
Chapter Eleven

Gabby welcomed the demanding thrust of his tongue eagerly, she returned the hard, rough sucking.

She pulled back but Tan pulled her in, his lips covering hers again. His hand lowered to her neck as he necklaces it. She slightly leaned into his palms. His erection jerked behind his zipper.

Inhaling, he dipped his head, dragged his up the tendon that ran along the side of her neck.

"You are sure, you wouldn't regret this?". She shook her head. "Not doing this will leave me with regrets."

He crushed his mouth into hers in an insatiable onslaught. It felt aggressive. Deadly.

She opened for him without reluctance and he swimmer deeper,taking advantage of the opportunity. He tugged on her curls, hauling her head back. He left nothing untouched but he wasn't impressed, he wanted more.