
Chapter 27

As the pulsating beats of the music filled the air, I found myself caught in the whirlwind of Louis' party, the colorful lights and lively atmosphere doing little to ease the turmoil brewing within me. Despite my best efforts to ignore it, a nagging feeling of unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, fueled by the sight of Maxwell in firty conversation with a striking brunette across the room.

Perhaps it was the alcohol coursing through my veins or the simmering jealousy that bubbled to the surface, but before I knew it, I found myself storming over to where Maxwell stood, my heart pounding in my chest.

"What's going on here?" I demanded, my words slurred slightly as I confronted him, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Maxwell turned to face me, his expression one of confusion and concern. "Kenzy, what are you talking about?" he asked, his voice tinged with bewilderment.

"Don't play dumb with me," I snapped, my temper flaring as I gestured angrily towards the brunette who still stood by Maxwell's side. "I saw you talking to her, Maxwell. Are you trying to make a fool out of me?"

Maxwell's brow furrowed in frustration as he struggled to make sense of my accusations. "Kenzy, you've got it all wrong," he protested, his voice tinged with exasperation. "She's just a friend. I swear, there's nothing going on between us."

But my mind was clouded with doubt and insecurity, the flicker of jealousy burning bright within me. "I don't believe you," I shot back, my voice trembling with emotion as I turned to storm out of the party.

I ran as my legs could, panting and breathing heavily I called a taxi and quickly hurried inside."Kenzy wait" hearing my name from behind I told the taxi driver to hurry up. He did not stop untill he reached my apartment

As I sat alone in the dimly lit apartment, the weight of my emotions threatening to consume me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of profound sadness wash over me. My mind wandered back to the events of the night, the sight of Maxwell talking to another girl fueling a wave of jealousy and insecurity that I struggled to suppress.

But as I sat there, lost in my thoughts, a realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. This overwhelming sense of heartache, this crushing weight of despair—it was the same pain that Nancy must have felt when I tried to take Thomas away from her. In that moment, the irony of my own actions hit me like a ton of bricks, the weight of my guilt threatening to crush me under its burden.

Lost in my turmoil, I barely registered the gentle knocking at the door, the sound pulling me back to the present moment. With a heavy sigh, I rose from my seat and made my way to answer it, my heart heavy with sorrow and regret.

To my surprise, it was Maxwell standing on the other side, his expression one of concern and regret. Without a word, I stepped aside to let him in, unable to summon the strength to face him head-on.

He wasted no time in trying to explain himself, his words tumbling out in a rush as he pleaded for forgiveness. But try as he might, his explanations fell on deaf ears, my mind still reeling from the weight of my own guilt.

"I'm sorry, Maxwell," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper as I turned away, unable to meet his gaze. "I just need some time alone right now."

But before I could retreat further into the safety of solitude, Maxwell's hand shot out to grasp mine, his touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins. And in that moment, as his lips met mine in a desperate kiss, I felt a flicker of warmth ignite within me, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

For a brief moment, the world fell away, leaving only the two of us locked in a tender embrace. And as the kiss lingered, I found myself melting into his arms, the weight of my sadness momentarily forgotten in the heat of our passion.