
Broken Boundaries: Unorthodox chronicles.

Things were normal for a time. Wake up, be annoyed by my siblings, avoid the black shadow and the attic things, go to school, avoid the what aren't humans. Maybe just my day will go forward like it should be. I don't need transferring to another foster family. Or change of schools. Just please be another passive day. I am grateful for what I have. I don't need to be a street rat. ----- Welcome to a small wedge of a book series is to come. This book isn't even the first in the timeline of things. However starting here can make sense of the laws and creatures encountered in other books. Some of the volumes could each be considered its own book. Some views of the same event aren't always written the same ways. Some chapters will inevitably be repeated in other books. As the series as a whole wasn't intended to be posted online originally. The concepts touched on are just imagination and theories in a sort of storyline. I mean no disrespect towards anyone. So enjoy with a side of salt and open mindedness. Discussion is how always to resolve misunderstanding. --- Disclaimer for any spelling or grammar errors. I use writing stories as a way to counter my dyslexia. It also seems that my dyslexia has its way of telling any sort of story in the wrong order. I guess this is how I ended up with 20 books to edit and post. Good luck in the adventure. Your always welcome to comment!

Squeaky_Kittah · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Mistakes or Accidents

Those whom make up the orginal middle class teir of Damned with not exact purpose of being cursed after death. They are often people whom forgot they had made contracts with beyond beings. Some haven't forgot but struggle for one purpose or another.

The highest of those is the mage culture calling them 'followers of gods'. The direct mouth peice to deities. While being alive as a god follower, through vague messages or gifted abilities are they able to get some answers from thier god. Prayer being the clearest communication between follower and god.

When the contract between god and follower is still incomplete for one reason or another but they lost the ability to finish it alive. They are formed as Shadows of their former selves.

Worse is that nature of being damned, the how being almost invisible and most totally muted from a gods presence. It hard to deliver lost relics of religious meaning, it is impossible task for damned to accomplish alone.

There are examples of many myths that are sugar coasted. Some are famed like the golden fleece for Greek rumours. Many relics have pope or marters bodies encased within sealed glass and gold. These links to souls the gods have asked to be found.

Items that would melt damned flesh due to the positive impact of the items perceived as blessed. Its not that they are blessed, maybe... its just the living humans that use them as luck or ward charms. That is what makes these items blessed. Its a hassle enough for the damned to take drastic actions as to trick living people into finishing the jobs of the dead.

Its the different between a follower and a pope. A Pope is trained by a spirit. A follower is the current or now dead contract holder of the god.

Right, you managed to make living people finish the job you been sent to do from beyond the grave. The gold relic is now some museum piece that is being appreciated as the god asked you to do.

You make the journey to be dusted across many pathways to face your god. Aware you setting up to be ashes. You believe that some sort of holy peace will wash your soul in order to met this God in flesh.

You find out how chaotic the afterlife actually is and stubble few well to many times. But you torture yourself in this determination to be saved by some god. That you are smashed face frist with the many monsters that coexist beside you all you life and you never realize it.

Sort of took a detour in learning about this fear beings culture. Find it ridiculous or creepy. Get back to self torture to walking beside the being you called god all that life before.

A few oath hunters and law breaks later... because you had to find a way to learn to hug the God in the first place. You learn where to go, so the expreince wasn't wasted.

You have scramble, scavenged and scrapped up a ton of loot in order to be able to be seen by this god. You are educated enough in beyond rules while still ignorant of the facts. You legally make it onto god realm place, navigated through the many golem and protections placed.

The kicker is when you are faced to encountering the reality of the beyond from new perspective. Thought that you were prepared with understanding that they aren't going to recall who you are or that they will treat you like a invalid.

But With everything you done, you have broken the filter you once assumed as a living human. A dead soul how means folks whom are just like you but with high responsibility. People whom are choosen by some strange methods to become the true title of the god you seen. You find that being a god and being a host title of god are separated things. Like the difference between a pope and a god follower.

In this unfiltered reality, you find the realm of gods no different to the one humans have man. Looks different but its the same feelings. The same problems. The same fights of whom is right and wrong.

You learn that your task to find such strange relic was likely pointless, that it were a pointless dead to please a host not a title. Or you find it all that bit heart breaking.

Left with facing a god whom actually isn't any different to yourself. That contract you made didn't matter anymore.

Sort of left with being confused. You are not sure of what to do as a dead soul. Cursed to roam around with such knowledge. Not be able to tell others whom are to innocent to understand and those you could tell already knew.

So you make it your mission to protect the next god host or god follower that comes after you. You make it easier for them to continue playing innocent. You appreciate it from the side lines and step forwards when some idiot ruins it.

Its truly always the same sort of story with them. Be it that the gods titles that don't reuse or have power to carve souls.

These cases like Omens, life, death and nature make the god followers into something else after loosing mortal human life. There are many varieties of gods, faiths and beliefs that use it.

Like the native Americans of the Indian tribes. They not all about gods as such but the very souls of places, animals and natural formations. Belief of changing into such creatures or things in next life.

So what happens when something really screws up for such converting soul.

A journey of a bird man and his many lifetimes. The truth he learns... works towards. What happens to him?

Why not? I do find more stories to add here the further into the editing of stories I get into.

Annoying as it may with making you jump bookmark placing.

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