
Broken Bride

" I know this marriage started as an arrangement but now I've fallen for you. Please give me a chance to love you and show you that I care." I told her pleadingly. "I'm sorry but I don't do love. I can't love you and this is a loveless marriage that can never have love in it because I don't have love to give you. I'm sorry but don't even try." She said and left me alone in the room. After her Fiance cancelled their wedding at the last minute, she was left broken. Her Father decided to get her married to his friend's son whom she doesn't like but to prove to her ex she is a strong woman and to protect her family's image, she agreed. Will she fall for him? Or will their marriage be a disaster? Read to find out more about Madina and Abubakar, and their marriage life.

albauuuu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

Madina's POV

30 minutes later Hajja came back and looked at me as she smiled sadly.

"You know how your father is," She started. "I know what I'm about to say is not nice and probably not a good news, but I hope you will take this in a good way. I told your father about what Malik said and suggested that the wedding should be cancelled but he refused. He said he's going to marry you off to his friend's son Abubakar Hamid." she said, sadly looking at me for any reaction but got none.

I know the man they are trying to marry me off to and I know his family. They are nice people but I don't usually get along with him. Still I'll marry him to protect my family from the shame they will face if I refuse, and also to show Malik that I can live without him and move on with my life perfectly.

"No problem Hajja, I agree. Let's just hope it's the best." I said smiling.

"May Allah bless you, my daughter." Hajja smiled and stood up to leave the room.

"Amin" I said in my mind.

To say what Malik did is not hurtful is a lie. I trusted him with my heart and thought I will be happily married to him by now but surprisingly we are not married and I won't be marrying him and that alone is heartbreaking.

'Maybe this is my destiny and I'm going to accept whatever happens in the future, and thank God for it' I thought, then I sighed deeply as I looked at my sister.

"Are you sure, Madina?" my sister asked

"Yes, I'm very sure." I answered her as I sat up to carry my niece Aisha.

Just then, the door opened.....

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