
Broken Boundaries: Unorthodox chronicles.

Things were normal for a time. Wake up, be annoyed by my siblings, avoid the black shadow and the attic things, go to school, avoid the what aren't humans. Maybe just my day will go forward like it should be. I don't need transferring to another foster family. Or change of schools. Just please be another passive day. I am grateful for what I have. I don't need to be a street rat. ----- Welcome to a small wedge of a book series is to come. This book isn't even the first in the timeline of things. However starting here can make sense of the laws and creatures encountered in other books. Some of the volumes could each be considered its own book. Some views of the same event aren't always written the same ways. Some chapters will inevitably be repeated in other books. As the series as a whole wasn't intended to be posted online originally. The concepts touched on are just imagination and theories in a sort of storyline. I mean no disrespect towards anyone. So enjoy with a side of salt and open mindedness. Discussion is how always to resolve misunderstanding. --- Disclaimer for any spelling or grammar errors. I use writing stories as a way to counter my dyslexia. It also seems that my dyslexia has its way of telling any sort of story in the wrong order. I guess this is how I ended up with 20 books to edit and post. Good luck in the adventure. Your always welcome to comment!

Squeaky_Kittah · Fantasy
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134 Chs

New starts of twisted changes.

From what was before the first few times, the throne was set to be given to siblings older then myself. There was for long periods of history where the title of ender fell to hands like my father and uncle.

During their holds of power, I was often the weakest soul of the children of royalty. The lowest number before current events was 5 children.

Before the creation of the twilight sapphire soul, I was the eighth in line. I had created a secert passages for living mages to learn magic practices from us royals in return of safety among the street rats. As a spirit, it was a impressive feat of trust to get my siblings to follow charge of teaching the poor.

It prevented a plague with how the drains relied on those practicing spells and prevent ground riots for energy contraction areas.

The work was undone with the tear of history being scrapped. Meaning the spare souls of other timelines had not lingered around me. Losing my siblings as a result of this newest do over.

The loss of soul energy has not dusted any eyes of gods - they had other things to deal with. I just hope the lords of titles don't do anything strained to the time cloth in the intervening recovery years.

I believe they remained clueless of the existence or definition of Ender. They have some idea but its not the scope of mortal knowledge for any random god to work out.

The key souls of the network are the only beings whom appreciate the efforts of restoration the title I keep does.

So when the true title of Death would do his god century count of total passed souls, his not going to have a heart attack. He is someone aware. As is lady of summons, the hands whom open sigil passages - she knows where realms have disappeared.

So how long will the more new history will last before we need to deconstruct around to how it should be. If I am not wrong, these events of being knifed with a god slayer tooth are not my orginal events. They are some other Enders.