
27 : Past { TW : Painful memories }

*** Five years ago… ***

Florence cashed up Haru's drink while taking note on his notebook.

" - Isn't it hard to do your homework here ?" Haru asked as he took his book from his bag.

Florence sighed.

" - I can't do it at home… "

" - I see…"

" - How is it for you ?" Florence asked genuinely interested.

" - Since it was confirmed I'm an omega, my dad looked at me as if I'm useless. " Haru explained sadly.

" - You didn't get your heat yet right ?"

Haru shook his head to answer.

" - Maybe the test was wrong again." Florence said.

" - I… just want things…to go back to the way it were before… I'm an omega but I'm still me… " Haru said in a broken voice.

" - You're older than me and yet you're crying so easily," Florence joked as he handed a tissu to his friend in tears.

Florence and Haru met years ago in kindergarten.

Since then they were friends though their family didn't like each other.

Haru came from a rich family and Florence was from the middle class, with a lovely mom but a drunk dad almost everyday.

His parents got divorce last year. His mother and him decided to move with his grandmother. And Florence started to take part-time job to help his mom. Unfortunately, at home there was his mean aunt and her disgusting husband.

Florence could see that the man was lusted after him though he was still a child.

So Florence would never sleep at home. He would always sleep in class and sometimes, his omega best-friend Lola would let him sleep in her room at the club where she worked. It was a high class Club, well known from the rich league.

Florence had met Lola while he was shopping. The girl seemed to be around Haru's age but she was much more mature in a way. Florence had helped her carrying her stuff to the club. There, he had met Gisele, the head of the club. The woman was really pretty and strict but even so, that day she had offered to let Florence sleep in the omegas quarter if he needed to.

So Florence accepted.

Florence had three part-time jobs. In a bakery in the Friday and Saturday morning, in a restaurant every Sunday and in this convenient store in the evening.

The convenience store was is favorite. It was located near an University and in front of a Police station. Florence's high school was pretty far but it wasn't a big deal for him.

He was in an high school which didn't care about his students. His school gave him a permission to miss classes. Florence was really smart and because he was an omega, his school was pretty much relieved that he didn't come often.

His classmate were cool though and his homeroom teacher was really kind to him. So missing wasn't a problem. He just had to keep up with the exams and his grade.

Florence discussed a bit with Haru before the latter had to go to his swimming class.

The convenience store was calm during the evening. It was most frequented by university student on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

" - Hello sweety!"

Florence cringed and furrowed his eyebrows when he heard this familiar voice.

He turned to face the counter and the alpha behind it.

The young man was smiling to his ears. His hazel irises were shining with playfulnesses. He had short brown hair with strand of blonde.

The man was tall and muscular. And he smelt so good that Florence hated him just for that.

" - A pack of cigarette," the alpha said with a smile.

Florence took the pack and cashed it up.

" - 10 bucks," Florence said with a cold tone.

" - I thought we were friends now ?"

" - We are not," Florence answered impatient.

The alpha laughed loud, earning weird looks from the two men in the sandwich's alley.

" - 10 bucks," Florence repeated.

" - Yeah yeah yeah !" The young man sang while putting a 20 dollars bill on the counter.

Florence gave him back his change and resumed to his homework.

The alpha didn't leave yet. As always he stayed outside until the end of Florence's shift. The omega didn't pay him attention focused on his homework and sometimes other customers.

When it was time for Florence to clock out, the other clerk, an awkward but really kind Beta student, arrived. Florence took his stuff and step out. The alpha wasn't there anymore. His watch showed 5pm.

Florence sighed.

Things were like this since he started working here. The alpha would pestered him and stayed around. Then he was waiting outside as if he wanted to talk to Florence but by the time the omega finished working, the alpha was gone.

The next day, Florence wasn't surprised to see the alpha again two hours before he could go home, though he was sleeping at the club for the time being.

The alpha told him about his day. He was in economic faculty. Something Florence wouldn't really understand. Even if the omega wasn't on the stupid side, he was into organic, plants and flowers. He dreamt to open his own flowers shop. His mother loved them a lot before his father started to drink.

The following day, the alpha came with some friends. This time, he didn't come to Florence up from the beginning, he just threw awkward glances towards the omega. To Florence it was normal, no one would be proud to be friend with an omega. Besides, one who was poor.

The young man's friends were also alphas. One of them was loud. But he was really pretty, just like a model. The other seemed like a playboy.

" - So this is the cutie boy ?" The playboy asked as he put down the energy drink on the counter.

Florence glanced towards the alpha. The young man was glaring at his friend.

" - Hassan," the playboy introduced himself. " You looked like a child ? Are you an omega ?"

" - I'm a child," Florence confirmed as he cashed up the drink. " I'm in high school."

" - Really ? They let you work here ? " the loud one asked curiously. " London by the way." He said with a beautiful smile.

" - Guys," growled the alpha.

" - Chill out Arnold ! We won't eat him !" Hassan said with an amused laugh. " He talked about you almost everyday! So we wanted to see who's the man… but you're actually a boy."

" - Let's go now," Arnold sighed embarrassed, as he almost dragged Hassan outside.

" - Let's see each other again !" Hassan exclaimed with a laugh.

Florence was watching them, agape by the comedic duo.

" - I'm gonna take a pack of cigarette," London said, extracting Florence from his absence. " Our university is one of the best of this town." London said then.

Florence was doing his work, but he was still listening.

" - Though we have omegas in our university, they came from filthy rich family so no one would actually touch them." London explained.

" - What are you trying to say ?" Florence asked.

" - It's a bit dangerous to work here, though… I guess having the police station in front is reassuring but believe me, it's not. They might protect you now, but if one of the alphas students attacked you, they would throw you out. They can't beat high class people. That's how things are here…"

" - What about you ?" Florence asked after a brief moment.

" - I'm not into omega," London answered. " I already looked like one."

Florence smiled, earning him London's excitement.

" - Well ! For the time being, you can do what you want. Arnold would protect you. We always asked ourself where he would run every 3pm, to go as far as missing classes, but he was here with you." London said. " You're really cute. So be careful."

With his last words, he left.

One hour latter, Arnold came back but this time he stayed outside, reading a book.

And as always, he disappeared by the time Florence finished working.

Florence decided to go sleep to the club again. Strangely he felt more at home there. His mom didn't call him once though she would send him a message from time to time to know if he ate well and if work wasn't to hard on him. Florence missed his mom. Actually, his mom knew about the bad feeling her brother in law was giving since he saw Florence. She would never let Florence alone at home and she would always bring Florence with her anywhere she went.

When Florence decided to work, she was relieved, not because of the money but because Florence wouldn't be home a lot. She already talked about this issue to her mother, but the old lady didn't say much as if there's nothing to say because the man never touched Florence directly.

Florence never told her mom about the club, she was already too stressed. He just told her that his friend was kind enough to let him sleep at her house. His mom believed him, knowing Florence wasn't the type to lie. Her son was always true to himself and to the world. For example, Florence did come up to her when he noticed his uncle's strange behavior. He knew his mom wouldn't let anyone hurt him.

Florence felt blessed to have his mom. She didn't judge him when she find out he was an omega, in fact she was happy. She told him that she would be happy even if he was an alpha or a beta. Just knowing he was in a good health made her happy. She was indeed a good mom.

The days came and end with the three Alphas always pestering Florence during his work. But now, he was pretty used to it.

Arnold would talk to him, asked him about school and others stuff. Hassan would joked around and London would always tell him about his day.

Florence thought it were pretty peace days. A week passed and Hassan and London would still come to see him but not Arnold. Even if he wanted to know where was the alpha, he didn't ask and both friends didn't talk about it.

" - Change my schedule ?" Florence repeated.

" - Just for tonight… I have a test tomorrow and I need to review all night. " his coworker said. " I'll give you my pay of the day !"

Florence was bitting his lips. He didn't like to work the Night Shift but, if he was in his coworker's shoes, he would want someone to help him.

" - Okay… just for tonight."

The guy thanked him and left.

Today, no one came to the convenience store. Nor Hassan and London, either Arnold.

Florence kind of missed the latter. He missed seeing him outside when he was about to clock out and he missed his weird rambling.

During the Night Shift there were almost no one. A drunkard was sleeping outside and some high schooler and late university students would came to have a late snack.

When it was midnight, Florence decided to take a break. He bought a vegetable sandwich and a carton of black coffee.

Sitting at the counter, he was reading a book. After eating, he started to clean. He will be able to go home in an hour. The owner of the Convenience Store called earlier feeling sorry to let him work two shift in a row. So she will come earlier to work.

Florence was sweeping the floor when he heard loud laugh outside then the bell of the convenience's door.

The smell of alcohol and cigarettes were floating roughly in the store. There were also pheromones and a uncomfortable stench of sex.

Florence walked to the counter.

It was a bunch of alphas with a female omega. The latter was kissing one of them feverishly.

The omega girl was really beautiful though not as beautiful as Haru to Florence's eyes. She seemed to be really rich with her beautiful make up and her dress that looked like it would cost two years of salary.

Florence walked to the counter and stood behind. He choose to let them do whatever they wanted. He couldn't do anything against so much alphas. Plus, if they broke something they would have to pay for it themselves.

Florence recognized Hassan when he entered. He did his best not to smile at the latter. He was a little reassured to see a face he knew.

Hassan was drunk but nevertheless he was as always, a joker and talkative.

" - Oh !" One of the alpha exclaimed upon seeing Florence. "You're one of the bitch of SS Club !"

Florence froze.

" - Really ?!" another slurred.

The couple of Alpha and Omega were still busy smooching in a corner of the drinks fridge.

" - Yeah!" exclaimed the first drunkard excitedly. "I saw him go through the back door once."

" - He looks cheap !" laughed the second drunkard.

"- Hey! Does Gisèle know that one of her bitches is working outside? Are you serving customers here?"

They all started laughing.

Florence could not utter a word. He couldn't even deny what they were saying. It's true that he was always at the club at night but he never made it past the omegas' dorm. Moreover, he only borrowed a bed there to rest before his morning shift or his classes.

Florence was too scared. If word got out that he was practically living in the club, he'd be kicked out of high school and his mom…he didn't even want to know how sad she would be.

Florence looked at Hassan, asking him silently for help.

" - Do you know him Hassan? asked the first drunkard, noticing where the omega was looking.

Hassan just shrugged like Florence wasn't even his business.

" - He's cute! Can I do him ? I'll pay him widely !" Said the second drunkard already drooling about his dirty fantasies.

Florence shivered in fear. He was sweating, praying in his head for someone to help him. In fact, he was praying that Arnold would come to save him. But will he? He could react like Hassan.

"- Stop it. He's just a kid. He's only 15. Do you want to be labeled as a fucking criminal ?" Hassan half-heartedly scolded them.

" - Just once !" insisted his friend.

" - If Arnold knows…"

" - Arnold isn't here," the omega girl interjected. "That's not going to be a problem."

"- If Karen said so!" said the drunkard.

Without further ado, Florence fled. He tried to lock the door to the rest room but someone pushed it hard and he fell on his elbows, scratching his skin until it bled.

" - Shit ! You hurt him !" the second drunkard complained to the first.

Florence was crying now. He begged them to let him go and he begged Hassan to save him.

"- Guys please! He's just a child!" Hassan tried to stop them again.

" - It's just a simple omega," Karen said with a weird smile. "That's what Arnold likes to say, isn't it?"

" - You're just throwing a tantrum because Arnold didn't want to sleep with you," Hassan sighed.

" - Let the boy have fun," Karen ordered before walking out of the room.

*** Present days ***

" - Florence…" Arnold whispered again.

The omega was standing in front of him. He wore a thin garment that left little to the imagination although all his private parts were covered.

Just like Arnold, next to him Hassan was shocked, and next to them, Aurore was trying to understand why her boyfriend and her lover were frozen by the sight of a simple Omega.

They went to the SS Club to find Silas. The man disappeared after their drinking party and they thought that since he came home, he might want to find Haru, even though it was rumored that the omega was already dead.

Arnold had never thought he would find someone else, someone he had yearned for five years.

Florence was still too beautiful for his own good. Now, the omega was a little taller and his body was more refined, but his face and feminine features were still the same. His wavy black hair was long now and his golden eyes were wide with so much to say even though his expression was neutral.

" - Florence…" Arnold repeated.

The omega pursed his lips and turned around without sparing a look at the two alphas.

"- What…" Aurore couldn't finish her sentence that Arnold was running after the omega.

He found Florence in a bedroom. The omega was arranging bottles of lubricating gel and other products.

" - Florence…" Arnold said between two breaths.

"- If you have something to say, say it quickly because my client is coming", said the omega without looking at the man.

Arnold took bigs strides towards the omega and brought the boy into his arms.

He had never taken Florence in his arms. It was one of his biggest regrets. And today, after so many years, he finally had that person. Arnold inhaled the faint lemongrass and caramel scent of the omega. Yes... it was Florence.

Flore froze.

" - I… I've been looking everywhere for you." said Arnold, hugging the boy tenderly.

" - You didn't… If you were really looking for me, you would have found me here." retorted the omega.

"Florence, I am..."

"- My name is Flore, " said the omega, freeing himself from his grip. "Florence is dead. I am Flore now. "

" - I am sorry…"

" - Why ?" Flore asked impatiently. "For coming here?" For hugging me without my consent... for what happened five years ago or for still being friends with the jerk who raped me?"

Arnold felt his heart break. Florence… Flore had spoken as if nothing concerned him. He seemed devoid of all feelings.

" - If you're done, you should go. I have to work." said the omega before resuming the arrangement of the bedside table.

" - Do you sleep with men here?" Arnold growled, suddenly furious at the idea.

Furious, Flore faced him again and threw a towel to him. Tears were shining in his eyes. He felt hurt and Arnold knew he said something he shouldn't.

" - Why do you care ? You didn't even show your face when you found out what happened and you didn't even care when Hassan and his friends ambushed me! Why are you trying to be a saint now?! Fuck get out of here and don't show up unless you want me to kill myself!! " Flore was screaming desperately.

Arnold hadn't moved, even when Flore started throwing bottles and boxes in his face. Once out of breath, Flore dropped to the ground. Tears still wet his cheeks, but he wasn't crying anymore. He was exhausted.

" - I'll come back." was the only thing Arnold said before he left the room.

He went straight up to Gisele who had to stand when she saw the alpha with a bleeding cheek.

" - What…"

" - I'll buy Florence… I mean Flore's services for the next three months. Don't let other customers have him." He said as he quickly signed a check.

" - Does Flore know about it ?" Gisele asked patiently.

Arnold stopped and asked instead:

" - I came here five years ago… You told me he wasn't here… Why did you lie to me?"

" - You asked for someone named Florence. Not Flore.

"- It's the same person!" Arnold roared as he hit the table with his hands.

" - Mr. Williams, you asked for Florence. As you can see, there is no Florence here. If you really wanted to know where the boy is, you would have searched. Don't blame me or anyone else for your own incompetence. "

Arnold opened his mouth to reply but he couldn't. Gisèle was right… Arnold had been afraid to confront Flore, which is why he had never really made an effort to find him. But… seeing the boy after so many years, made him regret all those time he had lost. He felt a lot just at the mere sight of Flore.

The omega was as bright as he remembered and he could feel something blossoming inside him when he smelled its familiar, haunting scent.

" - Well, I'll give you your three months," said Gisele. "But I don't want your money."

" - But…"

" - You're not here to buy it are you? I will grant you your wish. Moreover, Flore has never taken a break since he started working for me. Maybe it's not so bad to let him breathe a little and hit you a lot. "

Although Gisele seemed to be joking, Arnold knew that was her real feelings. And to be honest, he was ready to let Flore do whatever he wanted if he could just stay close to him

Hello Hellooo guys!

I thought a lot about this chapter, do I release it or not XD But since it's not a trivial love story, I thought to myself "To hell with it!" XD just kidding XD

Enjoy (or not) :P

I will try to post another chapter soon :3

PS: As always, my sincere apologies for any errors T-T

WndyButtercreators' thoughts