

Broken but not Broken is about a young strong woman who inspite of being disappointed by men in having a perfect relationship decides to give love more chances until it works for her though she had had the desire to quit. She found love in Denzel, fought the battles that came with building a good relationship and won. The beauty of her love story isn't just because she found the perfect guy but the fact that, she was able to develop and build herself to achieve her dreams and help others to do same through her love for him and his love for her. For her, love became not just a feeling but a tool that equipped and empowered her to be a super woman to herself, her family and most importantly the world. This story would build the desire to be the woman you have ever dreamed of because it will push you not to settle for less especially when it comes to love. If it isn't building, equipping and empowering you to pursue your dream, then walk away from it. Love isn't to be ENDURED, it is to be ENJOYED.

sylina · Urban
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60 Chs


The relationship between Phyllis and David blossomed and it was very beautiful. David tried his best to make her comfortable in their relationship because he knew she had been through a lot of heartbreaks in her previous relationships and he didn't want her to go through that again. He gave her the needed attention and care since that's what every woman longed for. He wouldalso surprise her with gifts once in a while and she loved how he treated her. She also treated him with so much respect, love and care and he admired her for that.

The nature of his job required that he travelled frequently to attend to their clients on their respective farms so he travelled a lot and they always communicated via phone calls and Whatsapp since they loved to do video calls but they agreed to never follow friend each other on any other social media platform. On one Tuesday morning, David was asked by his office to attend to a client in a different region. He couldn't call Phyllis to inform her because it was impromptu and he needed to make proper arrangements and organise all the machines and equipment he would need for his work on his client's farm.

He left for the farm as soon as he could. It was a very long journey so he got there very tired and went straight to bed the very moment he got to his hotel. When he decided to unpack his bags at that he could arrange his things in his hotel room, he noticed his phone was missing. He searched for it everywhere but couldn't find it so he used the hotel's phone to call his but the line was off and therefore didn't find the phone. He couldn't call Phyllis because he didn't have her number off head. She also tried for several times to reach him but she couldn't get through. She never got the chance to meet any of his family or friends because they wanted to get to know each other well before they introduced each other to their family and friends so she didn't know where to look for him.

A week after he travelled, Phyllis found him online on his WhatsApp page. She saw that he had changed his profile picture. That picture had his client's first daughter in it. She got angry and deleted his contact, messages, pictures and videos of him from her phone thinking David had left her for a new woman. She cried herself to sleep that night and decided to never call him again. His intention was not for her to think he had a new woman but he wants her to know he was alright and also needed her to reach out to her because he had lost her contact.

David came back after a month and the very first place he went to was her house but she was so angry to see him and started crying and fighting him. David was so confused but he managed to calm her down and spoke to her. He told her everything that had happened and told her the lady was his client's daughter and nothing more. He then called his client's daughter for her to speak to her before she was convinced. She was so relieved, hugged and kissed him so passionately. David could see she was so relieved and was in high spirits and he felt sorry for what he had uninstalled put her through.

So he took her out to dine and later took her home since he was so tired. They both took their bath together and laid beside each other with his arms wrapped around her. They both longed to have each other's body but they knew it was impossible at the time since he was tired. They chatted for a while and slept. David took her to his family house that weekend so that she could meet them because he didn't want what happened to happen again. They also invited their friends over to his house the following weekend so that they will all get to meet and get to know each other's friends. It was a beautiful moment for them since they got to know the important people in each other's lives.

David insisted Phyllis moved from her parents house to live with him since he didn't feel comfortable whenever he visited her in their presence. He told her it affect their relationships and besides they needed to live together so that they would get to know each other well but she didn't agree to it. She believed it wasn't right for a woman and man who are not married to live together and he therefore had to respect her decision.

They were happy together though they sometimes had issues. David was very good in handling their problems though she was quick tempered. They never took their problems to a third party because he handled their issues maturedly and they both didn't want to lose each other as well.

They enjoyed their relationship until he had a phone call one day from one of his female cousins. He decided to take the call out because he thought she was sleeping and didn't want to disturb her. Ten minutes after he took the call out of his room, she dressed up, packed her things and left his room. As soon as he saw her, he realised she was angry and knew she thought she was talking to a woman he was cheating on her with so she asked the person to hold on as he spoke to her but she rushed out quickly and didn't respond to him as he shouted her name after her. When he realised she wasn't going to mind her, he called her on his phone and realised she had blocked him. He then sent her message telling her he was disappointed in her for disrespecting him but she never responded.

She waited for his calls for weeks but he never called her and she also couldn't call him again because she thought he would not pick her calls. When she realized he wasn't going to call her again, she cried and regretted that she couldn't control her anger and suspicion and had lost a good man because of her stupidity.