
Broken beyond repair

Kim Dylester was not up to Six when she started seeing her mother being constantly abused by her father. As a little girl, it caused trauma and she lived in Isolation almost all through Elementary. Elementary school wasn't all that better because no one wanted to associate with her except during tests and exams because she had a big brain but the teacher always favoured the Chairman's daughter over her keeping her in the dim light. Getting into college, She changed her ways and decided to be known but that proved a tough task because a lot was expected from her and the issues at home were affecting her. Choosing a best friend whom no one knows about but was betrayed because of Unrequited love. Falling in love at first sight but was broken in the worst way she ever thought of, giving love a second trial but it turned out to be a big disaster. Gaining admission into the university she decided to let go of her past, but the past came calling and her not-so-perfect life became the worst nightmare. The biggest event of her life became her death day lol. So now the question is... How will she cope when she wakes up in the hospital to see her worst nightmare smiling? "Who will she give her heart to in the love triangle? Did she overcome her misery or give up?

tianahclassic6 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Meet the Dylester


"Will you marry me?" Damien Dylester proposed with a heart beating so fast but judging from the outer expression, he looked so calm that nobody could ever guess he was nervous.

 People standing aside started chanting 'Say yes! Say yes Say yes' while others brought out their phones to capture one of the most beautiful moments at Charl's Mall.

To say Pearls was flabbergasted seems to be an understatement even though she has wished for this day since they started dating more than two years ago. It looked like it was never going to happen and now that it did, She couldn't open her mouth to say a single word.

 "Pearls Peruz, complete me please and be my woman till eternity" Damien who was getting more impatient and worried smiled and said in a louder voice.

People were wowed by the little rhymes and some said:


"OMG, wish this was me"

"This guy is too cute to be turned down," said a desperate lady in the crowd.

 Like who wouldn't want to be in Pearl's position? Damien Dylester is like a demi-god when it comes to handsomeness, height, complexion, and just name it even his lips are a killer not to talk of his blue eyes shaped like almonds. He is what many ladies will call the perfect man what else did I forget to add yeah! He is very comfortable.

Pearls moved closer to him with tears of joy gushing down her pretty face like the proposal was unexpected and emotional, Ed Sheeran's The Perfect was being played in the background.

 "Damien, am sorry but I've to say this YES I'LL BE YOUR WOMAN," Pearls said.

Damien who was all shaky before because of her choice of words left loose the butterflies in his belly as he inserted the ring into her stretched hand and then kissed her deeply as she accepted to be his fiancee.

Everyone around started clapping and was very happy for them though some had tears in their eyes.

Everyone who witnessed the proposal was expecting a big wedding party but it never turned out that way.

 "Where is Pearls?" Mr. Perez asked after his daughter when he got back home because the video had trended so much on social media with mostly positive words here and then.

 "Ohh, Dad I guess she will be at Damien's place. Didn't you see the video it hit more than 30k likes in 2 hours as in my sister is just like a celebrity" said Prisca, Pearl's cousin.

 "Of course I did, but do you think Pearl's made the right choice" he questioned with a worried expression.

 "Not again dad, Damien is mad about Pearls and vice versa. I think you should be happy for them besides we have a wedding to plan can't wait to be the chief bridesmaid" said Prisca with a happy look.

 "It's fine lil cousin, So gist me about your advertisement deal," he said changing the topic.

Prisca Peruz is the only surviving daughter of Pascal's late brother. He took her in after a plane crash that claimed the lives of her parents and two older brothers. He treats her like his own blood daughter besides she and Pearls are so close like blood sisters. She's an upcoming model with beautiful curves in the right places and a pretty face so she got her first advertisement deal that day.

 At Damien's house, Pearls was sitting on the couch since they just got back from a dinner date after the successful proposal.

 "Cutie, thanks for accepting me I promise you forever is the deal," said Damien.

 "You're the best thing in my life it's my pleasure to spend the rest of my life with you baby" Pearls answered.

 "Darling, I think it's the right time," said Damien moving closer to Pearls.

 "Ohh... can't we I mean can it wait till our wedding night" Pearls stammered.

 "Not again, I've done everything to prove myself worthy of you, So what's the problem exactly this time, I know"Damien questioned with annoyance.

 "I know sweetheart am all yours I just want our wedding night to be the most special night of our lives," Pearls said with a serious expression.

 "Listen to yourself, for good two years you've starved me of my right, it's not just fair it's not, "Damien said with a bitter chuckle.

 "I'm sorry okay, it'll soon be over you know I'm kinda scared of it"Pearls replied.

 "Scared, why exactly? Or you've been lying to me about being a virgin" asked Damien.

 "No baby, I've never lied to you about that and I won't start now," said Pearls.

 "I won't hurt you, okay I just want you to feel good and see the pleasure you've been denying yourself since you reached puberty," said Damien romantically touching her.

 "Baby, I'll be okay on our wedding night," said Pearls getting scared.

 "It's fine then am done with you, if you keep making me feel this way I'm so done with you. All these years I stood your ground but now you're just making me feel I was a fool. You can lock the door on your way out" said Damien standing up and heeding the stairs.

 "Ohhhh, baby you can't do this, please! What will people say?" said Pearls who looked like she'll cry soon.

 "I don't care about people, okay, it's your business, not mine, I'm done with this convo good night," said Damien shoving her away.

 "Baby I love you okay I do with all my heart if you leave me I'll die don't do this please," said Pearls hugging him from behind.

 "Are you ready to do what I want?" asked Damien with his back still turned to her.

 "I, I, I'm not sure. It'll..." she couldn't complete her statement.

 "All right, I understand you," Damien said in a calm voice.

 "Thanks, baby, you're the best," said Pearls losing her grip on him.

 Immediately she did that, Damien turned his face to her and pulled her closer then started kissing her slowly at first which she responded to with the same energy then he went faster touching her boobs and soft ass. Pearls noticed things were getting out of control and decided to stop but He did not give her a chance. Different thoughts were going through her mind. Damien having noticed she was getting distracted and losing control touched her belly pot this time Pearls had no choice but to release a soft moan. Having seen the effect Damien carried her on his lap not stopping the kiss, and took to her the bedroom.

 In the bedroom, Damien continued his act, and Pearls who seemed to have lost her senses responded to him in a way he never expected.

 "Yeah baby just like that, touch me please don't stop" Pearls moaned.

 "Whom does your body belong to?"Damien asked using one hand to rub her breast while still kissing her and using the other hand to undo her zip.

 "You, just you baby" Pearls replied feeling heat underneath. The feeling was so heavenly that she wanted more of it.

 "Call my name like you want me right now," Damien said with a naughty smile as he succeeded in undoing the zip.

 "Damien Dylester, all of my heart and body belongs to you," Pearls said as her armless gown was being pulled off her body and her right-sized standing boobs came into view begging to be sucked.

 "Oh blood of Zechariah, this is what my woman has been hiding" Damien smirked as he put his mouth on the left one and sucked it like his whole life depended on it while using one of his free hands to smooch the right-sized and the other hands made way to her belly pot.

 "Ouch, ouch, baby I don't know I feel like I want to pee," said Pearl amidst moans.

 "Lol, guess you're fucking wet for me your underneath feels so warm it needs my attention," said Damien changing the location of his mouth on her boobs as he let his hand slide from the belly pot to her thighs until she got to her clean well-shaved pussy and he started moving his hand slowly on it.

 "Ohhhh fuck" she cursed out of pleasure.

 At the sound of that, Damien removed his mouth from her boobs and started kissing her roughly as he used his free to undo his belt and button impatiently remaining just his shorts. This time he moved his hand faster on her honey-pot, especially the v-area.

 "Baby pls slow down," Pearls said feeling a little hurt with pleasure still running down, her spine.

 "You'll enjoy what I'm going to do to you next better," said Damien removing his mouth from her lips and covering her vagina with his lips.

 " Ohhhh right there oh ma gwadddd don't stop oh what are you doing to me" Pearls moaned a little bit louder this time.

 Having noticed that she was enjoying what he was doing to her, he plunged his tongue deeper making her squirt and cum heavily reaching her first orgasm.

 "Now is the time for the real adventure," said Damien as he shove his shorts down rubbing his 7 inches hard cock and directing it to her already swampy pussy. He stretched her legs wide apart so he could get in but she was so tight.

 "Ouch! It's painful please stop," said Pearls with tears almost streaming down her face.

 "No turning back baby, just relax you'll enjoy what I'm about to do better," said Damien putting saliva on his dick and penetrating her hole roughly.

 "Hah!" Pearls screamed out in pain.

 Damien waited so his dick could adjust to the size of her pussy and take in the full length. He pulled out of her and went in again. After 6 rough penetration, her hymen broke and blood gushed out of her leg. At this, Pearls was already crying from pain, Damien having noticed this kissed her and fondled her breast as he went into her slowly this time lessening the pain and pleasuring her.

 "Yeah! Yeah! Babe fuck me please," Pearls moaned amidst the pain and pleasure she was feeling.

 Hearing this, Damien went a little faster earning more pleasurable moans from her. He made her reach climax and they cummed together. That night, Pearls who was so exhausted from the whole sex act wanted to sleep but Damien did not allow it until he went three good rounds changing styles and positions and cumming in her all three rounds.

 "You're mine now," said Damien as he collapsed next to her on the bed hugging her so close as they both slept off.

 The next morning, Pearls woke up to someone fingering her as she found herself moaning and giving in to him. After that, they both had their bath and another round of sex under the shower. By this time, Pearl's legs were so weak that couldn't walk properly. Damien prepared breakfast and took it to her in the room sleeping afterward.

 Two months later, Pearls noticed her menstrual cycle was late and she was experiencing some changes in her body system, appetite, and her normal act. She confided in Prisca about it and Prisca asked if she had tasted the delicious fruit which she affirmed positive.

 "I'm not a doctor but looking at you I feel we're expecting a baby," said Prisca.

 "You kidding me, We had sex just twice and I'm not sure I want to give birth out of wedlock besides what Damien thinks and Dad...hmm," said Pearls.

 "It'll make the wedding preparation faster, can't wait to see you in a wedding gown and to be an aunt," Prisca said happily.


 This lifted the burden from Pearl's shoulder as she shared in her optimism then she brought her phone and called her boo.


 "Hey baby, how're you doing?" Damien said cheerfully.

 "I'm fine my love just missing you here," said Pearls in a sad tone.

 "I'm back from the trip babe just wanted to surprise you," said Damien smiling and thinking of her naked body.

 "Really, why didn't you tell me huh?" Pearls questioned in a little bit angry tone.

 "I just told you now, it's a surprise. Gimme a break mama was about to call you when your call came in, Want to come over I missed you more than life," said Damien.

 "Sure baby, will be there in an hour. Take care I love you and I've good news for you," said Pearls.

 "Care to tell me I'm dying to know," said Damien curiously.

 "That's why it's a surprise love you," Pearls said as she hung up the call.

 "Guess somebody is going out," said Prisca jovially.

 "Yeah! Oh, you've been eavesdropping right," Pearls queried playfully.

 "Of course not, even those ten thousand miles away can hear it lol," Prisca said laughing.

 " I've to prepare now, get a boyfriend on time single sprinkle," Pearls said running to her room and laughing loud.

 "When you come back we'll see to that girlie," said Prisca focusing on her phone.

 At Damien's house, he was so happy to see Pearls and was all over her but Pearls resisted and said they needed to talk about something important. 

 "Okay, so what is it?" Damien questioned.

 "I think I'm carrying your baby," Pearls said with a mixed expression.

 "Wow, thought we had sex just twice so I'll soon be a father, this calls for celebration," said Damien happily.

 "Baby, you're serious! I was scared you wouldn't want a child outside wedlock," said Pearls.

 "Oh, about that we'll put a hold on any wedding preparation that'll happen after you give birth. I don't want you stressing yourself and the baby," said Damien convincingly.

 Pearls reasoned with him and accepted this. She felt it was for her good anyway.

 "Have you told Dad about it? When will you move in with me?" asked Damien.

 "So fast, I think I should stay at Dad's apartment till I give birth then after the wedding I can move in," said Pearls as if reading her Father's mind.

 "No babe, I want to monitor the baby's growth myself and see to it that you're comfortable also you can stop work until you give birth. This is our first child you know and we need to be extremely careful," said Damien.

 "Okay baby, I agree with you," Pearls said blindfolded with love.

 "That's why I love you," Damien said as he carried her romantically and called her pet names.

 Back at the Peruz house, Pearls briefed the whole scenario to Prisca. Prisca is kind of skeptical about the plan but in the end, she gives in for Pearl's sake and they go to break the news to their Father. Pascal was not happy with it and he said his mind but Prisca urged him to accept it and be happy because it's his first grandchild they're talking about here and he wouldn't want Pearls to be a single mother. He reasoned and agreed to her happiness and made some necessary inquiries. The following week Damien came with his Mom to see Mr. Pascal so he could grant him custody of his only daughter which he did in a calm but not so cheerful way. That same day, Pearls moved in with Damien and they started living as a couple. Damien was caring to a fault and made sure Pearls did not lack and was always happy.

 Seven months later, Pearls went into labor and Damien was with her. He called his Mom, Mr. Pascal, and Prisca to come over to the hospital. At the Hospital, He was urging Pearls to be strong and ensure she braves it all. It wasn't an easy process getting the baby out after two solid hours, the cry of a baby rented the air and the doctor came to give them the good news. The family hugged one another happily and right there the baby was named Kim Dylester.