
Chapter 55

After our intimate dinner, Max and I walked back to his apartment, hand in hand. The night air was cool, and the city lights reflected off the pavement, creating a magical atmosphere. We talked about everything and nothing, laughing and teasing each other along the way.

Once inside, Max gently pulled me into his arms, kissing me softly. His touch was comforting, and for a moment, I forgot all my worries. We moved to the bedroom, and our love for each other filled the room. It was a night bursting with passion and tenderness, a perfect blend of desire and affection. We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, and for the first time in days, I felt a semblance of peace.

The next morning, I woke up with a renewed sense of determination. Louis's threats still loomed over me, but I decided I couldn't let him control my life. I needed to take action. After Max left for some work, I contacted Austin, Ashley's boyfriend. Austin was a criminal, but he had a soft spot for Ashley, and I hoped he would help us.

I visited Ashley in prison later that day. She had been sentenced to one year for her involvement in minor theft, a consequence of the chaotic life she and Kathy had been dragged into. As we sat in the dreary visiting room, I explained my plan.

"Ashley, I'm going to ask Austin for help," I said, my voice firm. "We need to kidnap Louis and scare him into backing off."

Ashley looked at me with a mix of concern and hope. "Kenzy, are you sure about this? It's dangerous."

"I know, but we don't have many options," I replied. "Louis is threatening to ruin my life. I need to do something."

Ashley nodded, her eyes hardening. "Okay. Austin will help, but he'll want to be paid."

"I'll figure it out," I assured her. "We'll make it work."

Later that day, I met Austin in a secluded café. He was tall and rugged, with a no-nonsense demeanor. "So, you need my help," he said, leaning back in his chair.

"Yes," I replied. "Louis is threatening us, and we need to scare him off."

Austin nodded slowly. "I can help, but it'll cost you."

"I'll pay whatever it takes," I said, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Alright," Austin agreed. "I'll need some time to plan. Keep yourself steady, and don't let anyone know what you're up to."

I left the café with a mix of fear and determination. The next few days were a blur of careful planning and keeping up appearances. Max noticed I was tense but assumed it was just the stress of our upcoming graduation.

As the final week before graduation arrived, Max told me he needed to travel to visit his sister. "I'll be back in a few days, just in time for the ceremony," he said, kissing me goodbye. This gave me the perfect opportunity to carry out my plan without arousing his suspicion.

With Max gone, I contacted Austin to finalize the details. We decided to kidnap Louis late at night when he would be most vulnerable. Austin gathered a few trusted associates, and we planned every step meticulously.

The night of the kidnapping arrived. The air was thick with tension as we waited in a van parked near Louis's apartment. The city was quiet, the only sounds being the distant hum of traffic and the occasional bark of a dog. Austin and his men were calm and focused, while I felt my heart pounding in my chest.

When Louis finally appeared, we moved quickly. Austin's men grabbed him, covering his mouth to prevent him from screaming. They bundled him into the van, and we drove to a remote warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The warehouse was cold and dimly lit, adding to the ominous atmosphere.

Louis was tied to a chair, and Austin stood over him, his expression cold and threatening. "You've been causing a lot of trouble," Austin said, his voice low. "Now it's time to back off."

Louis tried to act tough, but fear was evident in his eyes. "You can't scare me," he spat.

"We'll see about that," Austin replied, pulling out a knife and letting it glint in the dim light. "If you don't stop harassing Kenzy and Ashley, things will get a lot worse for you."

I watched, my heart pounding, as Austin and his men intimidated Louis. After what felt like an eternity, Louis finally cracked. "Alright, alright!" he shouted. "I'll leave them alone. Just don't hurt me."

"Good," Austin said, putting the knife away. "Remember, we'll be watching you."

We left Louis at the warehouse, shaken but unharmed. As we drove back, I felt a strange mix of relief and fear. The plan had worked, but I knew we had crossed a line. There was no turning back now.

When I returned to Max's apartment, he was still away. I took a long shower, trying to wash away the guilt and fear. I knew I had done what was necessary, but it didn't make the reality any easier to bear. As I lay in bed that night, I hoped that this would finally be the end of Louis's threats.