
Chapter 3

The road was spinning; Denise staggered along throwing her hands in the air like a lunatic. Her heart was shattered. Her little dream was a mere fantasy. The reality of Clark's true colours made a sharp pain cut through her stomach. Denise was on the road and there were moving vehicles but she did not care. If only the world would swallow her sorrow and make her disappear without a trace, Denise would pay any price. 

She fell on the tripped on a street light pole and fell on the ground. The pain was even more pathetic, more real and it pierced through like a sharp knife. His words of consolation barely some hours before the explosion kept flashing on her head. "I will protect you, Denise" it echoed. Denise let the tears flow like rainfall. Moreover, she could hold in no longer.

She wanted to be hugged; she needed to someone to express the heat that welled up inside her. Not a single person came to mind; her most loved humans had turned traitors stabbing her right in the back. Denise managed to dial a number on her phone and the receiver asked for her address as soon as she heard her crying. 

Soon, a car pulled up beside Denise and a tall, chubby but cute lady with medicated glasses stepped out of it. "Darling, I'm sorry" she pleaded raising Denise up as they walked slowly to the car. Denise was trying as hard as possible not to scream. Her hands squeezed her dress and the spot rumpled. "Angela, please take me to your house" she pleaded. The chubby lady did as instructed and in no time, they found themselves in Angela's bedroom. Denise slumped into the bed and fell on her back. Angela brought a glass of water swiftly but Denise wouldn't drink.

"Angela, I'm sorry for thinking that you were a bad friend and trusting Kathryn all along" Denise said when tears in her eyes. Angela had been her best friend since high school. But then, Kathryn trampled upon their relationship with some cheap gossip and Denise blindly believed her. Now, Angela was the only confidant. Angela sat beside her on the bed. "What happened? Were you fired at work? "Angela inquired ignorantly.

It took Denise some minutes to muster courage and spill the truth, "Clark cheated with Kathryn"

Angela's eyes widened. "You don't mean it! "She nearly screamed removing her glasses. Denise could not hold the tears any more. She let out a loud cry. "They betrayed me, Ann! I thought he loved me! Kathryn betrayed me after everything I went through just to make her survive!" Denise was hitting the bed vigorously. Angela could not even control her. This was the first time she was seeing her furious. It only explained one thing; she truly loved Clark.

Denise wailed, tears soaked her face, her eyes reddened and her hair, tattered. She cried her heart out until sleep saved the day. Angela wiped her face with a wet towel and put a pillow under her head. She was relieved; at least, she would rest.

The night grew into day and Denise opened her eyes to the reality again. It slapped so hard and she continued to cry from where she had stopped. Angela tried to console her but to no avail. It was getting annoying and her best friend wouldn't allow her get sick for some traitor. "Stop it already, Denise!" she shouted and at once, she took a pause. "You've been sulking since yesterday and he hasn't even bothered to call or send a text. Denise, that man doesn't love you" Angela spitted the fact. It was hard to believe but everything began to make sense to Denise. He had never told her he loved her, not even once.

The tears were gradually drying up as Angela gave her pointers. "I cherish you, Denise as my best friend and I want the best for you" she paused and wiped off the rest of the tears on Denise's face. "Stop sulking, you don't deserve this. Make them realize that you're stronger than they think. Get your life together and wipe it off your mind like it never happened" Denise wished Angela's words were as easy in action just as they sounded. "It hurts a lot, Ann" Denise cried again.

 ---- ---- ---- --- --- ---- ---- ----- ----- ----- 

Five days later, Denise decided to show up at the office dressed in a black jumpsuit with black stiletto heels and dark shades to complete the look. This was a bold step and Denise didn't know if it would end amicably. But, she took the challenge anyways. All eyes were on her as she marched to the manager's office. Thankfully, Clark wasn't in the office.

"It was a great pleasure working with you, manager" Denise exuded so much confidence evens more that she had imagined she would. The manager was shocked and rushed after Denise drawing the attention of other employees. "You can't resign. The company needs you". All eyes widened, there was shock on each of their faces. Denise sighted Clark from the transparent glass door and hurried away.

Her breath heightened and she took out an inhaler from her bag and sprayed in her mouth. Leaned against the office building behind a fleet of cars, Denise began to feel dizzy. The first thing that popped up in her head was her pills. They had finished and she hadn't gotten a renewal from the hospital. Without thinking twice about it, Denise making sure the coast was clear came out from hiding, boarded a taxi and off she went to the hospital.

The doctor carried out a check-up and Denise lay in wait in a ward for the results. Her heart still hurt but she was glad she summoned courage to leave the company and out of Clark's sight.

Just when those thoughts rolled out, the doctor returned beaming with smiles at Denise. "Ma'am, you need to avoid stress" he said handing over the results to her. Denise rose from the bed and collected it. 

Her eyes widened and a cold shiver gripped her body. Every other noise tuned down and Denise could only hear hers.

" Four weeks pregnant?"