
Broken and saved by the Alpha

This is a story of a girl who was kidnapped at the age of 2 and has been living with a women who abuses her. She knows about the werewolf world cause her mother is one but she is told she is human. she come to realize everything she ever known was not true when she meets her mate Chase he is the soon to be Alpha and has chosen to teach her everything she needs to know and save her. that is until he is caught cheating and she lives and gets kidnapped by Dominic. I do say her ending is a happy one and the best i wish for her.

Susan_Lauletta_8568 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 17 Torture

Nina Pov

I wake in a room and I can't move my arms or legs. I look around and see no windows a metal door and I am being held with silver chains. Where the hell am I. Then the door opens.

Good your awake. The man says.

Who are you and why am I here. I said.

I am Dominic and I am your true mate like I told you. He said.

No no you ain't my mate. I have a mate and he marked me already. I said.

That is fine I can just remark you. He said.

You will not touch me. I said.

Next thing he slapped me hard in my face. I can taste the blood. He grabbed a knife and came to my cheek with the blade I will cut you don't disrespect me.

I will do whatever I want. The door opened again and a female comes in. To my surprise it's Emma she is the pack slur and wants Chase.

Emma what are you doing here. I said.

Making sure you will never be free. So I can make my move on Chase. She said.

Don't you have a mate. I said.

Yes we rejected each other cause we want different people. She said.

Then she came over stepped me and kicked me in my ribs along with Dominic and kicked my head.

(Few minutes later)

I wake up and groan in pain.

To get the same beating. From before.

Chase Pov

I am helping Chris looking at maps and all of a sudden I scream in pain but it ain't my pain.

Chris something is wrong. I am in pain why. I said.

I don't know let me call the pack doctor. He said.

The doctor comes in and checks me over and I start screaming again.

The doctor asks me if I marked Nina.

Yes I have. I said.

That is why you are feeling everything she is going through.

You need to relax and when she is done with whatever they are doing to her you won't feel it.

Okay we need to find her they are hurting her. Nick get trackers.

I get a mindlink from Nina but it is weak. She said Emma knows.

They must be giving her wolfbane.

Somebody track Emma down and bring her to me and Chris.

Nick comes in with Emma.

Hey baby you wanted me. She said.

Yes and I am not your baby. I said.

Nina left you for somebody else we can be together. She said.

No she didn't and you know where she is. I said.

No I don't. She said.