
Chapter 2

"You look worn out…but a bit over the moon. Tell me, what's the secret?" Kathryn said in that lovely voice of hers to her one and only elder sister, Denise. The office girl dragged her feet and slumped into the couch in the living room while throwing her bag carelessly and it fell on Kathryn's face.

"Ouch! That hurts" her younger sister whined. Denise chuckled. "Really? You're not going to say sorry?" Kathryn complained. Denise drew in a long breath and pressed her cheeks excitedly. Her stomach rumbled. Quite a long day with a beautiful memory she wouldn't forget in a long while.

Kathryn walked up to her and sat on the couch's arm. Then she pinched her neck. "Ouch!" Denise screamed while Kathryn burst into laughter. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" she joked. "Very well then, I won't tell you the reason behind my excitement" Denise threatened. Denise pushed her mouth and a line appeared between her eyebrows. She sat into the couch and wrapped her arms around Denise. The elder sister tried to force herself out but Kathryn pleaded. 

"Fine! I will tell you. Can I breathe now?" Kathryn released her immediately. Denise exhaled deeply and turned to face Kathryn. "I finally met him" she spilled. Kathryn was lost. 

"Him?" she inquired. "Yes, Kathryn….I met the man of my dreams at the office earlier today" she said. Kathryn giggled. It was quite unusual. Denise had expected her to jump to her feet or at least, scream but she did none of that. She didn't seem too excited about the news. "Kathryn? You're not saying anything..." "Oh! That's fab—fabulous, Denise" she faked excitement. Denise didn't mind. Her good mood wouldn't be ruined by Kathryn. "It didn't start out well though" Denise replied. "Why? Tell me everything. I want to know" Kathryn begged. Right! She seemed to be bubbly once again. Denise squeezed her eyes shut and opened almost immediately.

"I got drunk and slept with an unknown man yesterday" Kathryn's eyes widened. It was unlike Denise. She had never told such story. "Goodness! You must be kidding Denise" "No, it happened" Denise replied. "Wow! Amazing…" Denise shoved her reaction and continued the narration. "I was shocked when he appeared at the office as the new boss" Kathryn's mouth went agape. 

"Exactly how I reacted. He called me to his office and I nearly pissed in my pants" Kathryn burst into laughter at the completion of the statement. "Yeah…funny but heart crushing. So, he said I was beautiful and made his heart flutter as soon as he set eyes on me in the board room during the meeting" Denise paused and a cold shiver run down her spine. There were butterflies swimming in her belly.

"We're going on a date tonight" Denise concluded. "So soon?" "I guess we can't waste time when we know we like each other that much" Denise replied. She rose to her feet and stretched her arms. It was 4pm and she's got only four hours to rest and prepare for her first date with her long-time crush. She proceeded to her room and grabbed her diary. "I finally met him and he likes me already" she wrote. Satisfied with herself, Denise laid her back on the bed and placed the diary on her chest while her fantasy took her all the way to the world of sleep.

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Clark Vincor had slid his card into the young lady's bra who offered to take coffee to his office every morning. She called him and they agreed to meet up at a hotel. In the company of three other ladies, she caressed his body while the two gave him a massage. Clark Vincor, who had just sweet talked poor Denise into going on a date with him made love to the three ladies without even having a second thought. Besides, it wasn't the first time he had done such. While Denise was going crazy over him with genuine feelings, he was only after one thing, her body and beauty.

Four hours later, Denise got dressed for her date. She wore a black shiny dress which exposed her shoulders and part of her breast. It was long but had a sharp slit right from her thighs down to her feet. Her hair was beautifully packed in a scrunchie as usual. Two strands of hair were left to dangle on her face and her light makeup was on fleek. "How do I look?" she asked Kathryn who was watching TV in the living room. She scanned her thoroughly. "Turn around" she said and Denise complied. "I wish I was as beautiful" Kathryn teased. Denise smiled and bent over to embrace Kathryn. "Thank you" she whispered. "Make sure you have fun!" Kathryn admonished.

The driver Clark had sent already arrived and Denise in all her glory stepped into the car. The ride was smooth and soon, they pulled over at the venue they had agreed on.

It was lavish and Denise had never visited such in her entire life. 

She walked into the restaurant feeling a bit uneasy as the driver pointed at Clark and led her to his table and left. The young man barely recognized Denise. Clark rose to his feet at once. He felt a surge of adrenaline rush spark in his ribs. There's no way the shapeup figure in front of him was the same as the one at the office. Goodness! She was even prettier, Clark thought. "May I?" Denise snapped his stare. "Forgive my manners. I couldn't resist your charm" he apologised. Clark pulled the chair and Denise sat down slowly. He went over to his seat without taking a break from staring at Denise.

The feeling that gripped him was unusual. He could swear she blinded his heart because it leaped at every single eye contact they made. It was irresistible. It was magical. It was beautiful. Denise couldn't wish for more. As a VIP table, it was already filled with all kinds of food, drinks and fruits. At least, one should appease Clark's date.

"I hope you like my order" Clark broke the silence between them. "Of course! It's perfect"

"Just like you" Clark cut in and Denise chuckled. "Am I?" she whispered. He reached out for her hand and she gladly gave it to him. The food was getting cold but the heat in Clark's heart just couldn't wait for another second. He must do it now or never. "Denise, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever stared at for so long a time. Gosh! Captured my heart and I can't even take you off my mind right now" he expressed. Denise felt the world bowing before her feet. This was her dream with her dream man but happening sooner than she'd expected. She had no doubts about Clark and even before he uttered a word, her answer would still be the same. "I want you to be girlfriend "he finally said.

Denise couldn't help it. Her feet grew cold and went numb at once. If she'd stood up at that moment, nothing would've held her from slumping to the ground. "Yes! Yes Clark" she said in between chuckles of laughter. He kissed her hand as she nearly tore up. 

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As usual, she broke the news to Kathryn who couldn't hide her excitement; whether it was fake or not. 

" Everything is happening so fast and I'm overwhelmed…" Denise penned down in her diary. She took out all the letters she had written to Clark when he was anonymous and smiled. She quickly folded them neatly and placed inside a small box. 

 "I love you, Clark Vincor"


She wrote at the back of the box. She loved the feeling that came with being addressed as Clark's girlfriend. It meant a whole lot to Denise.

Early in the morning the next day, Denise dropped the box in Clark's office just before he arrived. She hurried to hers not to be seen by any staff.

Clark arrived in the building some minutes later and the first person he asked for was Denise. The manager began to raise suspicions. Every other employee did. But, Denise was careful. No one would find out through her.

He was surprised to meet a small white box wrapped with a red ribbon sitting beautifully on his desk. Clark walked over and picked it up. Then, he read the writing on the cover. Clark smiled. It was beautiful; Denise's handwriting was. He opened the box and took out one of the letters. 

"Dear Dream man,

 I'm patiently waiting, yearning and looking forward to sharing my heart with you. I want to make lots of beautiful memories with you. Don't keep me waiting for long.


Clark dropped the letter on the desk. "She's going crazy" he mumbled. Seeing the many letters left in the box, Clark pulled off his coat, hung it on the chair and sat in.

This was just the beginning of it. Every single day, Denise would write him letters and drop in his office just before his arrival. It became a routine and she did it gracefully. Even though Clark felt something deeper than just attraction for Denise, he wasn't ready to settle for one lady. His life of sleeping with at least two ladies whenever he goes drinking didn't cut off. Meanwhile, his girlfriend had no idea.

Despite this, they went on several dates after the night he asked her out. They went horse riding, took a thousand photographs, went to the beach and hung out as much as possible. Denise was living the dream; her dream with the man of her dreams. 

Soon, it was no longer news that Clark Vincor was dating his employee, Denise Hastings. Clark cared less because to him, it will only create more publicity for his company and more billions to his bank account. Denise on the other hand was timid and scared of the press and their questions. She wished everything remained private at least for a couple more months before the mass publicity.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I will protect you, Denise" he assured. Those were the sweetest and most heart soothing words that Denise had ever being told by the person she loved the most. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his warm embrace. He lowered his body to her ear and whispered, "Let's have fun tonight" Denise held him tighter. He could feel her breath on the hair around his neck. It was a resounding "okay"…

It wasn't easy letting him go but she had to. Moreover, they would be meeting at night and would have all the time to themselves.

Immediately Denise got home, she ran into Kathryn all dressed up. "Looks like someone's found her dream man too" Denise teased. Kathryn hugged her as she smiled but said no word. Denise didn't mind. Her younger sister walked away without even responding.

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Late into the night at exactly 8pm, Denise and Clark set out for their date. The weather was cold and so Denise wore a less revealing dress than the other night. They had a few drinks, ate and cheered loudly. Besides, the rich guy booked the whole restaurant for just the two of them. The fun was cut short by Clark's phone ringing several times. The caller didn't seem to give up. The call kept vibrating. "Let me get this quickly" Clark said. That was it! Clark was already leaving.

"It's fine. I got to be happy again. I feel better. Thanks for tonight, Clark. I love you" she said. Clark kissed her forehead and saw her off warning the driver sternly to keep a close eye. Then, he drove to his mansion as soon as possible.

Some minutes later, Denise arrived home and tried to open the door when she realized that her keys were in Clark's car. She dialled his number and it rang. But, went off. Then, she tried Kathryn's. It was the same. The only option left was to go Clark's mansion. The driver had already left and Kathryn had taken her car so she took a taxi and soon was at Clark's.

She was surprised to see her car at the mansion when she stepped into the compound. Slowly but frightfully, Denise walked to Clark's room. There was some noise…a long moan from a woman. Denise didn't want to believe her ears. She flung the door open.

Her intuition was right! Clark was banging a woman; not just any woman but her only younger sister, Kathryn"….