
Broken Jade (Chasing my husband)

Jade has always known she is very different from her parents and siblings, of course not because of her red eyes. Everything was going well until she finds herself with a 'little light bulb' who took her from her home to a strange space and tells her she has to to earn points from people and also do missions. She expected everything but falling in love with someone at first sight. Its hard for someone who doesn't believe in love. All she can do is to 'protect' him. Jade:Void get me a bracelet with a tracker,a pendant with a camera, and a stuffed doll puppet that can house a part or my soul and I can control at will. Void: what do you need them for?. Host I tell you its illegal to pry on someone's privacy. Jade:its not prying I just want to 'protect' him incase he encounters danger. After a period of time Void looks at his host who is being consumed with lust because the person who she gave the doll to is touching the doll.. It warned her that any sensation the doll feels she is going to feel like like a hundred times more but she didn't care ....well let her enjoy. At another place A man sits Infront of a laptop with a stuffed fox doll in his arms one of his hands caressing the doll while the other...... In the laptop is a live video about a girl who is currently crying trying to supress her desires, her red eyes appear even redder...

Angel_Ibhafidon_7995 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


In a room lay a girl on a bed who looked like the fairytale sleeping beauty waiting for her prince to come and wake her up with a kiss but its a pity that the prince would not find a chance or opportunity to wake the princess up because she woke up her self.

The first thing Jade saw when she woke up was a white Celling and chandelier that looked like those in rich houses found on social media where people usually post and brag about their riches.

Sitting up and looking around the room she is very satisfied it seems like she wore a little rich miss, so no suffering or poverty because she isn't like those in novels who have the ability to play stocks or do business,she is an average teenager who depends on her family for survival.

"Little light bulb" Jade calls out.

"I said my name is Void not light bulb besides I'm not a bulb look closely..." Said the exasperated Void.

Looking closely at the thing in her mind Jade finds out that void isn't really a bulb but a round ball probably because of the environment at that time she thought it was a bulb."ok my bad .. little ball can you tell me where I am and what is going on?".

"This is your first plane your identity right now is the illegitimate daughter of the Yun family, your name is Yun yu,you could be said to be unliked in your family due to your status as an illegitimate daughter,the Yun family is among the four most powerful families in Country A and so they need to keep their reputation clean, fifteen years ago an unknown woman appeared at the door of the Yun family saying you were the child of the Yun Second master whose wife was currently pregnant the old man of the Yun family didn't want to leave his blood outside after confirming that you were really a child of the Yun using the DNA test so he took you in but because of your presence the Yun Second mistress who was pregnant had an early childbirth amd since ever then the child was born weak and needed constant protection.The child born then is the sixth miss of the family and also this plane protagonist,you know the normal story line of a weak little flower who needs protection and love from everyone going to high school meeting a rich and arrogant school bully who is very smart but likes taking last place for fun,well that's the male protagonist,as for you,you are the Fifth miss who is just a passerby who turned black because you also fell for the charismatic MP but he does not like you but your 'weak' younger sister,and you who could not get the love of your sweetheart decided to destroy your 'weak' younger sister but the protagonist Halo protects them and you get KO'ed like a proper villian"Void patiently explains.

"So my mission is to ...???" Jade asked not understanding how she became a villain who sacrificed for love.

"Gain Experience points"said Void.

"Experience point???" Jade asked.

"Yes Experience point,when you do something they have an effect on people so we can harvest those emotions, for example if you decide to be a villainous lady and do bad things you get evil points depending on the degree of the emotions of the people even if you unalive another person you can also earn points... not saying you should turn into a killing monster though"said void.

Void quickly said the last part because it was afraid of scaring its host,it was not easy finding a host and it did not want it to think it was evil.

"So you are a system without morals or boundary right " Jade said.

Although in her original world killing was not legal and of course she did not dare to kill not to mention her religion as a Christian but here in this world she isn't bound to any other faith and could do what she wants not thinking if it was bad or good as long as she is happy.

If void could hear her thoughts then maybe it would not think it was going to scare her.

Replying to her question Void said"Its not that I don't have morals but its just the life I lived before,anyway if you collect enough points you can get cool stuffs in a shop called 'The Universal Mart' it has everything ranging form food to toys to books and even weapons and medicine are included too,it was created by the god of science with the help of the god of Creation,it is accessible to everyone all over the three thousand small world and hundred big worlds, if you find something worth selling during the mission you can place it in the shop and sell it."

"How wonderful.."She said thinking of earning alot of points so she can turn it to her personal shopper.

"We are currently at the point where both you and the FP are about to enter high school so you better start getting ready to meet the body's family downstairs " Void advised.

Getting up from the bed amd looking straight at the mirror in front of the dressing table and she couldn't help but be stunned by what she saw, although she wasn't Asian in her original world but she has a liking for them and seeing how she is currently Chinese she didn't expect her body to look so beautiful, with dark red eyes looking at the mirror she stretched her hands toward her face running it through her whole body and finally resting on hips.If someone was to ask her about what she was most satisfied with it would be her hips because in her Original world she didn't have hips but she had both the front and back packages but the sides...there was nothing to say about it was so flat that she almost had a falling out with her friend at a point because they mocked her hiplessness but now hahaha she can finally walk sideways in the future, looking at the rest of her body she was very satisfied.

"Is the original owner a mixed breed or is it my soul that changed the body?"She couldn't help asking because the body has her red eyes and her curly hair that most Asians don't have.

"The original owner is not a mixed child but she was born with red eyes and curly hair just like you, I picked her mainly because of this and it is also to make it more comfortable for you in the future because it looked like your original body" Void said.

"Thank you so much and can you make sure in the future planes I also have hips because I don't think I can go back to having no hips."Jade hurriedly said.

Jade walks straight to the bathroom while familiarising her self with the memory she got from the body,from now on she isn't the Jade of the Stephens family but the Jade of the Yun family and the Fifth miss.

"Ohh before I forget I really don't know how to act like a rich missy so I hope you don't mind me acting out of character.....also can I talk about the truth that I'm not the original owner or the world consciousness will attack me"

"You don't have to worry much as long as you don't unalive the protagonist you are free to do as you want but its advisable to keep the fact you are not the original owner a secret for fear of people treating you like a lonely ghost or monster. "Void said.