
C20 - Birth

Gabriella feels the coldness on her skin, bright light in her eyes with a few faces around her that she cannot see too clearly as her fusion is blurry. The last thing she remembers is pulling the trigger. Gabriella feels something being pushed up her nose and then something squirted into her eyes, making her vision even more blurry.

"Cry for me darling," the doctor says.

Gabriella realizes at that moment that she is a baby, just born, and starts to cry as she remembers all her lifes, including being an angel, 3000 years ago.

'I hope this life will better than the past lives,' she thinks as she gets placed into her new mother's arms, the warmth and hot tears from her mother falling on her face calming her down.

"Hello baby," Gabriella hears Amber's voice.

'Are you kidding me?' Gabriella thinks and starts to cry again.

"She is beautiful," Mrs. Finn says.

"She is," Amber says, trying to calm her down.

"Do you have a name for her?" Mrs. Finn asks.