
Broken By Humans, Mended By Wolves

After finding his husband in their bed with her sister, Natalia Winter leaves home and drives to a far place, books a hotel.After having too much to drink, she asks a stranger to sleep with her in order to get even with the husband but what she doesn't know is that the stronger is an Alpha were wolf and that she is his fated mate.She soon falls in love with the stranger only to realize that he is some kind of monster that turns into a wolf.Will her love for the Alpha make her ignore his identify or will she run for her dear life?

Daoist0uZOhT · Fantasy
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3 Chs

3.How Much Do You Want

Jack's POV

I still couldn't believe that I had just found my mate and in a club of all places.She didn't look like the drinking type but the way she was drinking, she was offered a small glass but she refused it and drunk from the bottle like she had been doing this for some time.

Maybe she had something on her mind.Something that she was trying to forget or maybe she was really a good beer fun who knew how to take care of herself because to me she looked like a responsible person not a drunkard.

When she was halfway the bottle, I tried to take away the bottle from her but she refused saying I'm neither his father, mother or husband to tell her what to do.

I was afraid this were wolf beer was going to kill her.Using force wasn't going to work to I decided to try and talk her hoping that maybe she would listen to me.

"Is this your first time taking beer?"I asked

"Why ask?" she replied as she tried to down the bottle.I quickly held it and put it down.

"That's enough"I told her.

"Give me my drink now" She said trying to reach the bottle but I pushed far away from her.I could tell she was starting to lose it so I asked the bartender to swipe the drinks and give her that of humans.

"I can tell you are going through something.Do you mind sharing with me?"I asked her.She looked at me for a few seconds and smiled but I could tell it wasn't a genuine one.

"Do you have a partner and a sibling? If you do please trust none of them"She said taking a sip on her beer.

' I thought the moon goddess had answered my prayers since I had finally met my mate but it turns out she has got a partner? What sort of games was the universe playing on me. 

First, she was human and she couldn't feel the mate bond and second she was in a relationship that I badly wanted to find out about'.

"Uhhh, I do have a sibling but I don't quite understand what you mean.Can you please elaborate?"I composed myself and decided to continue with the conversion since she had decided to open up to me.

"Well, those two have been screwing each other behind my back.All this time I have been nothing but a loving and caring wife and a sibling but all I got was to finally find them entangled in my bed"She said between sobs.

I felt the urge to look for the bastard that made my mate cry like this.

' I want to shred him into pieces, we should kill him right away' My wolf Tyler roared

'Easy buddy..We will do all that later but first, we need to make sure that she is alright' I reasoned with him.

I slowly lifted my hand and started caressing her from her shoulders to her back.

"I'm so sorry" I said to her and as soon as I said those words, she snapped at me.

"I don't like it when people feel sorry for me.So don't say that word again"

"Well I'm so- I mean I don't know what to say"I almost replied with what she had just stopped from saying.

She gave me a warning look and she took another sip of beer and I was glad we swiped drinks otherwise with the way she was drinking, she would be dead by now.

I didn't say anything as I waited for her to reply.

"I just want you to listen"She then replied when she put her beer back to the counter and her eyes were fixed on the same spot.

She then lifted her eyes and looked up at me.

"You wanted to listen right?"She asked this time in a whisper.I think she had had enough to drink cause even her eyes wanted to shut but she was forcing them to look.

She then put her head at the counter after failing.I guess her head was heavy now.

She still looked at my side as she smiled.She had a smile of a goddess though I didn't like it cause I knew that deep down, she was filled by nothing but sadness.

"I do want to listen but I think you need to rest first.Can you please tell me where your home is such that I can take you there?"I asked 

"No no no...I'm not going back at home, I don't want to look at those shameless faces of Billy and Miranda"She lifted her head up and started moving her fore finger opposing my words.

"And you know what, I wasn't supposed to spend the night at home today, I was going on a fucking vacation with that son of a -.But it's okay I can spend my vacation here, on my own"She said

I didn't think it was appropriate for a person to spend a night here not even in the lodges around cause a lot was always going down with these drunkards and I would never let my own mate do that under my watch.

"You see princess this place wants to close.So you can stay here"I lied

"Really?"I thought they had rooms around here, I can book one of those.I came with my credit card"she said presenting her card. 

"Uhh we do have-"The bartender started to say before I gestured for him to say no.

"We don't have them here ma'am"He changed the statement.

"Now what will I do?"She asked

"Let's go to the nearby hotel, it's not even safe here"I suggested and she agreed.

I linked the guys and explained the situation to them and carried mate out of the place.As I promised, I took her to the nearby hotel.

I wanted two rooms mine across hers so that I could easily monitor her but unfortunately, there was one room left.

Since it was getting late, I had no other choice, I guess I was to sleep in the living room cuz if I decided to leave her here, by the time I drive back I may not find her.

She was talking some incoherent words and she couldn't walk straight. I was afraid she would fall so I carried her.As soon as we reached the room, I took her to the bed and covered her.

We would see everything else tomorrow when she was sober I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I was done, I used one of available bathrobes and went to the living room.

I couldn't find sleep so I decided to watch my favorite hobby and that is football.I made sure to keep the volume low so as not to disturb the sleeping beauty.

I was lost in the game when from the corner of my eye I saw a petit figure staggering towards me.I immediately got up and helped her to the sofa.

"What's wrong princess, I thought you were asleep?"I asked but she ignored my question and just starred at me with a smile.

"You look gorgeous"She said after a while as she lifted her hand and touched my cheek.

'Damn, this was going to be a long night'I thought to myself.

She had no idea that she was playing with fire. She had no idea how we were wolves behave and that she was my mate. She had no idea that Tyler wanted to claim her as soon as possible and had urged me to take her the moment I laid my eyes her of but course I couldn't let that happen.

I had to make him understand that she was a human so we had to take things slow but if this is what she was going to do then I'm afraid I was going to lose all myself control.

"Uuhhh, thank you beautiful, but I think you tired you should get some rest" I said gently removing her hand from my face.

"I'm not tired and I don't want to rest.I want to do it"she said 

"What do you want to do?"I decided to play dumb.

"I want you to fuck me" She said pulling her tank top up and I stopped her before she could do it.she had no idea that she was torturing me it wasn't right because she wasn't in her right mind even though I wanted to do it so bad.

"Look, you are not thinking straight and I know for sure you would regret this in the morning and that is the last thing that I want"I said 

By this time, I was panting like a dog. I was getting high and hot and Tyler wasn't making it easy for either I immediately got up went back to the shower.I needed to cool down.

When I thought I was starting to succeed that she was right in front of me completely bare.I would be lying if say that I didn't like what I was seeing she was perfect in every way and her action had just fueled my lust.I started thinking of how I wanted to use every part of hers from head to toe.

"Stop fighting it handsome, we both want this or at least I'm sure I want this. I don't think I'll regret it in the morning or maybe let's do it this way"She said taking slow seductive steps towards me.

" How much do you want? I'll pay for it I promise.Just name your price" she said she was so damn serious.

I internally scoffed at her.I would do it without being begged and yet she was asking me to name the price, I didn't need her money.I just didn't want her to regret it, it would make me feel like I used her.

There is nothing I wanted more than to take her but I wanted to do it the right way.Though it seemed that my way, wasn't what fate had in store for me.

We locked eyes for what felt like eternity. I was battling both physically and mentally.This beautiful thing right here didn't make my attempt to resist her easy and so did Tyler who threatened to take over if I didn't want to do it.He was saying that it wasn't wrong since it was she who begged for it.

I didn't even know what to say I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Please"She begged in a whisper as she pulled the strings of my robe open and that was it for me.I could no longer find it in me to deny her.

I immediately rocked my lips with hers and she responded kissing me right back roughly as she passed her hands through my hair.

Soon, I realized that she was shivering. I turned off the shower without breaking the contact I had with her and led her to her bed she was insatiable but I knew exactly what to do with her.

I had had so many relationships in the past but I didn't know it felt this good to be with the one person I was fated to.All of them where no match for her, she was completely different.

After reaching an orgasm and making sure I had satisfied all her desires, I hugged her and we fell asleep.

Going to the Club this evening, I had no idea I would end up sleeping next to my mate and I couldn't help but thank the goddess for bringing her to me.