
Broken and saved by the Alpha

This is a story of a girl who was kidnapped at the age of 2 and has been living with a women who abuses her. She knows about the werewolf world cause her mother is one but she is told she is human. she come to realize everything she ever known was not true when she meets her mate Chase he is the soon to be Alpha and has chosen to teach her everything she needs to know and save her. that is until he is caught cheating and she lives and gets kidnapped by Dominic. I do say her ending is a happy one and the best i wish for her.

Susan_Lauletta_8568 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 13 Spending time with family

Nina Pov

So today I decided to spend the day with my parents. We will be going to lunch. When I get back I think I will surprise Chase to.

Hey mom and dad are you ready to go out for lunch. I said.

Yes and we can talk about anything. They said.

Okay sounds great let me go tell Chase that we are leaving. I said.

I am walking to Chase office and I have a bad feeling something is going on. I get there and I don't knock I walk in and what I see is disgusting Chase is kissing Emma.

Well I guess your meeting is going well. I said.

Just want to tell you I am leaving and enjoy your day and I won't be sleeping with you. I said.

I walk out before he can say anything. I go to the kitchen Mia is there.

Mia do me a favor. I said.

Sure what is it. She said.

Move my stuff to the guest bedroom and when my parents leave so am I. I said.

Why what happen. She said.

Cause your brother is a player I ain't dealing with it. I said.

OMG no way I will do it. She said.

I walk over to my parents with a sad face.

What is wrong sweetie. Dad said.

I seen Chase kissing another girl. I said.

What I am gonna kill him. Dad said.

No leave it when can we leave to go home. I said.

Tomorrow sweetie. He said.

We leave and head to lunch my parents tell me they have a surprise for me.

(Skip car ride)

We arrive and we are seated and order are drinks.

Honey there is somebody we want you to meet. Mom said.

Who. I asked.

Please meet your older brother Chris. Dad said.

I get up and hug my brother.

Hey sis. He said.

Hey bro. I said.

We eat and talk we head back and to my new room for the night. Avoiding Chase I get ready for bed and pack my stuff cause I am leaving tomorrow. I am leaving to go to my mom and dad pack.