
Broken: Dishonored Naruto

Naruto is broken by the Leaf village and runs away. Now years later the Leaf needs him to save them. But how can a cripple man be able to save them?

madhat886 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs



Broken –

Inside a small apartment of a large city of the Empire of Isles that span most of the landmass west of the Element Countries a young man awoke. Expect for a pair of boxes he wore nothing, revealing his broken and scarred body. Patches of skin showed badly healed tissues and a metal patch is covering the area around his heart. (1) All four of his limbs need braces just for him to be able to move.

He is Naruto Rook who once called the Element Countries and a village his home. But that was long ago. He was beaten and left for dead by the people of the village. He was beaten so badly that the seal broke, releasing the demon fox that was sealed within him. The fox destroyed the village again before disappearing, the Hokage sent ninjas to find out what had happen and found his body.

The Hokage angered by this revealed who his parents are to the horror of the village. And the fact because of his near death the fox which they saw him as was set free. Naruto learning this after he recovered enough managed to escape from the village as it was still in chaos after the wake of the fox. For 18 years he's been trying to make a life for himself away from the village, since he was six years old.

After years on the road escaping his past, he made it into the empire lands. There he was found by the guards and sent to a children's home where he grew up in. He got an education and once he was old enough he gotten a job as a janitor in one of the government offices.

The empire is a constitutional monarchy that is ruled by the royal family, with a parliamentary government as its legislature. Besides the mainland that is the part of the landmass of the Element countries. The Empire encompasses four large islands and several small ones, which make up the Isles. Naruto made his home on the island of Gristol, in the capital of Dunwall the seat of power of the imperial government. That is also home to the whale oil slaughter houses that is the basis of Dunwall's industrial revolution. The whale oil has advanced the Isles technology by centuries, even more so then what he remembers in the Element Countries.

Today is his day off and he would spend it in his small apartment alone. He got out of his bed and walk over to the kitchen. His apartment doesn't have a stove so he lives off of can foods and what doesn't need cooking. Opening the pantry he grabs a can of potted whale meat for his morning meal. His taste in food has change after living in Dunwall for most of his life.

He was scooping out the pack meat from the can with a spoon when he heard a knock at the door. He place the can down with the spoon in it as he walk over to the door. He wonders who it is as he has paid his rent already and the next payment isn't due till next month. Opening the door Naruto saw a ghost from his past. Before he ranaway he was visited by his godfather who had finally showed up.

"Hello Naruto," Jiraiya greeted his godson.

"What do you want?" Naruto ask.

"I'm here to talk with you," Jiraiya said.

"About what?" Naruto ask.

"About coming back to the village," Jiraiya said.

"Come in," Naruto said as he didn't want to draw attention.

Entering his apartment, Jiraiya saw considering he left the village at the age of six quite well for himself. It took him years of tracking and following leads for him to find his godson. He's surprise that he's living in Dunwall of all places. The empire doesn't use ninjas as a show of power but normal soldiers. He also heard about strange things about the Isles like dark magic and such. He sat himself down on the lone table of the apartment across from Naruto.

"Well, I'm waiting," Naruto said waiting for an answer.

"The Toad prophecy has revealed that you'll be the one who will end the cycle of hatred of the ninja world. We need you to return to the village to begin your ninja training," Jiraiya answers.

Naruto let out a snort as he waves his arms as fast as he could showing off his arm braces. "If you hadn't notice thanks to that village, I'm cripple. I need both arm and leg braces just to move. I also don't have the body to be able to move around like a ninja. I'm a janitor not a ninja."

"Tsuande and the medical ninjas under her will fix your body. The village won't hold anything back till you're body is restored and be able to handle the ninja training," Jiraiya said.

"And what makes you think that, I even want to help you. My body is broken and my dreams are filled with nightmares. I'm a broken shell who survives as a janitor in a place where ninjas are unheard of because they're not needed. My body is weak and so is my will to try to change that. Because I knew one day one of you ninjas would find me. So, I let my body waste away, my muscles aren't what's needed to be a ninja or my health isn't that great either. And you want me a broken shell to become a ninja messiah?" Naruto ask the Leaf ninja in front of him. (2)

"Naruto I know you went through hell. But this is bigger then you. It's for the greater good for all," Jiraiya said.

"I only think for myself. I simply don't care what happens to you or anyone else. I care only about my own needs and no one else," Naruto said to Jiraiya's shock.

"Naruto what would your parents say?" he ask.

"That, I learn it from you. After all you only cared about yourself and never cared to take care of me when, I needed it. And using my parents who put me through hell for the sake of that village. Why the hell should, I care about them," Naruto said.

"Naruto please we need you," Jiraiya pleaded.

"And you have nothing that, I need," Naruto answers. "I'm broken in so many ways thanks to that village and you for not caring about me. You only want me because you need me to save the ninja world. A cripple man saves the ninja world. Once people learn that you ninjas won't be getting missions anymore. For how powerful fighters for hirer are, when they need someone like me to save them."


Author's Notes -

1 – Think of Vash's scarred covered body from Trigun.

2 - Does anyone know any fics where Naruto isn't a ninja but the Leaf wants him to become a ninja?
