
chapter 4

So, after our epic shopping spree, Kristen and Jessica left, Cherry and I are feeling on top of the world as we head home for a well-deserved rest. But just as we're about to call it a night, we run into Nancy and her boyfriend Thomas at the mall. Now, Nancy and Thomas are not exactly our favorite people – they're always causing drama and stirring up trouble wherever they go.

But tonight, they seem surprisingly friendly, inviting us to Nancy's birthday party next weekend. And let me tell you, I can practically feel Cherry bristling with disdain beside me as we exchange pleasantries with them.

As soon as Nancy and Thomas leave, Cherry turns to me with a look of pure disgust on her face. "What's up with that girl?" she asks, her voice dripping with disdain. "I swear, every time I see her, I just want to smack that fake smile right off her face."

I nod in agreement, feeling a surge of irritation bubbling up inside me. "I know, right? She's always trying to act like she's better than everyone else."

But before we can dwell on it any longer, we decide to call it a night and head home. As I crawl into bed, I can't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the air. Something tells me that Nancy's birthday party is going to be one hell of a ride.

The next morning, I wake up feeling restless and out of sorts. Instead of dragging myself to class like I should, I decide to skip it altogether and pay a visit to Kathy, my best friend and childhood confidante.

Kathy and I have been through thick and thin together, weathering the storms of life with laughter and tears. And as I knock on her door, I can't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over me, knowing that no matter what happens, she'll always have my back.

As kathy opens the door with a smile, I can't help but feel a sense of relief flood through me. With her by my side, I know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, we'll face them together – just like we always have.

As I sit with Kathy, memories of our childhood flood back, bringing with them a wave of nostalgia. It's been too long since we've had a chance to catch up like this, to reminisce and laugh until our stomachs ache.

I can't help but feel a pang of sadness as I think about how much we've missed each other – all those moments we could have shared, the laughter and tears we could have exchanged. But life has a funny way of getting in the way sometimes, pulling us in different directions and keeping us apart.

But now, as we sit here together, it's like no time has passed at all. We pick up right where we left off, sharing stories and secrets like we used to when we were kids. And as we talk, I can't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging wash over me – knowing that no matter how far apart we may be, our bond will always remain unbreakable.

And then, out of nowhere, the memories come flooding back – memories of that rainy day when we first met, when Kathy found me hiding under the shelter of her umbrella, tears streaming down my face. It's a painful reminder of the struggles we've faced, the hardships we've endured, but also a testament to the strength of our friendship.

As we reminisce about that fateful day, tears well up in both our eyes, but they're not tears of sadness – they're tears of gratitude, of appreciation for the bond we share and the countless memories we've made together.

And as we hug each other tightly, I know that no matter where life takes us, Kathy will always be more than just a friend – she'll be a sister, a confidante, a constant presence in my life. And for that, I'll always be grateful.