

7aesthetic · Others
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Jimin's POV

I crawled into bed, ready to fall asleep. Jeongguk shut off the lights and returned to his bed. This is my first night sleeping in this bed. I hope I'm able to avoid my usual night terrors, now that I'm in a new location. I didn't wake up in a panic yesterday when I slept outside, so hopefully things continue to go that way.

I slowly drifted off to sleep with varying thoughts running through my mind. Things seemed to be getting better for me now that I'm away from home, if I can even call it that. I haven't felt the need to cut yet either so that's a plus.

Just when I thought things would go well I woke up screaming into the night, covered in sweat with my hands trembling uncontrollably. I don't even remember having any nightmares so it was unexpected. Jeongguk woke up to the startling sound.

"Is something wrong?" He mumbled in a sleepy voice. I tried speaking, but nothing would come out. I was still too shaken to respond. Jeongguk sat there watching me until I had control of myself. I shifted myself to the edge of my bed, mimicking Jeongguk's position.

"Sorry... I... I didn't mean to wake you." I apologize, looking down to my feet.

"What happened, are you alright?" He questioned, still sounding a little tired. I've been very closed with from him, not wanting to mention from my past. He's been nothing but kind to me, so I could at least answer his questions honestly.

"I'm fine... Its just, I often get night terrors." I admit with my sight still set on my feet. "I should have told you before hand... sorry."

"...Do you have any way to deal with them, or do you just accept them?" He asked with a fist under his chin.

"I usually just let them happen..." I speak quietly, almost whispering. "When I was younger my mom used to stay with me until I fell asleep. Every time I would sleep like a log. I guess having someone I can trust near me puts my mind at ease... I don't really know." I explain. I remembered that I always enjoyed being around people. I'd feel lonely and uneasy otherwise.

We sat in silence awhile before either of us spoke. "I have a suggestion. Its a long shot... but it might work." He announces. I prop my head up to him and wait for him to speak further. "Why don't you sleep next to me." He says patting the bed beside him. I couldn't tell if he was teasing me or if he actually meant it.

"A-are you sure?" I ask cautiously, checking his facial expression. He seemed serious enough.

"I mean, only if you want to." He shrugs before getting back in bed. I would've decided against it if it was anyone besides him. He's kind and thoughtful, totally different than how I see him at school. That had me a little worried though, why would he act this way towards me when he's usually the opposite to others. With that in mind I still decided to trust him. I stood from my bed, taking my pillow with me and hesitantly trotted over to his. I still felt shaky from earlier but managed to support myself.

"I-I'll try it." I speak in a hushed shy voice. He lifted his cover with one arm making an entrance for me. I crawled in beside him and relaxed into my pillow while curling up a little. I made sure to keep a body of space between us so that he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. I know it was hard for him to even suggest such an idea. I never imagined sleeping in bed with such a handsome guy. It didn't seem realistic, yet here I am. I was very uneasy at first but as time passed and our body heat mixed I began relaxing. Soon it was one of the best feeling in the world. I knew I would be okay sleeping this time. I was out like a light.

Sometime during the night when I didn't think I could be more comfortable I repositioned myself and found a spot even more serene.

Jeongguk's POV (Earlier)

I shut off the light and hopped into bed. I was lying woke for sometime before drifting off to sleep. About an hour in I woke to the sound of screaming. I was afraid something might have happened to Jimin.

I sit up on the edge of my bed and turn my sight to a terrified Jimin. "Is something wrong?" I managed to mumble out in a tired, sleepy voice.

"Sorry... I... I didn't mean to wake you." He apologized after a long pause.

"What happened, are you alright?" I ask, scanning him.

"I'm fine... Its just, I often get night terrors." He informed, sounding a little sad. "I should have told you before hand... sorry."

"...Do you have any way to deal with them, or do you just accept them?" I question placing holding my head up with a fist.

"I usually just let them happen..." He replied quietly. "When I was younger my mom used to stay with me until I fell asleep. Every time I would sleep like a log. I guess having someone I can trust near me puts my mind at ease... I don't really know." He explains. If that's true that could explain why it didn't happen yesterday. Though I don't know if he feels safe enough around me for that to be the case.

"I have a suggestion. Its a long shot... but it might work." I announces. He popped his gaze up to me, and for some reason, at that moment something in my stomach felt light. "Why don't you sleep next to me." I propose, patting the spot next to me. He looked very... unsure which meant he was probably uncomfortable with the idea.

"A-are you sure?" He ask, sounding very surprised.

"I mean, only if you want to." I shrug before getting back in bed. He stood from his bed and slowly trotted over to my bed. He still looked a little shaken from earlier

"I-I'll try it." He said, again in a quiet voice. I lifted the cover with one arm making an entrance for him. He crawled in next to me, curling up with his pillow. I figured he wasn't too keen on the idea. Some time passed and he seemed to have gotten comfortable. He was knocked out in a matter of minutes. I watched him awhile. He looked peaceful, just like he did when he fell asleep on that hill. I unwillingly fell asleep while watching Jimin. The heat generating from his small body felt really relaxing, so I guess it made it easier to fall asleep.

I was first to wake in the morning. I noticed that sometime during the night Jimin shifted closer to me. His back now pressed up against my body. I had one arm placed across his stomach and he had his hand on mine. It felt amazing having him this close. I don't know why, but it feels really good being around him. I found that odd since he's a guy, and I haven't ever had to question my sexuality. I know I'm attracted to girls, and the thought of being with one of my guy friends disgusts me. For some reason though, its different with Jimin. I feel something for him. I don't know what it is, but it isn't something I've felt before.

I wanted to stay in that position all day but he eventually woke up. He removed his hand from my arm to rub his eyes. When he realized how close we were he leapt off the bed. I caught him just before he fell to the floor. His reddened face now inches mine. I have to admit, he had the most adorable look on his face. I would've pinched his face, but I didn't want to make him anymore uncomfortable than he already was.

I pulled him up onto the center of the bed, safe from the edge. He froze.

"I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't mean to." He apologized looking down at his lap.

"It doesn't matter." I assured him. It seemed a little pressure had been released from his shoulders. He became less tense. "Hang on, I'll go get us something to eat." I say before heading off into the kitchen.