
Chapter 4. Blackout!

After I saw my father and was flabbergasted seeing the scene of him with a woman to close to him.

His hand placed on her waist made me feel a lot more than uncomfortable. Yeah,I know he has the right to move on from my mother it's been almost 17 years know but you know being only his daughter and receiving only this man's love my entire 17 to be years made me really insecure.

I was not ready for this sudden change of my father marrying anyone,It was pretty much obvious that they were marrying as they were standing looking at the mannequin wearing a white gown.

I was thinking to go in there.

But my inside stopped me .

Should I ?

Yes you should!

He's your father,go in there.

You have the right!

No you don't!

I was about to barge when Mila snapped me out of my thoughts bringing me back to the real world.

Anyways in the end I decided not to disturb his privacy and with several thoughts loaded over my head ,Mil and me exited the mall.

I reached home, had a quick bath and slept. Father was not home until I was awake .I had to sleep as I had tons of projects to wrap up at school.


It was morning, dad was still not home. This increased level of solemnity running through me. If he had to ever leave for his work I was updated about it before hand. But know the things were changing. I was thinking about these things as I ate my breakfast.

After having my breakfast I left for my school.

I slipped into my seat and waited for Mil. While Mil was not with me ,today again my eyes searched him; Louis. But he was still not here after I saw him at my place. This seemed a kind suspicious. Drained into my own dizzy thoughts I saw a thin, ravishing figure coming closer to me ,Mil, followed by Miss Sameul.

We had a question answer session during the class, I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't paid much attention. When I used to pay attention she won't ask me any questions. But this time indeed was different. She came closer to me, Mil poked pencil into me, emerging me out of all the worries.

When my blue eyes moved upwards towards Miss Sameul, she was advancing towards me. I raised my eyes nervously into my incomplete notes which were of no use.

She asked me," What are Moles?"

I saw her bloomy eyes fixed at me,pouring anger because she was already aware of me not listening to the lecture, I could even see the smoke leaving her pale ,big ears.

I looked at her , she was about to open her mouth to say something but I recorded," Ma'am I only remember the last of it, may I ?".

Her gaze got more harder, not leaving my ocean pearls , then her mouth left the words," Yes, please Miss Sanchester."

I started nervously, " And this is known as Moles."

As I said that she pushed me out of the class saying," You have to sit in detention till 3:00 p.m."

I nodded weakly.

I attended other classes followed by my projects. We prepared different models for Chemistry and Physics.

I couldn't meet Mil she was with her group, as we were divided into different groups. I was in group two and she was in group one. Our location also differed; unfortunately.

I was paired with Sam, A studious and diligent child just like me, we are the only high achievers of the class or rather I should say the school.

I grabbed all the instruments and things needed to make the modulus. Reaching clumsily to where he sat I said, "Hey!".

Pulling me into the hug he questioned, "Hi, how are you doing?".

I answered," I am good,what about you? let's get started, should we sir?"

I am also doing good, yeah, sure!

We started the work, we first painted all the straws black, then painted the white balls which indicated the molecules of different elements. Then we attached the straws to the coloured balls making models of different elements for our Chemistry project.

We stick the entire Model on the thermapole.

We glanced it with happiness of success and smiled to each other.

I hugged him and said, " We made it, pal."

He looked towards me and said," Yeah,our hardwork will pay off."

Walking towards the detention room, I slided my cell phone to see the time. It was now 2:09 p.m.

But then I saw 13 missed calls


He also sent me few messages on 12:02 p.m.

Aga, pick up my call kiddo.

Sweetheart, where are you?

Why aren't you picking up?

Why baby?

Pick up!!

I'll explain, I was busy with my meetings.

My eyes read all the messages, tears rolled out of my eyes,

The word meetings struck into my mind.

What meetings are they?

At the shopping mall?

In front of the manequin?

About what to be bought?

Which wedding dress?

With a woman too close?

I kept thinking about all this.

Should I answer all the texts?

Or should I call him back?

I was too nervous to ask him something though.

Being nervous I tapped on his name.

Call rang!

He didn't picked up the phone.

It was now 3:00 p.m. I went to the ground floor, exited the school .

And saw a black Audi; My father's car.

Standing outside the school I saw a muscular figure coming my way; it was unlike my father . But looked like someone I had seen before. Due to the sunlight coming from behind him, I couldn't see his face,it was all blacked out.