
Broken and saved by the Alpha

This is a story of a girl who was kidnapped at the age of 2 and has been living with a women who abuses her. She knows about the werewolf world cause her mother is one but she is told she is human. she come to realize everything she ever known was not true when she meets her mate Chase he is the soon to be Alpha and has chosen to teach her everything she needs to know and save her. that is until he is caught cheating and she lives and gets kidnapped by Dominic. I do say her ending is a happy one and the best i wish for her.

Susan_Lauletta_8568 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 4 Thinking of my love

Chase pov

I am at the pack house sitting in my room waiting for Nick he said he has information of Nina for me.

Nick knocked I told him to come in. So what is so important that you sounded so upset. Nina mom is apart of are pack her name is Patricia Day her mate died during a Rouge attack in her old pack.

Okay what pack was this. I said.

It's the moonlight pack. He said.

We are good friends with that pack. I said.

Yes but did you know they had a daughter. He said.

No I didn't know what happen to her. I said.

She was kidnapped when she was 2 years old they been searching for her. But they gave up. He said.

Okay so what does this have to do with Nina. I said.

She went missing the day Patricia left. He said.

So you think she took her. I said.

Yes and I have her address and phone number. He said.

Okay leave everything. I said.

Yes alpha. He said.

So I am laying in bed thinking of everything. I have to figure a way to talk to her. Right now I am going to sleep and talk to Alex tomorrow

Alex pov

I hope Chase can save Nina from that crazy woman. If he needs help I will do anything to save her from that crazy lady.

Nina pov

I woke you to the sound of my alarm. I get up shower and get dresses in black skinny jeans and hoodie. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun.

I go downstairs to make breakfast for my mom and she comes and sits I give her coffee and pancakes and bacon. Then I go to leave but not so fast she gets up. Look you bitch. She said.

I turn around Yes mom. I said.

Then she slaps me I fall to the floor and she starts kicking me and I can feel I have a couple broken ribs. She stops and tells me to get to school. I get up with much difficulty and walk out of the house.

Alex pov

Nina is walking through the door limping with her head down. What happen this time. She comes into my arms and starts crying. I am telling her to come with me after school.

I can't she will kill me. She said.

Do you trust me. I asked her.

Yes. She said.

Then you will come with me after school. I said.

Chase pov

I walk in to school and I see Nina in Alex arms crying. I wish it was my arms. What is going on. I need to talk to Alex. I look at him and he knows they go to class and I wait for him to come to the bathroom.

Hey Alex. I said.

Hey Chase. He said.

So why is she crying in your arms. I said.

Like I told you she don't have a good home life. He said.

Okay so what did you tell her. I said.

She is coming to the pack house today and you are gonna tell her. He said.

Okay. I said.

I need to get everything ready for her. Everything needs to be prefect. So I can explain and hopefully she won't run or be scared of me. I would never hurt her I will die for her. All I want to do is protect my love.

I mindlinked for everybody to be out of the house.

They mindlinked back Okay Alpha.