
Broken Dandelions

This story is about sixteen-year-old Sawyer Kylan, who arrives in the small remote town of Justus, with no memories of her earlier life. Sawyer, who carries many secrets of her own, settles in the town of Justus. Only to She find out that she is the Sheriff's missing daughter, Mary-Grace Bowen. Mary-Grace was believed to be kidnapped ten years ago on the very same day that her twin sister, Sarah-Mae, was murdered. Can Sawyer remember that day and find the truth, can she save herself as she is hunted down and try to reconnect with her family.

Tamzin_Atkins_5172 · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter 3


Sawyer opens her eyes and looks around the room, it's white and bare. It seems sterile and cold. She can hear the rest of the house up and about, getting ready for the new day. Sawyer puts her pillow over her face, she can hear Haylen, and Pippa arguing over the bathroom. "You went first yesterday" cries Haylen. "And‌ I am older." answers Pippa. "Sawyer is older than you and she is much nicer" "Then go bother her" states Pippa pushing Haylen out of the way. She falls down and starts to cry, Pippa walks past her. "Pippa, apologise to your sister" calls Grace. She then knocks on Sawyer's door. "Come in." Grace sits on the edge of the bed looking nervous "You can decorate this room however you want, I thought this room would be better than your old room. Also I spoke to the principal and they will test your school levels and place you in a grade." "I don't want to go to school." Alec pops his head in the room and looks at her "You are going to school, either with me in the cruiser or with the others." Sawyer glares at his retreating back and looks back at Grace who is picking at her nails and smiling "I could go with you; I just need to drop Haylen off first. Scout usually takes Pippa and himself." "I can drive" adds Sawyer. "Oh well we only have two cars." "Then I will go with Scout." "If you are sure, but you need to go to the principals' office first. Scout could go with you." Sawyer sits up and Scout stops in the doorway, both shouting "No" simultaneously. Grace stands up "I will leave you to get ready"Scout starts to walk away "I leave in five minutes. Be ready or go with your mom"

‌Sawyer climbs out of the car and looks around the school. This is the first time she will be attending a school and she is slightly nervous. Pippa runs off to join her friends and Scout walks over to Braxton, Blaire, Jagger, Zoey and another girl. They all stare at Sawyer before walking into the school. She walks towards the doors. Everyone is staring at her whispering about who she is, what she is doing here and how hot she looks. Blaire signals Sawyer over. She stands there awkwardly looking at them. Zoey wraps her arms around Braxton. "Hi Sawyer, this is Zoey, Jag and Jessica." Sawyer nods in acknowledgement. "Why are we talking to her?" pipes in Jag. "Be nice, we were friends once upon a time" replies Blaire. "I don't see her fitting in with us." Braxton slaps him upside the head; he rubs his head while glaring at Braxton. "Oh, you really thought I would hang out with you! That is so cute, I have better things to do" with that Sawyer turns and walks away. Scout laughs "Burn" Sawyer walks to the Principals' office and sits down. She waits and the door finally opens. Merideth is standing there, Sawyer recognises her as the woman who spoke to Mayor Richard. "You must be Sawyer Kylan! I am Merideth Zaine the principal. Please step into my office" says the prim and proper woman. There is something about this principal she doesn't like. Sawyer sits down across from her, arms folded and waits for the inter-rogation to begin. "I know who you really are and why you are here. But this is a learning institute and I expect no trouble. My secretary Martha will show you to the exam room and there you will do some tests to show us what grade to put you in. Any questions?" Her eyes betray the fact that she is impatient and irritated. Sawyer knows she is going to enjoy pushing this woman's buttons. "If I pass all the tests, can I leave?" questions Sawyer.

"No one passes them all, besides you are sixteen and should be with others your age" The phone rings interrupting them, she answers it and waves Sawyer away. Sawyer finds Martha, an old lady in her sixties with grey hair and follows her. The bell rings and students start heading to their classes, the place a flurry of activity. Martha navigates through the throngs like she was made for it. Sawyer avoids tripping and slamming into every-one and everything. They finally stop outside an exam room. Martha opens the door and they go inside. "Miss Collins will be here in a few minutes with the tests and to watch over you. Please take a seat" Sawyer looks around the empty room, pretty much how it looks in the movies. She sits down at a desk right at the back and waits. It feels strange being here after always wanting to go to a real school. Miss Collins enters and smiles a friendly smile at Sawyer before putting a pile of papers on Sawyer's desk "You must be Sawyer" Sawyer looks the young woman up and down "You don't look like a teacher" She smiles slyly "And you don't look like you were kidnapped. Sawyer smiles in return, then looks down at the pages on her desk, easily a hundred "I have to do all this?" "If you had school records it would help" "I was homeschooled" Miss Collins sits down with a book of her own. Sawyer starts on the first page. About three hours later she drops the finished stack of tests on Miss Collins desk. "Be here before eight tomorrow and we will have your results" Sawyer‌ grabs her bag and walks out of the school, down the road and back to town. She makes sure no one is around and takes out her phone. The principal is hiding something. I saw her having a weird conversation with the mayor a week ago. She waits and the reply comes as expected. Be careful and find out what you can. Sawyer puts the phone away and heads into town. Streets are busy as usual for this small town. 

Sawyer sees Mason outside Tommy's auto shop working on a car. He stops working and gets up to greet her "Out of school early?" Sawyer just stares at him. "Come on Sawyer, what was I supposed to do. He is the Sheriff and my track record isn't the greatest." "I don't know what to say Mason, this whole situation is bizarre and I feel like this is a movie and not my life." "I get it, everything you once knew is a lie and now you don't know who you are" Sawyer smiles "Something like that, but you could do me a favour in return for abandoning me" Mason doesn't like the sound of this but listens anyway. "Where does Principal Meredith live?" "Why? I know she can be annoying, but you are still the Sheriff's daughter and jail doesn't suit you" Sawyer rolls her eyes "I just want to see the place. Now will you tell me or not?" "I will do you one better and take you there" Sawyer turns to leave "I will just go ask someone else" Mason grabs her arm gently and looks her in the eyes "Does Alec need to know about this?" Sawyer glares and he chuckles. Mason tells Tommy he is going on lunch and leads her to his motorbike. Sawyer gets off the bike and looks at the locked large metal gates. She shakes it slightly. Mason stares at her, leaning against his bike looking casual. "Now you have seen the place, let's go" states Mason moving to grab his helmet. "Why are the gates locked? The whole town keeps their doors unlocked. So why would she need to keep her gates locked? To keep someone out or someone in?" "I think I'm starting to regret this" sighs Mason. "Stop moaning and keep a look out, signal me if someone is coming" Mason steps forward "Sawyer no, you are not breaking in!" Sawyer rolls her eyes and scans the gate for a way in "I just want a closer look" Sawyer climbs over the gate and looks at Mason one last time before running towards the house. She looks around and then approaches the first window. Sawyer looks inside and sees the same girl from the doctor's office, chained to the chair. Her eyes dull and void of any emotions. Sawyer feels someone touch her shoulder and she freezes, then slowly turns and faces a grinning Mason. Sawyer takes a deep breath and punches him on the arm "You gave me a heart attack. I told you to be the look out" whispers Sawyer aggressively. Mason rubs his arm and looks at her "And let you have all the fun, I pushed my bike into the bushes. What are you looking at?" "It's nothing, let's go" lies Sawyer. He pushes past her and looks inside the window, Mason turns to her confused and angered. "You knew she would be there, how did you know?" "Let's just go" "There is a little girl chained up like a dog and Meredith has no family or children" yells Mason. Sawyer turns and heads back to the gate. Mason walks after her. "Mason just leave it." "Tell me what is going on, we need to tell Alec!"

Sawyer stops and Mason just stops short of bumping into her "No!" "Why not? That child's life is in danger!" Sawyer scales the fence and waits for Mason to join her "If you swear not to tell Alec until I say it's okay to, then I will tell you. But first I need to go see the Dandelion field" Mason stops the bike and they both get off. Sawyer looks around, most of the dandelions are dead from the cold. The field is empty besides a tree and an old shed. Near the end of the field is the forest that leads to the Bowens house. Sawyer takes the helmet off and looks at Mason "Is this where it happened?" "Yes" "Show me where" "Fine, but then you tell me what you know" They head towards the shed "What's in that shed?" questions Sawyer. "It's just a dusty old shed with a random piano in it. Musical notes written on the walls" Sawyer looks at the window and she is instantly overcome with pain, the same pain that signals a memory coming back.

Mary-Grace is chasing Sarah-Mae across the dandelion field. Both laughing with cheeks rosy from the sun. Suddenly they hear a scream from the shed. Both girls stop and look at the shed. Sarah-Mae steps back and looks at Mary -Grace. "Let's go home" whispers Sarah-Mae. "Did you hear that scream? Someone's hurt" answers Mary-Grace. Sarah-Mae shakes her head. "Let's go call daddy" pleads Sarah-Mae. "No I want to go see, let's look through the window" answers Mary-Grace heading towards the shed. Sarah-Mae tries to pulls Mary-Grace away "I want to go home, I'm scared" Mary-Grace pulls her arm free and heads towards the shed. Sarah-Mae follows behind. "Get on your hands and knees so I can stand on your back" says Mary-Grace. "Let's just go home" "Stop being such a baby" Sarah-Mae gets down and Mary-Grace stands on her back. She looks through the window and screams.

‌Sawyer opens her eyes, screaming and fighting. Mason tries to calm her down. They sit with their backs against the wall. Mason stares at her. She begins to whisper "We were playing here alone and heard a scream from the shed. I wanted to go look" "You were six" "I called her a baby, Mason. The last five words I said to her. Then I stood on her back and looked inside and next thing I know I'm here with you" Mason puts his arm around her and pulls her close "It wasn't your fault, you were a child" "I should have listened to her" Mason takes her hand in his "Tell me about Meredith" Sawyer isn't sure if she should trust Mason, but she feels so alone and really needs someone to talk to. "How do I know I can trust you?" Mason pulls away and stares ahead "My father was your dad's deputy. When I was fourteen, I found evidence he was hiding to protect a friend and I told Alec. My father has been in Prison since then with the man who committed the crime. I don't tolerate criminals. Even if they are family. You can trust me Sawyer, Alec and I might not be friends but he helped me out after that" "Funny enough....I do trust you and that scares me. I was raised to trust no one" She waits a beat or two. "That day you first saw me" starts Sawyer. "With Mayor Richard?" "Yes, well after we left he was approached by a woman; at that time I didn't know it was Meredith. They had some sort of argument, something about one escaping. Richard almost had a heart attack. Then they noticed me standing there and dismissed me." "They could have been talking about a student, that doesn't explain the girl." "When I cut my arm open I was taken to Dr James office. I passed out from the pain and when I awoke I was alone. I heard voices in the passage, it was Richard and Meredith. They were arguing again. That the girl hadn't spoken a word and as far as anyone knew she was an orphan, he told Meredith that she needed to take the child and keep her. She didn't like the idea but Richard was adamant, he said if the girl does start remembering to make it look like an accident." "Sawyer, you have to tell Alec, she's in danger!" "Don't you think I know that, I went in the other hospital room and saw her. She looked ten years old. She took one look at me and started screaming. I already have caused so much drama, Mason. How will I explain this one? They are two well known people in this town and I am a fiasco at the moment." "Damn it Sawyer, you are the only one that can save her." "And how do we explain seeing her chained in that house? We broke in, Mason." "I don't know, let's meet after work and discuss it. We need to get back." Mason stands up and helps Sawyer to her feet. They head towards the motorbike together.

‌Sawyer is running around, the place is busier and everyone wants to know her story. She is frustrated but trying to play it cool. Cameron waits till everyone is served before calling her into the office. Cameron is sitting at his desk, staring at her "How are you holding up?" "I wish everyone would leave me alone" Cameron laughs "That is asking a lot, we are a small town and we love our gossip and right now you are the gossip." Sawyer pulls a face "I met Meredith today" "A horrible woman, I can't believe they let her near children" answers Cameron. They both stand looking at each other. "Is there anything you wanted?" questions Sawyer. "I just wanted to check up on you." Sawyer smiles and leaves the room. She goes back to her customers, about an hour or so later. Scout, Braxton and Jag walk in and sit down. As usual Candy is busy, leaving Sawyer to approach them. "Why is this the only restaurant in town?" sighs Sawyer. "Attitude, we could just be here for the food" replies Scout. "Like I buy that, I don't need you to watch over me." Jag looks at his friends "Why do you care what she does?" "Who will watch over you then?" Scout asks Sawyer. The door opens and Mason walks in, he smiles and waves at Sawyer before heading to the counter. Scout pulls an angry face "I told you to stay away from him." "Bite me" answers Sawyer. Jag laughs while the other two just stare at her. "So are you here for food or to talk all day?" Braxton sighs and looks at the menu "I'll have a large plate of chips and large coldrink." Without taking his eyes off Sawyer Scout adds "I'll have the same." Without picking up on the tension, Jag pipes in with his order "I'll have the barbeque spare ribs and chips and a large chocolate milkshake." Sawyer writes down their order and hands it in, she finishes with her customers before approaching Mason and sitting down next to him. "So did you think of anything?" asks Sawyer. "Yeah, I'll fill you in later. What time does your shift end?" Sawyer looks up at the clock "I finish at seven which is in an hour....you want to wait and order something or come back later?" Mason looks over his shoulder "I think I'll watch the show" Sawyer looks at Scout and Braxton glaring at her. She then stands and kisses Mason on the cheek. She moves her lips till they are right by his ear "Now it's a show, have fun."

‌In no time her shift is over, Braxton, Scout and Jag left a while ago. Sawyer approaches Mason, he looks around at everyone staring "Let's go sit in a booth." Sawyer follows Mason to a booth; everyone is still staring at them. "You want to go somewhere private, you are becoming part of my one man freak show" Sawyer says before sitting down across from him. Mason looks straight at Sawyer "I've thought about it all day and the reality of it is that we need to tell him the truth." Sawyer stares at him in shock "The truth! Are you mad! I don't want to be arrested again!" "Come on Sawyer, he can help. Maybe he knows how we can get into Meredith's house and find that little girl" Sawyer shakes her head "No I can't tell him. Maybe we can leave a note at the police station or something" "That won't work, we need to tell him" They are both so focused on their conversation that they don't see Alec approaching. "Tell who? What?" asks Alec. They both jump slightly. Alec doesn't wait for an answer, he slides in besides Mason in the booth. He looks straight at Sawyer who is scowling. "My wife called and said you never came home today and that the school let you out before lunchtime" Mason shakes his head towards Alec, trying to get Sawyer to tell him. She crosses her arms and stares at the two men "I was busy" "With what? Sawyer, you have to let me in" Sawyer sighs out loud "You wouldn't believe me" "Try me" Sawyer stares at him, silently debating whether she should tell him or not. She finally tells him everything, from seeing the girl in the doctors' room to seeing her today chained up. Alec listens without saying a word. His face devoid of any emotion. "And you saw the girl for yourself?" Alec asks looking at Mason. "Yes sir, saw her chained with my own two eyes. At first I wasn't sure what was going on since Meredith doesn't have any children of her own but that little girl was scared" "I hate my job sometimes, what you two did was dangerous, not to mention illegal. If what you say is true then I need a reason to visit her" Sawyer looks at him angrily "If what I say is true! I said he wouldn't believe me" Alec raises his voice "Now wait one minute, I never said I don't believe you. Meredith lives on her own and there is no one around. So what excuse do I use for going to check out this house?"They all sit in silence thinking, then Sawyer smiles slyly and looks at them both "Why not wait till she finishes work and say you got a call from this house and want to see if she is alright" "That could work and I could take Scout with and he could ask to use the bathroom" "Scout!" shouts Sawyer angrily. "This was my idea, you wanted me to try and this is me trying. Now I need something in return." Alec runs a hand through his hair, this is something he does when he doesn't like what he is about to do. "Fine I will pick you up after school tomorrow then we can plan" "And me?" asks Mason. "You just keep your head down and work hard, we don't want this bigger than it is. After that they leave and Alec takes Sawyer home.

‌Sawyer is standing outside her new locker, she opens it and puts her books away. It seems weird having to trust something that she could easily break into to protect her stuff. She heads to the first class on her roster for the day. Most of the desks are filling up fast. Sawyer finds the only empty desk near the back. She hopes no one notices her. She opens her new history book on the page written on the board and waits. Zoey and Blaire are seated next to each other and stare at her. She stares back, showing no sign of weakness. The teacher Mrs Reid enters. She is the typical teacher. With a skirt on and her hair tied in a bun. The teacher picks up a roster and starts to call names to check who is in the class. "Good morning class, we have a new student with us, Sawyer Bowen" "It's Kylan" adds Sawyer. The whole class turns to face her. "Sorry?" "My surname is Kylan, not Bowen" The class start whispering to each other. The teacher makes a note and puts her papers away "Class settle down" says Mrs Reid raising her voice slightly. The rest of the lesson goes by smoothly. Sawyer knows all the work but sits there anyway, waiting for lunch time to save her. At lunch Sawyer is seated at the only open table by the dustbins. She sits there alone eating. Scout and Braxton are sitting with Blaire and friends. Pippa is sitting with her friends and they keep looking her way. Braxton gets up and walks towards her "Do you want to sit with us?" "I prefer the dustbins company" Sawyer replies while putting earphones in. He walks away and the others stare at her. She ignores them and takes out a book to read. The rest of the school day passes by quickly after that. After school she is waiting for Alec. Scout approaches her "Do you need a ride to Skully's Burgers?" "It's my day off and Alec is fetching me" "What did you do wrong now?" Sawyer sighs and rolls her eyes "Nothing, I'm helping him with a case" Scout looks at her and at Alec approaching, jealousy flaring. He watches her get into Alec's car, she smiles sweetly and they drive off. Sawyer is sit-ting in the office with her feet on the desk; Alec walks past and knocks her feet off before sitting behind the desk."So what time does she finish working?" asks Sawyer. "Four, we will head that way by five and make it look like I was taking you home. "Sawyer nods and looks around the room, the other desk empty "Where is your deputy?" "I sent him on patrol, you'll meet him later." They sit in silence for a bit, both not sure what to say. Sawyer looks at old photo frames on the desk. She picks up one of Alec and twin girls. "They look so happy" "We were, you don't have to speak about yourself in the third person" "I'm not her, I might have been once upon a time, but I am not her anymore" Alec looks straight at Sawyer "My little girl is gone, she disappeared ten years ago"

"So we agree on one thing?" "I suppose we do, but for my wife it's different. She looks at you and sees hope, I don't want to see her hurt." "I can't be what she wants me to be. I feel robbed and I don't know who I am anymore. I don't want to be forced to be someone I was." Alec takes the photo from her and puts it back "I'm not asking you to, just please be careful when it comes to Grace. I nearly lost her along with you girls and Haylen idolises you right now."Sawyer waits a beat before replying "I never had a liking for an officer of the law." Alec touches his badge and sighs "That is the one thing you used to love about me. The dog Sheriff, you gave him that name when you were five. Said it would make him strong like me" Sawyer smiles "Sounds like something I would say" Alec smiles in return "How did you tell us apart?" "Sarah was my smile and you were my sunshine" The deputy walks in and looks at them. His name is Jason Duncan, a 30 year old good looking young man. He holds out his hand to Sawyer. "Deputy Duncan at your service, you must be Sawyer." Sawyer shakes his hand "You look like a typical officer out of a movie" Jason walks over to his desk and sits down. Alec and Sawyer start planning what they will say to Meredith.

‌A few hours later, Alec is standing outside with Meredith. She is furious, standing with her hands on her hips "I didn't make a phone call, Sheriff" "I am so sorry to bother you, but what type of Sheriff would I be if I didn't check on my town? I was on my way with Sawyer when I got a call from this house" Meredith looks past him at the car "Sawyer is with you?" Sawyer gets out of the car and approaches them "Hello Mrs Zaine, is everything alright? We got a strange call from this house." "Everything is fine, must be a wrong number" answers Meredith peering behind her towards the house every few seconds. "Oh I really need the bathroom. I don't think I can make it home. Could I please use your bathroom?" "Sawyer, can't you wait?" adds Alec. "No I can't. Please can I use the bathroom?" Meredith looks slightly worried but nods her head. She opens the front door and points down the passage "It's the third door to the right." Sawyer thanks her and follows the directions; she closes the bathroom door, locks it and waits a few seconds before flushing. Sawyer then pretends to not be able to open the door, she starts to rattle the door and call for help. She hears footsteps on the other side and smiles. "I can't get the key to turn. "Don't panic, if you can't get it open. I will call the locksmith" calls Alec. "No!" screams Meredith. Alec looks at her, Meredith straightens "What I mean is that, if you take the key out. I have a spare one." Sawyer does it reluctantly and waits. Meredith opens the door. Alec rolls his eyes at Sawyer who smiles in relief. They head back to the front door. Sawyer stops and looks around "Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" asks Alec "It sounded like someone crying, didn't you say you live here alone?" Sawyer asks while walking towards the sitting room. Meredith tries to block her path "I do live alone, must be the TV. Now I have work to mark." Sawyer listens intently "I heard it again" Meredith looks worried now; Sawyer walks past her and into the room. Alec follows Sawyer, the three stop at the sight of the chained up girl sitting in front of the TV. Sawyer fake gasps and looks at Alec. "What is the meaning of this Meredith?" asks Alec reaching for his phone. "I can explain, she is very sick and will harm herself if she is untied." cries Meredith. "Who is she?" questions Alec. "My aunt's granddaughter, my Aunt is very sick and asked me to watch over her for a while. I didn't want anyone to know she was here. Please you have to keep it secret. And I swear she is in no harm." Sawyer glares and Alec sighs. The girl looks at them, sees Sawyer and starts screaming. Meredith runs towards her "Please, your presence is upsetting her" They turn to leave without arresting a woman for kidnapping. They get in the car and drive off. "Don't tell me you believed that!" yells Sawyer. "Not for a second, but we don't have proof" answers Alec."So she gets away with it?" "Not in my town."

‌The next morning Sawyer opens her locker and a piece of paper floats to the floor. She picks it up and reads it before slamming her locker door closed. Scout and Braxton walk up to her and Scout pulls the paper out of her hand. "A love note" teases Scout. Sawyer tries to grab it back, he laughs and holds it higher. "Give it back Scout, I'm not playing your games" yells Sawyer. Braxton tries to grab the note "You had your fun Scout, just give it back" Scout laughs and starts to hand it back, the paper opens slightly and he sees the first word. Scout grabs it back and reads it out loud "Get out of town while you can or else join your sister in the graveyard." He turns to Sawyer. "Who gave you this?" Sawyer grabs it and pockets it "It's probably someone playing a prank, now leave me alone." Scout blocks her pathway "You need to show dad." Sawyer pushes past him "My note, my business." "It is dad's business when you are getting threatened." "By some bored kid who wants to stir trouble" Sawyer hurries off to her next class, she sits there feeling the paper in her pocket thinking about what to do. Finally she takes out a piece of paper and scribbles a note down before leaving class with it. Sawyer walks calmly to the principal's office and looks in. The door is closed and Martha is busy. Sawyer sneaks past and pretends to tie her shoe whilst actually sliding the note she wrote under the door. She exits and sees Scout waiting by his car, Pippa seated in the front passenger side. "What took you so long? You coming?" "No I'll walk, have something to do in town." answers Sawyer. "Fine, see you tonight." Scout leaves and Sawyer quietly walks towards the back of the school where the principal's office is located. She peers inside and sees Meredith sitting there looking pale. Meredith holds the note in her hand; she looks around the empty room and back at the note. "I‌ know your little secret, try and make it look like an accident with me watching you."Meredith‌ sinks down in her chair taking a deep breath. She picks up the phone and calls Martha in. "Martha, who was in my office while I was out?" "No one, I was talking to a student about their field trip permission slip and your office was closed the whole time." Meredith hides her shaking hands "No one is allowed in my office at all from now on." Martha nods and leaves. Meredith picks up her phone and dials "Richard we have a problem." Sawyer smiles and walks away, she starts to walk towards town. She takes out her phone and reads the private message. Any progress. Sawyer feels the note in her pocket. Meredith has a child locked in her house and I received a threatening note. Sawyer carries on walking. She gets an instant reply. Please be careful and watch your back.

Sawyer‌ approaches the library and enters, the familiar bell chiming. Lucinda is writing something down, but stops to look at Sawyer warmly in greeting. "I was wondering when I would see you again." "I've been busy." "I know child, getting to know your family again after ten years can be tough." Sawyer ignores the comment and sits down across from Lucinda who pours them both a cup of tea. Sawyer looks down at the photo of the Forrest family. John holding Blaire in his arms and Kayla with her arm around Braxton. They look so young and so happy. "They look like the perfect family" "My son was very handsome. I don't care what others say about him. He would never willingly abandon his family" Lucinda says dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "I'm sorry" "Don't be silly, everyone makes their own choices in life and no one else can take the blame for them. Now what brings you here to visit little old me?" "I was wondering if you have a copy of the first blue prints of the town so that I can have a look at them?" asks Sawyer sipping her own tea. "Of course I do, they are somewhere around here. Why do you need them dear?" Sawyer willingly lies to protect Lucinda "I'm doing a project on the town's history" Lucinda looks like she isn't sure if Sawyer is telling the truth but stands up anyway and calls Sawyer to follow her. She leads Sawyer to a back room and takes out the key. They enter a dark room and after the light is switched on, Sawyer sees a room filled with dust and boxes. Boxes that reach the ceiling of each shelf. "No one has been in here in years and I can't see myself dusting and sorting everything out. Maybe if you have time you can help me." says Lucinda. "I would love to do it" "You could always say no, child." "No I might not remember who I was but I can find out where I came from." Lucinda gets onto a step ladder and pulls out a two hundred year old book and hands it to Sawyer "This is the very first town book recorded. Sit here if you like and call me if you need me."

‌Sawyer sits down with her back against the wall and skims through the book. She finally comes across a town map. It's old and looks nothing like the town today. But some things are in the same place. The school, much smaller back then is there and the library also. Sawyer tries to find the woods and the Dandelion field. She finally locates it but in the middle of the field is a mining shaft. Sawyer takes a few pictures with her phone and puts the book back before leaving. She heads towards Lucinda and hands the key back. Sawyer sits down to finish her tea. "Did you find anything useful in the book?" asks Lucinda. "I did, I hope you don't mind. I took a photo with my phone" Lucinda laughs "You children and your gadgets, in my days we wrote letters to each other." Sawyer is reminded about the letter in her pocket. She feels for it before taking her phone out. "Lucinda, I noticed a mining shaft in the dandelion field" she says pointing to it on the map. Lucinda puts on her glasses and takes the phone from Sawyer "Yes we were well known for our gold back in the day, everyone was a miner back then." "What happened to the mine? If the map is correct then the shed in the dandelion field is directly above it." "Yes...well the mine has been closed for a few years now. Some young man fell down and broke his neck. They declared it unsafe and closed it up after that." "Do you think it could still be there?" Lucinda takes her glasses off "From what I gathered they filled the hole so that no one else could fall down there." "Thanks Lucinda, you have been a great help" Sawyer leaves with a smile and walks back down the road.

She sees Mason who calls her over "Hey, what happened with the little girl?" he asks. "Nothing" "What! Was she gone?" Sawyer shakes her head "Meredith made up this story about it being a great aunt's niece or something like that and that the girl will harm herself if freed." Mason runs a hand through his hair "And Alec believed her?" "No, but he has no proof" Mason watches Sawyer carefully and sees the calculating look in her eyes "Don't do anything stupid, you're not a hero." "Someone has to be. I never had a hero to rescue me and look how I turned out." "But you are alive...." They stand glaring, both wanting to win this conversation. Finally they hear someone calling Mason. Sawyer gets this sly look before pulling him close and messing up his hair. "What are you doing?" asks Mason trying to fix his hair. "Everyone is going to see us walk out together, might as well give them something to talk about." Sawyer starts messing up her own hair. "Are you trying to get me killed, you are the Sheriff's daughter." Sawyer laughs and pulls Mason's top out of his jeans. She takes some grease from his rag and smears it onto her cheek and his. Sawyer grabs his hand and walks out into the open, Mason trying to fix himself up. Tommy Smith the owner of Tommy's Auto shop is standing there angrily. He is a sixty five year old guy with grey hair and always has grease all over himself. "Mason I pay you to work, not fraternise with the customers!" shouts Tommy. Sawyer lets go his hand "Oh sorry it was my fault, see you later Mason." With a wink she walks away. "What are you thinking? She is the Sheriff's daughter! That girl is trouble." says Tommy.

Sawyer is walking towards the dandelion field, she sees the Mayor standing outside staring at her. Sawyer waves, he walks back inside the house without a word being said. The cruiser suddenly stops next to Sawyer. Alec winds down the window "Get in." Sawyer crosses her arms, sighs then gets into the car. "Where is the note?" asks Alec. "Seriously! Scout has to run to you with everything, it was just a prank" "Let me be the judge of that; now let me see the note." "Why?" "Because I failed you once and I won't do it again. If it is a prank then fine I will let it go" Sawyer hands him the note, he reads it, his expression grim. "See there is nothing there to tell us who sent it" says Sawyer. "And you think it's a harmless prank?" "Who cares what I think." Sawyer gets out of the car and walks away. Alec drives slowly next to her "Leave me alone, Alec." "I can't do that" Sawyer wipes her teary eyes and stops walking. "I just want to help you." "I don't want your help, I need to do this on my own" "Fine I can respect that, but at the first sign of trouble you let me know. Let me protect you. And Sawyer... please be home for dinner, Grace is really trying hard." Sawyer nods and watches Alec drive away.

She walks to the Dandelion field and looks around, she wants to remember, it's not just about her anymore. She feels it coming on like a pain in her head, one that knocks her down and has her grabbing her head in pain. 

This memory is something new, something from a six year old who doesn't feel like they belong. Because six year old Mary-Grace never felt like she fitted in at all. She is sitting against the tree, her legs drawn up and grass stains on her jeans. She looks over at Sarah-Mae all clean and dressed like a princess, talking to Blaire. They are talking and whispering, giggling and smiling, while Mary-Grace sits alone. Braxton, at age eight, is kind and sweet and hates seeing Mary-Grace being left out. He approaches her and sees her tear stained cheeks. "Why aren't you playing with them?" asks Braxton. Mary-Grace shrugs her shoulders and picks up a dandelion. She brings it o her lips, Braxton kneels down and blows it before she can. "I was going to do that!" complains Sawyer. Sawyer pushes Braxton and he falls onto his bottom laughing. They both smile, Braxton looks over at the other two girls. "Are they being mean again?" asks Braxton. "No, I mean yes. They say I am too rough to play with them. I just wanted to be a knight, but no I had to be a stupid servant." "They shouldn't be so mean to you; I will go tell them to be nice." Braxton is about to get up when he hears his name being called. He looks sideways and sees John approaching "Dad you're home" says Braxton running towards his father. Blaire and Sarah-Mae run towards him, he hugs them all. He looks over at Mary-Grace. "Don't I get a hug hello?" Her face lights up and she runs towards him.

‌The memory so fleeting, it's over just as it began. Sawyer opens her eyes and looks around the field. This field that holds so many memories, some good and some bad, also holds the key to unlocking everything. She walks towards the shed and tries the door. It creaks and swings open. The floors are covered in dust and the room is empty except for an old piano standing in the corner. Sawyer shivers and rubs her arms, she looks back over her shoulder and sees no one around. She looks at the walls and notices they are covered in music notes that have been painted on. Different songs are written all around the room. Sawyer walks towards the piano and gently slides her hand over the top, she wipes the dust on her jeans and lifts the lid. Sawyer plays a few keys, it sounds off key. She plays a few more and notices something sticking out the side of one music note. Sawyer pulls at it and a piece of paper comes out, she picks it up and holds it up towards the window to see clearer.Get‌ out while you can, it isn't safe here. Stay far away and pretend not to remember or suffer the consequences. Sawyer hears a noise behind her and puts the note in her pocket, she turns around. Two men in ski masks are standing in the doorway, they have a cloth and rope in their hands, Sawyer looks around the room for an exit. The one man looks straight at her "Look what we have ourselves, right where we were told to find her." "I am the sheriff's daughter" Sawyer replies stepping back. The other man laughs "We know and that's why when we're done, you will tell daddy it was a random mugging" "He won't believe me, besides why would I do that?" "Because we know your little sisters and we wouldn't want them getting hurt now would we?" asks the first man wrapping the rope around his hand. They slowly start to advance on Sawyer. She backs away till she is against the wall. The first man lunges, Sawyer kicks him in the knee. He hits the ground and she punches him in the nose. The man falls to his side screaming. Blood is pouring from his nose. The second man catches her off guard and puts the material cloth that he is clutching over her mouth. "That bitch broke my nose! She will be punished for this!" exclaims the first man while trying to stop the bleeding. Sawyer tries to fight it but unconsciousness takes over. She feels herself being lifted into rough arms. The world turns black for Sawyer as she passes out.