
Broken By Humans, Mended By Wolves

After finding his husband in their bed with her sister, Natalia Winter leaves home and drives to a far place, books a hotel.After having too much to drink, she asks a stranger to sleep with her in order to get even with the husband but what she doesn't know is that the stronger is an Alpha were wolf and that she is his fated mate.She soon falls in love with the stranger only to realize that he is some kind of monster that turns into a wolf.Will her love for the Alpha make her ignore his identify or will she run for her dear life?

Daoist0uZOhT · Fantasy
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3 Chs

1.The Betrayal

Natalia's POV

 "Hey, love"I heard someone say as he kissed my temple.It was definitely my husband Billy.


 "Wake up it's eight sharp and I don't want you to be late"I heard Billy say.

 "Hmmm"Was all I said.

 "Talia, wake up.I don't want that weird looking agent boss of yours Jake to call"he said shaking me up.At the mention of my boss, I quickly got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom.Yesterday had been a long day as we spent it chasing around the thieves that had become a problem in California but as an ex military and an FBI, there was no room for complaining.

 "I don't know why you think he is weird but he looks fine to me and his name is Jack not Jake"I replied before turning on the shower.

"Whatever"I heard him yell and utter a few incoherent words.

 After taking shower, I wrapped myself in a robe and left the bathroom and like always, Billy had already picked and arranged the clothes for me to wear.He was a sweet and caring husband.

 "I think this will be perfect for a Friday"He said referring to the suit he had put in place for me.

 "Thanks, love.I don't know what I would do without you"I said giving him a kiss.

 "You're a strong woman Talia, you can deal with any-

 "Breakfast is ready"Miranda yelled cutting him off.

 "Let's go, you are already getting late"he said intertwining our arms and leading me down stairs and to the kitchen.

 "Good morning sis, brother in law"Miranda greeted

 "Good morning to you too Miranda"Billy and I replied in unison as he pulled out a chair for me to sit. "How was your night? Did you have night mres again?"Billy asked giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

 "No, I didn't thanks to the chamomile tea you made for me.I slept like a baby"she replied.

 "You've been having night mares? About what? Why didn't you tell me?"I asked.Miranda was my step sister and last year her mom and dad's car exploded right in front of her so I asked her to come and stay with us but the fact that Billy my husband knew about it and I didn't know anything stung a little, I felt like an outsider in my own house and in Miranda's life too.

 "About mom and dad's incident and I didn't tell you because you are always busy and you come back tired so I decided not to brother you with my problems"she replied

 "Whether I'm tired or not you should have let me know instead of having to go through those night mares and who said you were bothering me. I would have hired you a psychiatrist"I replied surprised by her reply.

 "Sorry if I offended you but I didn't think of that"she replied.

 "How long has this been going on?"I asked her.

 "Ever since mom and dad died"She replied.I stood up, went to the living room and immediately called one of my psychiatric doctors.Once , I was done, I went back to the table and so Billy's hand on Miranda's.I felt a little bit uncomfortable and insecure about it.'Maybe he is trying to offer her comfort like a caring person that he is'I thought to myself.

 "I have made an appointment with Doctor Rivers.You will start on Monday and a hundred percent sure that he will be of help to you"I said

 "Thank you"Miranda replied

 "Are you going to work today?"I asked Billy as he escorted me to the car.

 "I'm waiting for Mike's call if he says I'm needed at the warehouse then I will be there"He told me that he was doing shipping of goods from warehouses to customers but I was too busy to go see where he works.

 "Okay, have a nice day"I said giving him a kiss.

 "Thank you and please take care"he replied.

After saying goodbye, I started my car and headed to the office.

"Hi Talia, I'm so happy.I still can't believe that we caught Cortez and his friends.We've been looking for them for so long"Cecilia said as I continued walking to my Cabin.She was talkative and sometimes I couldn't hear what she was saying but she was talented, intelligent, loyal and caring.

"Well, we actually did and now the people of California will have some peace"I replied waving to a few colleagues in the respective cabins.

"I will see you later. Bye"she said when she reached her cabin.I continued to mine to attend to a pile that I expected on my table but surprisingly, I found a few that needed to be signed as I attended to a few files that I had neglected to keep me busy.

Later in the afternoon, I received a call from the assistant director's secretary informing me that we have a meeting.

"Good afternoon agents, I have gathered you all here to thank you for all your efforts and the good work you did which made this operation successful and as we speak Cortez and his gang are in prison"Agent Jack said and we all clapped our hands.

"And therefore, we have decided that you guys should take a break or go for a vacation for a month and we shall call you back.Another team will take care of the things here during that period.Thank you"He concluded and we gave him another round of applause.

" I'm going to miss you "Cecilia said removing her glasses cleaning the UN invisible tears when I told her the vacation 'She was so dramatic'.She was working in the IT department and a nerd in that area which meant she was needed at the agency so she was staying.

"I'm going to miss you too but it's only a month and we will keep in touch"I assured her.

"So what are your plans for vacation"She asked

"Well, Miranda is going to start her therapy so I will just go with Billy to the beach and spend the vacation on the sea"

"Great idea, I'm sure Billy will like it"

"I hope so, we haven't spent some time together in a while.Now I have got to fill him in"I said

"Have a nice time.I love you"she said giving me a side hug.

"I love you too.Take care"I said as I walked out of her cabin.

"Hey gorgeous, where are we spending the vacation?"Jimmy asked on my way out.

"I have been married for two years and you were even there at my wedding but never stop flirting with me.I'm spending the vacation with my husband so cut it out"I said as we walked to the parking lot.

"I will always shoot my shot whenever I see you.You never know someday you might consider me a partner at home as I am at work"He said winking at me.

"Good luck with that Jim"I said entering my car and sped off.

"I'm home"I said as soon as I opened the door but since the house was big, I didn't here any reply so I checked in the kitchen but nobody was there so I headed for the stairs to my bedroom.Reaching the door, I heard moans coming from there so I opened the door to reveal Billy and Miranda having sex in my bed.I heard passed by the stores and brought him his favourite aquarium containing his favorite little fish and when I saw what happened, it slipped from my hands and broke getting their attention.All the water spread in the room.

"How could you do this to me"I said to the both of them.

"My love I can explain"Billy said quickly wrapping a bed sheet around his waist and coming towards me.Miranda had also covered herself with the sheets at least they had decency.

"I do wanna hear it and please stop right there"I said but he continued walking towards me.

"So everytime I'm not around this is what you have been doing in my bed?"

"Baby please calm down"Billy said trying to touch my hand.

"Don't call me baby and don't you touch me"I yelled tears streaming down my face.

"And you Miranda, after everything I have done for you.This is how you choose to pay me"

"I'm sorry" she managed to say.

"Both of you are pathetic"

"Don't you blame this entirely on us, you are always at work.I'm a man with needs and you bring here your sister who is single.What do you expect me to do"Billy yelled

"I might be at work but I attend to your needs however tired, I am and I be hear on Sunday except when there is an emergency.You're just a greedy selfish bastard"I yelled back.

"You know what, there is no point in arguing with the both of you.Enjoy your lives in peace"I said and left them in the room.

I picked my purse that I had left in the living room which also had my important documents and stepped out.