
Broken as Shell

Donnie was the best at fixing what was broken, it was what he was best at. Things start to take a tragic turn when he is faced with the choice of which brother to be with when all ask him to be their mate for the upcoming mating season. When he struggles to make a choice because he doesn’t wish to choose one over the others, it leads to serious tension in the family. Though matting season was the least of his worries. The Kraang desire his know how because they believe he stabilized the mutagen to creat Slash. Shredder what to capture him to unmutate Karai. Yet, his world is turned upside down when he learns a horrifying fact about himself that he never considered before. (Dark themes, tcest, dub-con, non-con, PTSD and depression.)

Saiyahime · TV
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


He didn't want this, not now and not infront of his brothers. Feeling that tongue on his neck, he couldn't help it, caught off guard he let out a soft churr. There was no denying the pleased hum that escaped the larger tortoise. Heat rose to his cheeks as his hand shot up to cover his mouth. He didn't want them to hear. To know just where to touch him to make his body betray him. There was no way to deny it, the strong smell of the alpha that claimed him over powered him, forcing him to submit to his will and desire. Broken, in pain and humiliated. This…this was far from what he wanted his brothers to see, to know.

That sound…that sweet enchanting sound that came from their brother's delicate lips. Why did it send fire through their bodies? Why did it beacon them to come and erect further such noises from him? That scent…the one that now wrapped around them like a gentle perfume, dancing and enticing them? The three brothers dared not to make a move, frozen in place, eyes locked on the very object of their desires. The single female among them, ripe and heavy with young. A beautiful, fertile female waiting to accept their seed and lay their eggs. Each swallowed hard, watching as the larger male moved those hands that dared to block the tantalizing siren song.

The smell of blood was enough to keep Leo sane. He could see it running down Donnie's neck. It would work, a perfect excuse to get between him and Slash. "Donnie…" he walked toward them, doing everything he could to keep his cool. The moment he spoke his brother's name, Slash had stopped and looked up at him. Yellow eyes narrowed darkly as a low growl sounded. He could hear his brother's small voice, reminding the large mutant of his promise. The beast closed his eyes and nuzzled the smaller male before backing off. Leo knelt beside his brother, looking at the mark on his neck and frowned. It was just as the book had said. Donnie had hurt himself, why he was not sure but it was no doubt because of the bite mark upon his skin. Had his younger brother had another episode? No Casey and April would have told him. So why then…perhaps a memory? Or was he simply trying to erase the mark?

As always his brother was silent. His cheeks were nearly are red as Raph's mask either from arousal, embarrassment or perhaps a mix of both. "You're claws have grown." He spoke softly, noting how long they were getting. While it was not uncommon for them to have to trim them, being males, he did not recall ever seeing Donnie have to do so. He always figured that he did so in his lab. "You have to be careful or trim them." He smiled and Mikey brought over the first aid kit.

"No." Was all he got from his brother.

Why he didn't want to cut his nails was a mystery but there had to be a good reason and Leo wasn't going to question it. He instead began to clean the wound, put on Neosporin and a large band-aid. "There you go, please be careful next time." He squeezed his hand and stood up. "Raph, keep an eye on Donnie as he works."

"Leo, he needs rest not…" the dark skinned turtle began to protest but he was quickly shot down. One look from Leo and he could see that he was not going to back down on his decision.

"Donnie is the only one that can make what he needs and I trust him. Just make sure he rests often and doesn't over do it. Get him what he needs, make sure he eats and drinks." He placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Do what you have to." The leader then motioned for everyone else to leave. He would let Donnie have his way, he will let him work and do what needs to be done. The book said if he lost interest that would be a huge red flag. Their brother was not doing well, but perhaps he was well enough to continue his preferred work. There was a chance doing what he loved would help him cope, so they would have to keep an eye on him.

Reluctantly, everyone else followed out save for Raph who leaned against the desk and twirled his sai. Recalling the sweet sound his brother made not long ago and noting how much he wished to hear it again. Needless to say it wasn't going to happen. No sooner did the others leave did his intelligent brother start back on the sketchbook. Making plans and a list of things he would need to make it possible.

There was always something amazing about watching his brother work. Almost like watching an artist make art. No, not almost. Donnie was an artist. He turned trash into such amazing things. Thing he would never dream of before. Like the patrol buggie. Even when it wasn't finished it still got the job done. There was truly a reason he was second in command, a reason that he alone was everything they needed.

"Don't stare." The small voice pulled him from his thoughts. His brother did not look up from his work. Their brother was always so self conscious, always flustered when attention was on him. Things only gotten worse since April. Only too real when he was constantly reminded of what they are. Mutants. Freaks. He could always see the hurt and pain in those red eyes of his brother. How he hated what he was and how it limited him so much.

Raph moved from the desk to sit in the chair next to the bed only after he pulled it close to his brother. "I just wanna make sure you're okay." He took his sai and began to pick his nails with it, trying to focus on that instead of his brother.

"I'm fine Raph." His voice wasn't so confident. "Metalhead, do we have any spare circuit boards?" he listened to his small creation chirp back. "Okay, bring them here. We can check them out after I upgrade you when the computer finishes. We can also test the new AI program I made for you."

"AI? Like in dat movie about them robots…IRobot?" Raph was trying to take an interest. Trying to make conversation with his brother. So often they took interest in his work unless it was needed. Unless it benefited them and their needs.

Donnie smiled. "Sort of like that. No three laws or anything like that." He looked up at his dark skinned brother. Raph had never taken interest before. While Mikey would always question him about this and that, Raph would just request things be done or ask how long before said thing was done. To see his hotheaded brother take any form of interest was nice.

Raph was excited. This meant that Donnie was responding and given the smile it means that he is at least relaxed. Good. Keep his mind off of everything else. "So what make's is so he don't get all crazy 'n try ta kill us?" he smirked, but he was serious.

"Advanced programming I took from the Kraang suits. The same reason they do not turn on the Kraang." He flipped the pencil and erased something, only to make it bigger in the sketch. "I can even lock the Kraang out so we don't have any issues like last time. So far he responds to me but I want to program him to respond to all of you as well."

"Oh yeah? We don't speak chirps Donnie boy. How are we gonna understand 'em?" a good question. Don made the thing so the chirps he could understand.

The genius stopped and turned to his brother. "One of the updates I want to do for him will give him a voice. You will be able to understand him then, even give him complex commands and he will understand." The small bot looked at him, chirping softly. "Set it with the others."

Raph was impressed. Donnie was seriously a head of everything. Even now he was planning on advancing his tiny robot to do things he only thought science fiction could. "Gotta hand it to ya. Color me impressed."

"Really? That impresses you?" he huffed. "Maybe all this time I was over thinking everything." He allowed himself to chuckle. Happy to have some form of normalcy.


"What the hell were you thinking?!" Leo was going off on Slash. Ripping into him about how careless he was. How foolish and that he was not thinking of Donnie when he acted. His brother was hurting, and just earlier had reacted horrifically to the mere sight of him. He didn't care if Slash was mated to him right now. He needed to understand that his actions had consequences and that affect Donnie and the eggs.

The other said nothing and accepted the lecture. He was in the wrong and indeed did not think. He acted as instincts told him. To comfort his distressed mate. He wouldn't take it back. Not that he could, but if he could he sure as hell wouldn't. Donatello was his, until the eggs that grew inside of him were born, no other male would do anything. That he was sure of. His mate was fragile now, to attempt to mate him, would not be best for any of them.

Mikey listened, receiving the text from April and Casey that they both got home without issue. Both had left shortly after Raph threw the sai. April's face said it all, something had happened between her an Donnie. What he had no clue but it was apparent that she was distressed. He hated to see his friends upset, but was more worried about Donnie because an upset April meant and even more upset Donnie. She wasn't answering his questions, truthfully he figured she shut her phone off as all his texts weren't even read. It made him more suspicious. Perhaps Raph was right. Maybe it best that they think about keeping them apart. At least til Donnie was doing better.

"We all need to put Donnie's well being before our own wants and desires. Next time you have the urge to get physical with him in anyway, just walk away. I'm serious because next time I will cut your tongue off." He glared at him. A promise, not a threat. Donnie didn't need this.

"I didn't hear him complaining." Slash scuffed. "In fact, he sounded as if he were rather enjoying it." A ninjato was pointed at his throat. He scuffed again. "Don't get your tail in a knot fearless. If we are meant to share him, you might as well get used to the possibility of such talk. I heard far worse from each of you when you thought no one was listening."

Leo narrowed his eyes and put his sword away. He couldn't fault him for that. It was true, he proved beyond reason that he remembered exactly what was said of their brother. Now with contexts that their hormones were in a tizzy over the fact Donnie was actually a female. Needless to say, they had a lot to work through to make this work. Even if Donnie was to be given to him on a silver platter by their father, he wanted Donnie to be happy above all else. Yet, how long will that last he wondered? Will their next mating season cause his alpha male aggression to revert back to the prick he had been before? He hoped not.

"Lost in thought? Or are you worried about mating season? Perhaps more so who your father will pick of you three to wed Donatello?" Slash leaned forward. "Do you think he will ask your brother which one of you he would want? I don't think he will if it's arranged." He leaned back, toying with a small ball that had been on the counter. "You made a good call though…allowing him to work. It helps him with his stress. Helps him cope and fill his mind with other things beside what bothers him. A band-aid for sure, but it will buy time until we can work thing out."

That was unexpected. "It's if he lost interest that I should think we will worry most. Even so we have to get Leatherhead to look at him again. I want to know if Donnie will be able to deliver them safely the natural way or…" he trailed off. Would Leatherhead be able to safely to remove them by cutting him open? Though their friend was skilled when it came to medical knowledge, it was sad to say he didn't hold confidence in him to do that. Donatello was the only one he trusted to perform such, but it wasn't as if he could do so on himself.

He sighed and half mused the idea of stealing a Kraang portal to borrow another Donatello from a different universe. His brother often talked about such things. Multiverse theory if he remembered correctly. Each choice they made lead to two paths, possibly more depending and from there branched off like a tree. It was a lot to understand but maybe…just maybe if it were possible it could save their brother's life.

"Leo…" Mikey looked up at him, his voice holding a serious tone. "I don't want April to come by…at least not for a little while." He was pissed. She was not responding and Casey said she was being really mean to Donnie. Originally he thought Donnie had hurt her unintentionally with something he said but it was clear that she had been behind it. She wasn't talking to him either and he was getting upset, wanting Mikey to talk to Donnie about what was said. He had told Casey now was not the time. Donnie needed to calm down first before he brought up anything with April. "I told Casey to keep her away for a few days."

The eldest sighed and pinched his beak. "I think it for the best. They were both very upset and I don't want to cause further issues. Did Casey say anything about what happened?" Had Donnie found out she read his diaries?

"He said she was yelling at him about always having everything planned out, you know how Donnie is, everything but his pregnancy." Mikey was visibly pissed at that. "He didn't agree with what she said. He even told her she went too far even if Donnie made her pissed off about whatever it was. She wasn't talking to him much on the away home and I really don't care. She had no reason to attack him like that and if I had know she said that…"

"I think it best none of us heard her." Slash said, his own eyes reflecting his anger at her. The girl who had what they all wanted most. Though after that, did Donatello still love her? That remained to be determined. "If she does come, it would be best not to leave them alone again. Not even with Casey." He didn't trust her so called boyfriend. He was sure if it came down to it, the boy would side with her, even if she was in the wrong.

He nodded. "I'll be sure of that." Leo agreed even though that meant they would run low on many of their supplies if they lost April's support. Even so, Donnie was their top priority, not if they had enough food stocked. Perhaps they could ask Murikami for help. Even if he did not wish to trouble the poor old blind chef, he needed to ensure they got things they could not live without.

"Good." Mikey huffed, moving to the fridge to pull out Ice cream kitty. He was sure she was hungry by now. The small Neapolitan kitten mewed happily at him as he pulled her bowl out of the freezer. "Maybe we can get Donnie to make you some retromutagen after he makes the incubatoratior." He hummed happily as he set some kibble down for her.

"Incubator, Mikey." Leo corrected. "And I am sure he will get around to it. They just have to wait longer." He sighed and walked to the couch. Space Heroes was on, but he didn't feel like watching it. All he wanted to do was sit and rest. There was way too much to deal with and so little time to fix anything.


April gave her dad the catalog, thanked him again and walked to her room. Inside she threw herself on her bed and began to look through her laptop on where to get what Splinter had asked of her, looking down at the paper that asked for quite a bit of white, black, purple and blue silk. It then advised for her to take such with the specified measurements to a certain address, give the woman his human name and she would know what to do. The rest was written in Japanese and the translator could not recognize his writing. She wondered if this had something to do with a Japanese tradition on babies but nothing she looked up seemed to fit. Once she found a shop that would sell the fabric she needed, she bought it and was advised she could pick it up tomorrow. Maybe then she could figure out why he was being so secretive.

Setting the laptop aside she plopped back on the bed and curled up with her pillow. Thinking back to Donnie and how she almost kissed him. How she had almost betrayed Casey. 'I wont hurt Casey.' She wasn't angry at Donnie for refusing her. She was angry that at the time he cared more for Casey's feelings then she did. It made her feel like a horrible friend and even worse girlfriend. She felt like shit even more as Mikey was texting her. What was she to tell them? That she tried to kiss Donnie? They would freak out. So she turned her phone off and hugged the pillow tighter to her chest.

Casey is an amazing person, rough around the edges, a bonehead, didn't know romance if it punched him in the face. Yet he was a loyal friend, caring and outspoken. You knew where you stood with him. He was cute in a rugged way and he put her above himself all the time.

Donnie is the kindest turtle in the world, kinder then any person she ever met. Passionate, intelligent, skilled in so many things, creative, intuitive and the list went on and on. He was quiet and reserved, hard to understand sometimes. Almost emotionally withdrawn (now more than ever). He was extremely romantic, shy, and the way he wrote things about her made her heart flutter.

Casey was human, her own kind. Donnie was…a mutant turtle. She wasn't even sure if their parts were compatible, especially since he was biologically female. Casey could give her everything she wanted. Donnie would do all he could for her within the limit of the shadows.

It was one of the main reasons she chose Casey was because he was human. Donnie was a turtle mutant. She wanted more from the world, not just the sewers of New York City. She was sure he knew that and perhaps that is why he was accepting of them. That she was happy with Casey because she could stand in the sun and feel normal.

It was cruel of her to think like this, but what more could she do? If Donnie were human…would she still have picked him over Casey?

Tears flowed freely from her eyes. She had been so cruel to Don. All he ever did was treat her with kindness and respect. Hell he never even raised his voice to her, even when she was so cruel to him. Why did he not just yell back? It would have been easier if he had.

She closed her eyes and she could see his sorrowful red eyes. She could recall the pattern on his eyes, the beautiful natural purple color that accented his skin and eyes so well. He was a beautiful turtle, she could see why his brothers were so fond of him. Even though it was her first time seeing him without his mask, she could tell he was considered the fairest of the four.

Her eyes opened as she heard her father move past her door to his room. It was all because of Donnie that she had him back. All because of his sleepless nights, skipped meals and endless pots of coffee. He did so much for her, for them, for all of New York and even the world. Putting everyone else before himself.

Donnie was a healer.

She sat up in her bed and whipped her eyes. She had to apologize to him. She had to make things right between them. If she lost them, her only friends, then she would have lost a large part of her world.

April wanted to be there for him, for his children. She wanted to see what they looked like and to watched them grow up. She wanted to be Auntie April even if Donnie stopped loving her for what she did, she wanted to be there for him.

So she promised herself she would make this right no matter the cost.


"There we go buddy, just sit tight and let the updates go through." Donnie hit the upload button and ensured it was working before turning back to the sketch. He was craving coffee but knew it would not be wise while eggs developed within him. So for now he settled with lemon water.

Raph was looking over the sketch. His brow raised at how fast his little brother was able to make a blueprint in a few hours and a pile of scraps. This was the longest he had ever watched his brother work and he could clearly see how much time and effort went into planning his inventions. He had newfound respect for him. Though now it had been a few hours of him working. It was getting late and well, Donnie needed sleep. "Listen, Don I know ya wanna keep at it, but it's late and I think ya need ta sleep." He was expecting a fight, knowing his brother would want to finish this or that before he went to sleep.

"Okay." Was all he said. He was tired and frankly doubted if he was going to stay awake much longer. The painkillers they had were taking their toll and he could hardly keep himself focused. It was best he try to sleep as much as he could now. Tomorrow when Metalhead was fully functional he was going to get started on building the incubator.

That made him look up from the sketch to his maskless brother. "Really now?" he crossed his arms. "Just like that?" He didn't trust him. Not when he made such a fit about knowing his own limits. Was this what he meant? Had he already reached his limit for the night?

Donnie shrugged. "You wont take no for an answer right? Though, can I sleep in my own bed tonight? I am tired of the metal one." A simple request really.

Raph smirked. "I don't see why not. Relax Donnie boy, I'll carry yer ass up them steps myself." He bent over and scooped his brother from the chair he was in. Carrying him bridal style from the lab despite the protests that he was able to walk with a little help. "This is more fun though." He laughed as he made his way up the steps, not bothering to turn to the others that were watching them. It wasn't as if he was coping a feel of their brother's sweet ass.

"Raphie…really I can walk from here!" he held his arms around his brother's neck, fearful of falling. "Come on this isn't necessary and I don't care if you think its fun or not!" his face was as red as his brother's mask.

The darker skinned turtle kicked the door open and made his way to the bed. He set his brother down and moved to turn on the lights. "It's a little dusty. No one wanted ta mess yer shit up. Ill get Mikey ta clean it later." He pulled the covers back and helped him lay down. "Are ya gonna be alright ta sleep?"

Donnie could read what he meant. Was he going to have another night terror like he had last time he slept? He wasn't so sure. It must have been on his face because Raphie didn't seem too happy now. "I'll be fine really."

"Im gonna sleep with ya." He then moved to close the door and turned off the lights. Slowly making his way back to the bed. "Relax Donnie boy I aint gonna molest ya in yer sleep. I just want to ensure if ya do have them…what eva that was, yer don't hurt yerself." He climbed into the bed, keeping the covers between them. His brother was still, he could tell he was still worried about something. He shifted to the side, laying his head on his fist. "If yer bothered by someth'en just speak up."

There was silence for a bit before Donnie finally spoke. "What will the others think…" he didn't get a chance to finish.

"Do I fuck'en look like I give two hot shits about what any of 'em think? Really Don, I aint trying ta take advantage of ya in yer current state. Hell I'm fuck'en scared I'm gonna hurt yer broken leg. Right now all I want is ta take care of ya. So yer need ta get the idea of me bend'en ya over that desk over there out of yer head because right now I'm a fuck'en saint." He had no god damn interest in them or their thoughts nor Donnie worrying about being molested, fucked or whatever was going through his head. "Now go ta sleep before I make ya."

He tried to cover his chuckle but he couldn't. Imagining Raphie as a saint was just too funny. He could almost see his brother's smile in the dark, relieved to make him chuckle even if over something he said. Raphie was always protective of them. Donnie was happy to have him so near because he always felt safest when Raphie was near. Ever since what happened in tunnel four those years ago. He loved his brother. From his passionate side to the over protectiveness. To his crude humor and even his choice of speech. Raphie was the brother he was glad he had on his side. "Good night Raphie…"

"Night Donnie." He responded. His eyes focused on the spot in the darkness where he knew his brother was. "I love ya." He waited a bit for the returned affection but got no response. He said it again, hoping it was because he was not paying attention.

There was no response. Only the sound of soft breaths as his brother fell asleep beside him. Still he stayed in that position. Not caring as he sensed the others at the door curious what he was doing. The door wasn't locked, so when Leo opened it to peek in, Raph shot him a glare, mouthing for him to 'close the fuck'en door' and motioned to the peacefully sleeping turtle beside him. Surprisingly, Leo's eyes showed with softness. He gave a nod and closed the door, no doubt happy to see Raph had gotten Donnie to sleep without much of a fight.


Splinter sat with his head bowed before the image of his wife and baby girl. His ears were pulled back, eyes lowered. His hands trembled as he recalled the nightmare.

Near identical to the one he had when his sons first faced the Shredder, yet Donatello was not there. Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo were all battling against the foot, each fairing well. Shredder stood atop the roofs, watching them. When his sons were victorious, the Shredder raised his hand and another henchman appeared. Shrouded in black, carrying a naginata, the dark figure moved from one son to the next.

The being was swift and calculated, using his weapon to trap both of Michelangelo's nunchuks before tossing them aside. Two steps and a strike, he as down.

Raphael was a challenge, his anger at the loss of his young brother made him sloppy. The enemy easily dodged his attacks and lead him to the high voltage box near a building, a quick dodge and Raphael was subjected to dangerous amounts of electricity.

Leonardo stood against the other. Dodging and slashing, using his skills that had indeed impressed him. He could see the anger, the rage and the pain in his heir's eyes at the loss of his brothers. Their deaths would be avenged. On his sword, the trails of a purple bandana, all that they had left of Donatello, stained with blood. Leonardo was able to pin him back against the wall, eyes narrowed as his blade came up, knocking the helmet from his enemy. Time seemed to stop, before them was the very brother they thought had died. "Donnie?" Leonardo's voice broke as he spoke the name. That moment of hesitation was all he need, the Naginata blade struck true killing his eldest in a spray of blood.

Splinter cried out for his son's. For their fates. Red eyes turned to face him, filled with such hatred and rage, half his face splattered in Leonardo's blood. For just a moment…he looked just like Oroku Saki.

"Those who care the least…once had cared the most." He spoke softly. Looking up at the image of his wife and daughter. Beside them the image of him and his sons, his youngest made a face, his eldest had a small smile, Raphael was smirking, and Donatello's smile was soft. It looked so much like his Tang Shen. Tears filled his eyes as he turned away.

Donatello would never be like Shredder. His son was too kind and compassionate to fall down such a path. Even in his desires to woo April, he did not show his rage when she had chosen Casey. Yet, something deep down filled him with dread. Much like when Shredder first appeared and he trained his sons relentlessly.

Of all his sons, should Donatello turn on them, he would be the largest threat. All the lair security, their secrets, their biology and his research…all of it was because of his genius son. He knew everything inside and out. Fear would be his enemy.