
Broken Dreams, A Pokemon Fanfiction

Steven, a boy born into a deadly disease, suffers in agony on his bed in a hospital. Death comes and takes pity on the young boy, granting him the opportunity Steven never had, to go on an adventure and see the vibrant world around him! Steven is Reincarnated into a copy his favorite game, Pokemon Fire Red. Watch as he comes up with new tricks, new pokemon, and new information from further generations that will shake the very foundation of the world he lives in! patreon link to help support the novel: patreon.com/user?u=103227460 This novel will also be posted under royalroad. Username: Animine

AniMine · Video Games
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28 Chs

The Egg Cracks

The egg cracks a little more. Normally this sentence would be one of joy and happiness but right now to Steven, there was only stress and anxiousness. He knew that oak would only be ecstatic that he had done it. He had managed to get the egg hatched but seeing as even they didn't know what was inside, he was starting to get worried. Not to mention that there was already a giant crack in the egg, as if it had been attacked before falling into Stevens hands. Right now, Steven, Prince and Smoker were all staring intently at the orb while Smoker Wrapped his body underneath the egg to provide warmth so it can hatch more easily.

The eggs cracks a little more. While the egg was hatching and Steven was waiting he began to delve into his thoughts. Over the past 9 months Steven had gone to see Oak alot. He had had many conversations with him on the pokemon world, he had asked about common trends, what training methods were known for certain pokemon and many other things. What he learned astonished him because a lot of the stuff he knew about didn't even exist in this world like it did in this game series. First, as he had learned before, the people of this world either don't know or haven't discovered IV's and Ev's yet.

The egg starts to slowly shake back and forth in a smooth, rhythmic pattern. The time was getting closer till the egg hatched and Steven was still stuck in his memories. Second, was the fact that none of the safety teams seemed to be here in this world. There were only the gyms and elite 4, there were no rangers or anything of that nature. Which was weird in stevens mind, because Pokemon Rangers are a staple of the pokemon franchise but they weren't created and marketed to till the fifth generation, so he guessed he attribute it to that maybe. Third was Natures and common Technical Machines. This was one of the reasons he had been training his pokemon so hard, because of TM's. Now this one he truly didn't understand and it was even more confusing the longer he knew about it and the more information he had about it. There were no TM's at all in this world. Why? He had no idea, he guessed that maybe he was closer to an anime world instead of the game. The real reason eluded him but nevertheless he was still concerned about it.

The egg started to emit a golden glow. Steven was pulled back into his thoughts. This was a very strange world indeed. There were going to be many things that he needed to do, many ideas he would have to challenge and a lot of concepts for him to study, research and refine. Then he had a thought, what if death excluded some stuff out of the pokemon game on purpose or on accident when he was reincarnated? This theory lined up with his current one and would make a lot of sense, seeing as how this world didn't even know about eggs and that was a concept introduced in gen 4. Man, professor Elm was gonna go bonkers when he saw the full result.

The egg began to shake a little harder, glow a little brighter and crack a little more. He had been very meticulous in his note taking of the egg. Everything he did was recorded daily by him in the journal by his bed. The journal he called his egg hatching journal contained all his efforts and knowledge on hatching eggs and he was going to give it to professor Oak as a thank you gift for all that he had given him so far. The least he could do was make it a little easier for the next person that tried to hatch an egg.

At that moment the egg stopped everything it was doing. Then one final crack appeared and a very high intensity glow materialised from the egg. Steven had to look away because it was too bright for him but as soon as he did the light started to fade. Steven held his breath and looked back to see what he had hatched. Out of everything Steven expected, what showed up surprised him the most. He had expected to be given a happiny or togepi as an egg, and while neither were bad pokemon, both having pretty strong evolution that could be used in a variety of ways they just weren't part of team that steven had in mind and was hoping he could get flying type or or fighting type. The situation changed for Steven in an instant when he saw what was sitting in front of him with the most regal look ever, with more regality than even prince had shown him before.

He had just hatched a bagon. A freaking Bagon! He quickly pulled out his pokedex to scan its moves, maybe he would be blessed with a good egg move too. Especially since salamence was dragon and flying type and was a pseudo-legendary. He was quite possibly one of the strongest pokemon in the game with his moves, along with dragon type, which gave him a huge advantage in any fight.

Bagon, Female

Moveset: Rage

Egg Move: Dragon Dance

This was amazing, before he had some firepower. Arcanine and Gallade were extremely strong, but a Salamence was a whole nother story. He wanted to rush over and tell Oak right away, but decided to talk to the bagon while also writing down everything he had seen and the experience of hatching the egg. He turned to Prince and said,' Can you open a communication line to the pokemon in front of us?'

Prince nodded elegantly,' Of course my lord, that is an easy matter, however there is something I must inform you of.' he said in a serious tone,' this pokemon, she is royalty of her bloodline.'

Steven stopped writing and turned towards Prince and thought,' What does that mean and how do you know? Have you already spoken with her?'

Prince looked back with a puzzled look.' No, I have yet to speak with this one, but as someone who is also royalty within my own clan I can feel the pressure that pure bloodline of hers is giving off.'

Steven thought back,' Ok, I'll ask Oak about it, for now open a communication line to her so i can speak to her. Whether she is royalty or not, she is now a part of our family.'

Prince smiled deeply and only nodded and surrounded himself, Smoker, myself, and the new team member bagon in a pink glow that radiated over everyone's bodies. He then thought to Steven only,' Ok my lord, the line of communication is set up.'

Steven thanke Prince and looked at his new team member and thought to her,' hello little one, do not be afraid, the voice you hear speaking to you is the person standing in front of you.' He said in a kind voice the newly hatched creature.

The pokemon cocked her head a little bit and stared back at Steven and thought back,' Hello, todays a good day! I have gotten rid of my shackles in that prison and emerged victorious on the other side!' She thought to Steven, which took him aback,' I must know, who art thou? Why have you given me life, despite not knowing who I am?'

Steven looked at her and said,' I don't know why you are speaking as if we are strangers, we are family now. I was given a task to see if I could help hatch you by someone else, but I claimed you as my family long ago. You are a pokemon and I am your trainer. Together me and you, along with the rest of your current and new teammates will travel the region, fight extremely powerful opponents, and become the strongest in the entire region, maybe even the world. As for my dream, that is to help all the broken pokemon of this world. The ones without the mothers, fathers, kin of their own, the broken and beaten. That is my dream, but in order to do that I need a strong team, one that will stand the test of time and power, one that will be able to crush the very heavens themselves!'

Steven finished his passionate speech and stared at a very joyous Bagon. She was currently smiling ear to ear and had a very pleased look in her eyes. She responded back with,' Today is a very happy day, indeed. I do not know why but I am drawn to you. Your goal, it is lofty, near impossible, but that excites me at my core. I wish to get as strong as you say I can. I accept, take me as your squire, I only request one thing, and this is a name.'

Steven smiled a very sincere smile with tears formed up in the corner of his eyes. It was kind of funny to him to be honest, both prince and bagon both were from 'noble' houses in their own respective clans and they had both directly asked him for a name. Smoker hadn't asked for his though, Steven had just given him his name about a week after they started their initial training. So they both have similar instincts to follow the one they deem worthy huh? That was kind of funny to him to be honest. He thought back to her,'My squire, I have thought of a name for you, Only the best are allowed on my team, that's why I shall name you queen.'

–Later in Oak's lab–

Oak dropped his instant coffee all over the ground when Steven told him the good news. 'Dammit that instant coffee takes forever to get out of the carpet,' Oak thought to himself before snapping back to the conversation at hand. Him and Steven were sitting at the back of his lab thought communicating to each other as ralts ensured a good translation and talking speed with his powers. Initially Oak had been skeptical of Prince's powers when Steven had told him about them but they had a wonderful time talking to each other through their thoughts for the past couple of months.

Oak looked at Steven with a beaming smile,'My boy, I can't believe you've actually done it!'

Steven became a little embarrassed with the praise and thought back,'Yes sir, thank you sir, but that's not even everything.' Steven reached into a small bag and brought out a little journal,' Sir, for everything you've done for me, I want you to have this.'

Oak tentatively took the journal from Steven and looked at its contents. Oak started reading and then his mouth went agape at what was in front of him. Notes describing the exact process, methods, daily things the egg went through to hatch! This was invaluable data, a huge pile of diamonds and gold was basically in professor Oak's hands and he knew it. Oak looked back at Steven and said," How? This… this is the most fantastic work I've ever seen." he said in a very slow methodical voice, still shocked by the information dump. He looked at Steven and started to reevaluate him in a new light. 'Steven this is Amazing. This is all I could ever ask of you to do. I expected this to go nowhere honestly. That egg hadn't hatched in two years, we were honestly afraid it might've died already but you made it work. It's honestly one of the most impressive things I've ever seen.' Oak thought to Steven in a respectful tone

Steven felt humbled by Oaks' amazing words of thankfulness to him. It felt like his father talking with him on a sunny day in the past life. Those memories with his father were some of the best memories with his dad. Oak was starting to become something like a father figure to Steven.

'Thank you very much sir. She was born at around 9.23 am this morning. I will need a dragon expert to come and take a look at her though.'

Oak suddenly asked, shocked,'It was a dragon type!?'

Steven looked at him kind of puzzled,'Yes, did I not say that already? It's a Female Bagon. I talked to her through prince and she agreed to join my team.'

Oak stared at Steven in disbelief at thought,'Steven my boy, you don't even realize the magnitude of what you've done do you? My god, this will shake the very foundation of pokemon in a way that has never been seen before! You've discovered things in here with your testing and perseverance. Steven I will gladly sponsor you, I have a near limitless amount of wealth at my disposal, if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to use the money I give you. Son, when I look at you and what you've achieved today, I solidly tell you that you're worth every single cent. I know i can expect great things from you!'

Steven was now at a loss for words but luckily Oak wasn't quite done yet and remembered something,' Wait, why did you need a dragon expert?'

Steven looked at him and bluntly thought,' Ah, that's 'cause when my ralts and it were talking we figured out that it was most likely a dragon with a royal bloodline, like a king or queen dragon bred to make her!'

Oak fainted