
Chapter 11

The week passed in a blur of lectures and late-night study sessions, each day blending into the next in a whirlwind of activity. But amidst the chaos of my academic pursuits, there was one constant presence that lingered in the back of my mind: the Vossenberg boy.

As I sat in class, my attention divided between the professor's lecture and the tantalizing possibility of catching a glimpse of him, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. His presence was a welcome distraction from the monotony of my daily routine, a glimmer of light in the darkness that threatened to engulf me.

But as fate would have it, our paths crossed in the most unexpected of ways. One day, he caught my eye and waved in my direction, a tentative smile playing at the corners of his lips. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, a rush of warmth flooding through me at the simple gesture of acknowledgement.

But before I could respond, his girlfriend, Diana, appeared at his side, her expression darkening with displeasure at the sight of him interacting with me. With a scowl on her face and venom in her words, she scolded him for daring to acknowledge my presence, her possessiveness sending a chill down my spine.

As I watched the scene unfold before me, a knot formed in the pit of my stomach, a sense of unease settling over me like a heavy blanket. What was it about me that elicited such a strong reaction from Diana? And why did the Vossenberg boy seem so willing to defy her for my sake?

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the concerned glances of my friends, Kristen and Jessica, who had been observing the exchange with growing interest. Sensing their curiosity, they approached me , their voices filled with a mixture of concern and intrigue.

"Hey, Kenzy, is everything okay? We couldn't help but notice the way Diana scolded him just now," Kristen ventured, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Yeah, it seemed pretty intense. Are you and the Vossenberg boy... you know...?" Jessica added, her words trailing off as she searched my face for clues.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal, but the concern in their eyes spurred me to open up. "I'm not sure what's going on, to be honest. But there's definitely something... complicated between us," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty.