the doll.. It warned her that any sensation the doll feels she is going to feel like like a hundred times more but she didn't care ....well let her enjoy. At another place A man sits Infront of a laptop with a stuffed fox doll in his arms one of his hands caressing the doll while the other...... In the laptop is a live video about a girl who is currently crying trying to supress her desires, her red eyes appear even redder...

Angel_Ibhafidon_7995 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"Void roll out for me right now " with anger oozing from her voice Yun Yu shouted out loud not bothered if someone was around her.

Void:"I understand you anger but I did not expect something like that to happen okay ... I thought its just a normal world at first I didn't expect the FL to be reborn and the the transmigrator had arrived,you see its not my fault the plot I was given is what you had so if you want to blame someone blame the world consciousness."

"The world consciousness??? Haha are you kidding me if I hadn't noticed something wrong with my 'sweet' little sister I would still be in the dark "Yun Yu said while trying to curb her anger she isn't the type to show her anger but this time she couldn't help it anymore.

According to the plot the FL isn't supposed to be black so why is her sister black now even going to the extent of drugging someone if she wasn't on guard she would had suffered and they would say its her fault.

Thinking of what happened yesterday she really couldn't keep her anger in check.

Scared of interrupting Yun Yu thoughts but thinking of her anger when she finds out her self in the future its better telling her now "well Yun Yu you know that in most transmigration novels the transmigrator always has a golden finger or have a golden thigh to hug, this transmigrator has a golden finger....."

Yun Yu:"Golden finger?? What is it"

"Its what you call a system. I'm not sure what the system does but according to the old plot your sister was a star so the system should have something to so with the entertainment industry in the future because the system wants your sister luck so it has to go against her"said void while trying hard to figure which idiot created that Scummy system.

Yun Yu smiled "scummy system? I think you are the scum here."

"Hey I'm not a scum " void looked sad and agrieved its not its fault that it said she could do unscrupulous things to harvest Epoints. "wait hiw can you hear mu thoughts???"

"So what am I supposed to do now "Yun Yu said while not bothering to pay attention to what void said.

Void whose attention has been shifted "the system isn't really a bad thing you know if you can find a way to destroy and eat the system it will benefit both you and I. "

Agreeing to what void said Yun Yu makes her way to her dorm not noticing the falsh of silver that also walked away.

Next day.

The moment Yun Yu walked into the class she feels the weird atmosphere looking towards the center of the class attention is non other than the world's protagonist.

'I told you it wasn't me *sob*sob* you don't believe me I didn't push her down the stairs'the transmigrator Shen nian said while looking at the ML pitifully.

The ML looking tangled tried to comfort shen nian not noticing the disgust that flashed by in the girl he is comforting eyes.'I know it isn't your fault it's all Yub Yu fault'.

And with that the whole class turned their attention to her and murmured her evil and despicable she is for pushing her own blood sister down the stairs.

' *even of they are not related she isn't to push someone down*'

' *they are related haven't you heard that she is an illegitimate daughter*'

'*ahh no wonder she is probably jealous of the school beauty so she pushed her wanting to frame the second school beauty*' another student said not seeing the anger in the eyes of Shen nian because she was called the second beauty.

Standing like a fool Yun Yu was shocked who can tell her how she managed to push the FL and not knowing it or did she wake up in the wrong side of the bed today.

Far away and seemingly close to the bustle in the class sat three guys with the one at the edge having silver hairs and dark purple eyes.

"Ice king do you think Second miss Yun pushed her sister ?" the boy with brown hair and light brown eyes Xu Jingze asked the silver haired boy.

Thinking of what he saw and heard yesterday the ice king Ye jiushang said "she wasn't the one who pushed someone,she wasn't even there at all"

The guy with dark hair and dark eyes Han Shichen looked at him in suprise because he didn't expect him to answer the question since he usually doesn't care about anybody apart from those close to him.This is the first time he has an opinion on a living thing and to make matters worse its a female creature.

Before Yun Yu the 'female creature' can even say anything a crash came from the door and it was the FP who she allegedly had pushed down the stairs."who said my sister pushed me it stop lieing. "

The MP Tang Ran quickly let go of the girl in his arms"Xiaoli you shouldn't be here you should be resting".

With tears in her eyes Yun Xiaoli walks straight towards the MP"brother Ran it really wasn't my sister who pushed me I fell on my own it isn't my sister's fault. "

With disapproval in his voice Tang Ran"stop talking Xiaoli don't let villains use you, you are too good. "

"Brother Ran...… *sob*" hugging the MP while throwing a vicious glare towards the transmigrator covertly.

If Yun Yu wasn't paying attention to the FP she wouldn't have noticed it.

'*Sigh* so she really has matured to a big white lotus bitch and it even has the tendency to turn full black ' Yun Yu thought while watching the play Infront of her.

Tang Ran glared at Yun Yu while comforting the FP"Yun Yu I know you have feelings for me but I don't like you ao you shouldn't hurt my fiance just to make me notice you. "

"No matter what you do I wouldn't develop feelings for you so can you please disappear from our lives "he continued while feeling what he said what right and proper.

And with what he said the class went into an uproar

*So thats why she pushed her sister down the stairs*

*How bitchy so she wants her sister's lover *

*A home wreaker*

If Yun Yu was shocked at first now she is completely mad but the more angry she is the more calmer she is especially Infront of strangers.

With a laugh "I like you??????"

"How come I'm not aware "

"You don't have to pretend sister I saw you diary the day I went to your room to call you, you said you like him "Yin Xiaoli said while stifling her cry "sister if you like him so mich I don't mind breaking up with him so you could be together. "

Tang Ran quickly said "no Xiaoli don't sya that its you I like not your disgusting sister okay please dont leave me".

And the class went into another uproar once again...


Everyone looked towards the clap and it was from Yun Yu who looked like she was watching a show.

"I don't know why you read my journal but to be sincere I really don't like him he is not my type and I didn't push anyone down the stairs so stop saying its not my fault okay I wasn't even there." Yun Yu said while feeling funny.

"You don't have to deny I saw you that day .. I'm sorry brother Ran for not being able to stop her. " Shen nian not wanting to be forgotten reared her head out again .

Not surprised about what she said Yun Yu:"ohh you saw me right".

"Yeah I did" shen nian said not afraid of anything.

Smiling Yun Yu "okay then what was I wearing that day".

"A black shirt and black trousers " shen nian laughs in her heart who doesn't know that Yun Yu loves black.

"Wrong" a voice said.

Everyone looked towards the voice and the class became completely silent.

"She was wearing a white hoodie with a red tracksuit pant" Ye jiushang said not thinking if him talking was surprising and shocking.

And another uproar once again...

*Since ice king said she was wrong does that mean they were lying she didn't push her sister down*

*Ice king would never lie so they lied to us*

*Why is he speaking for her*

*Who knows maybe he couldn't stand the injustice*

Yun Yu was shocked that someone spoke for her and looking at the person she felt completely unwell.

She hasn't seen someone so handsome in all her life,she has always thought if she was allowed to make her own man he should have silver hair and purple eyes and now she is seeing the real deal in front of her and its even better than the one she fantasized about.....ahhhhhh her heart is going to burst out...

Feeling a strong and hot gaze on him Ye jiushang looked up from his phone and met Yun Yu overly passionate gaze,he smiled to her as a greeting.

An another uproar (hahahahahha)

*Ahh ice king just smiled*

*I feel like I'm going to get pregnant*

And with that the teacher walked into the class dispersing everyone to their seats.