
Brocken Shackles

In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Being called Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. What will the Wizarding World be like when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived becomes the Cunning and Ambitious Boy-Who-Wants-to-be-Legandary. Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance. Strong, Smart and Grey Harry.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Book&Literature
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Inner Animal


I'm back with the Next Chapter of Broken Shackles.

You can read till Chapter 39 now on my patreon website. www . patreon . com / blackinfinity1289.

Hope you share your feedback with me.



"Familiar/ Ghosts /Goblins" talking.

'Familiar/ Ghosts/ Goblins' thinking.

'Parseltongue, will/memories'

"Spell" is being used.


Broken Shackles

Chapter 23

Inner Animal

"Are you alright, Harry?" Padma asked as he silently followed them to the Ravenclaw common room.

"I'm good, Padma. It's just there is too much on my mind." He said, getting lost in the large list of things he planned on doing this semester.

"You don't need to feel the burden, Harry. We are here to help. Me, Terry and Cho. Hell, the whole Ravenclaw is there to help you. All you need to do is just say." Padma said in a haughty tone but Harry can discern the sadness in it. He gave her s small smile.

"Don't worry, Padma. The day you beat me in duelling, I'll come craving her majesty's grace to be blessed." He said with a cheeky smirk that irritated the raven-haired girl. Terry silently laughed at Padma's sudden deer caught-in-headlights face.

"Why are you laughing as if you are any better!" She called the brunette which shut him up.

"Come on, can we not talk about that?" He groaned in exasperation. They all laughed at the expense of one another.

Harry felt relief wash over him as the conversation managed to break the tension he was feeling. Giving his friends a thankful look, he walked into his dorm relaxing with a shower. He was surprised by the raven-haired beauty that sat on his bed when he walked out of his shower.

"Cho?" Harry asked in surprise. She looked up from the spell book she is reading at her messy-haired boyfriend who is half naked. A crimson blush crept on her cheeks as she didn't observe Harry's well-developed body this close.

He always had his robes or shirts for her to trace all his developing muscles and strong body. Harry too, lately understood where she is looking but gave her a teasing smirk.

"Like what you are seeing?" Cho looked away like a child caught stealing candy and vehemently denied all his accusations. Though his door has many spells protecting it, Cho, Padma and Terry can always walk in with a tap of their wand on the door.

He wasn't surprised seeing her here as he half expected her to yank him off of his friends and give an earful about not being 'himself' with her. Cho disliked inattention. In her words, she wants to enjoy their 'alone' time in peace and his inattention is breaking that peace.

"You just need to ask if you want to see me like that…" Cho said with a mischievous glint in her eyes and started removing her robes. Harry raised his eyebrows in amusement and before she could remove her undergarments, he waved his hand, dressing her up. Though the extra second he spent memorising all her curves went unnoticed.

"I'm just kidding. You don't need to prove to me anything, Cho." He said with a sweet smile which made the raven-haired beauty jump on him and kiss deeply. Harry reciprocated her kiss and it went on for 5 minutes in passion.

As they separated for breath, they had happy smiles on their faces. They cuddled for some more time after which Cho left to her room to not raise any suspicion. Harry dropped her to her room. As Ravenclaw don't have any gender wards and none were present in the corridors, they reached Cho's room without any interruption.

With a good night kiss, Cho went to sleep and Harry teleported to his room. He liked this teleportation from anywhere to Hogwarts and to anywhere in Hogwarts so much. As he felt relieved of all the stress, with a calm mind, he sat to continue his Animagus training. It's not that late and he knew he was close to choosing the animal. Funny how he thought it was very easy to master.

Before he deeply wandered into becoming an Animagus, his Gringotts box glowed, showing a letter's arrival and Harry opened it. It is from Ted neatly written in Andromeda's handwriting. Harry opened it to read.

'Dear Harry,

I know you may feel it's too early to write to you as you just left for Hogwarts, but I want to know you are safe and writing this. Though Ted also had something to tell, that's a bonus reason.'

He smiled imagining Andromeda's concerned look and Ted's anxious one. They really grew on him like family.

'Hey Harry. Ted here. Andromeda is sometimes like that. Hope you are doing well in Hogwarts.'

Ted wrote and Harry can see Andromeda's 'are you kidding me' look she is giving Ted.

'Funny, I know.' He wrote as if he can imagine Harry's reaction to their antics.

'The main purpose I'm writing this is to talk about your new book publication. I think it's too early to release the books and the world isn't ready to face your childhood, to be honest.' Harry rose an eyebrow at that.

'Think, Harry. How would they react if the Hero who saved them from the Dark Lord, the kid who they saw as their Saviour and the only ray of hope they had against the Dark Lord had to endure such Hate and grow up without even basic amenities?

'I'm sure it will cause quite an uproar amongst the populace and will lead to complete chaos. It will not only put Dumbledore in jeopardy but also may lead to chaos as people may turn violent.

'I know you feel betrayed by this or even I'm senseless. But please read the book I've attached to this letter. I'm sure you are very smart and will understand the situation after reading it.

'Even though I heard it, I'm very sorry that you had to endure such a childhood, Harry. Andy was very concerned and was halfway suing Dumbledore in court. She won't listen to me. After you are done, can you reply us your decision?

'I can imagine how you will react and hope your reply will cease her efforts. I'll hold the book's public release till then. Take care, Harry.


Harry saw the book pop out of the letter and read the cover in amusement. 'The Real Harry Potter'. 'Cristy is just good.' An impressed thought came and as Ted asked, Harry opened the book and started reading. It just took him few minutes to understand Ted's plight.

He thought as he already knew what contents the book had, it won't affect him much and Ted is over cautious. But he was proven wrong in the first few pages.

Based on true events.

This book is earnestly dedicated to the indomitable spirits, the courageous warriors who faced the trials of life without the guiding hands of parents. Their resilience and strength continue to inspire us.

'Situated in the heart of magical London, a short broom ride from Diagon Alley, is a luxurious and proud manor that stood the testament of time. Harry Potter, better known as the boy-who-lived, the defeater of the Dark Lord was the fortunate young master of this venerable home, raised in a world of grandeur and magical history.

'The house, teeming with the finest magical antiquities, was Harry's playground. He grew up in vast halls that echoed with laughter, his footsteps imprinting on the polished marble floors. Stately portraits of the Potter lineage adorned the grand staircase, each ancestor with their keen eyes watching over the boy.

'Harry's room was an enchanted wonderland. Expansive and bathed in sunlight, it overlooked the Manor's sweeping, spell-charmed gardens. The walls were lined with bookshelves brimming with tales of magical lore and advanced spells. Toys of all magical sorts, some ancient, some novel, cluttered the room, the remnants of lavish birthdays and Yule celebrations.

'Magical artefacts and varied animal skins adorned the living room signifying the young boy's victory over them in his numerous adventures around the world with his mentor and teacher, Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, well respected Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

'His days were not filled with mundane household chores, but with learning and exploration. Guided by magical tutors and the caring house elves, Harry delved into his magical heritage from a young age.

'He wielded his first wand before he could properly pronounce 'Quidditch,' and by his eleventh birthday, he had mastered levitation charms and could speak a smattering of Gobbledegook.

'Yet, Harry's most prized possession wasn't the wealth of knowledge at his disposal or the luxury in which he lived; it was a pair of round spectacles, perched on his nose. A gift from his loved ones, the glasses were charmed with ancient spells. To him, they served as a loving reminder of his family's legacy and the responsibility he was born into.

'Dressed in robes of the finest silk, a twinkle in his bright green eyes behind those spectacles, Harry Potter was a far cry from the average wizarding child. Raised amidst luxury, privilege, and a loving family legacy, he was on the path of fulfilling his world's great expectations, ready to face the magical world that eagerly awaited his debut.'

"This is what we all thought Harry's childhood was like. But Alas! Reality is cruel. Here is the real-life glimpse of Harry Potter, the boy-who-was-hated, the 'freak' in the house, and the unwanted burden to his relatives."

'In the dimly lit cupboard under the stairs of Number 4, Crescent Drive, lived a boy who knew nothing of birthday cakes, loving goodnight kisses, or the warm embrace of family. Harry Potter, a name whispered in fearful reverence within the world he was unaware he belonged to, spent his days in the shadow of a life he could barely imagine, a silent spectator to the mundane yet unreachable world of normalcy.

'His room, if it could be called that, was a cramped, desolate space beneath the stairs, filled with the Barkleys, Harry's muggle relatives, discarded items and the word 'normal childhood' is an unfulfilled dream of a lonely, green-eyed child.

'His bed was a thin, worn-out mattress that offered little comfort against the cold, hard floor, and his possessions were few and far between – a broken toy soldier here, a single sock there – remnants of Charley's(Harry's cousin) excesses and Harry's only companions.

'His days were filled with thankless chores, the harsh words of his Aunt Cladina, and the cruel laughter of his cousin Charley. His nights, however, were a different realm of torment – a time of quiet when the weight of his solitude bore down upon him, seeping into his small, frail body curled up under the thin, moth-eaten blanket.

'His spectacles, mended time and again with adhesive tape, were not just lenses to correct his sight, but served as a harsh reminder of the uncaring world he had been thrust into. They were his window to a life of neglect and sorrow, a life that was as broken and patched up as the very glasses resting on his nose.

'Every knock and bruise he bore, every demeaning chore he was forced to do, was a stark reminder of the love he yearned for and the warmth he was denied. And yet, deep within him, buried under the layers of sorrow and regret, flickered a tiny flame of hope.

'It was a silent whisper, a promise of a different tomorrow, a life beyond the confining walls of Crescent Drive, a world where Harry Potter was more than just the boy in the cupboard under the stairs.'

Harry closed the book. He understood why Ted was apprehensive to release the book. He can understand why his relatives' names were wrong. It's supposed to be a fictional story and Harry knew for a fact that if not anything, the world is full of sheep without brains.

If they get the sniff of the Dursleys and attack them, that leads to many complications that Harry doesn't want to deal with. As no one except Dumbledore knew his relatives' address, he is sure the Dursleys will be safe.

Harry can't imagine how realistic Cristy wrote the rest of the book if the intro is this strong and heart-touching. He immediately wrote his reply to Ted agreeing to hold the release for some time. He doesn't want chaos in the world right now.

Harry will use it when necessary and wants to get the masses on his side. He can at least use the book for that. It's too advantageous to let it go wasted. After sending his reply through the box, Harry sat to continue his Animagus practice.

After reading the instructions in the Animals Secrets book, Harry tried looking at various Magical animals in the last few months. One after another, he didn't feel they were right. He can still remember Schpeel's words.

How to Become an Animagus?

'Animagus. A magical art in which a Witch/Wizard can change into an animal at will. What do you think happens for them to perform such a feat?

'How can they achieve something impossible with just practice and soul searching? Well, let's see how it happens and what makes them special.

'First, to become an Animagus, you must master the art of Shielding your mind. It's not to protect yourself from attacks. It's to prepare your mind for the long process.

You see, in all my research about Magical Creatures and their lives, I came upon this interesting detail. Magical Creatures have strong minds, unlike us Magicals.

'Let me explain. We Magicals know what is what and what to do and what not to do. Magical Creatures are a magical variant of normal animals of the muggle world and sometimes we also have some mythical creatures like Dragons, Sphinx etc.

Tell me something. When Witch hunts and Magical eradication was going on in the late 9th and early 10th century, how did the Magical Creatures survive?

'I know your first answer is some witch or wizard protected them or hid them. You are wrong in your assumption.

'From the experience of my expeditions, I bring this knowledge to your notice. Magical creatures not only have magic but also have intelligence which the likes of us couldn't understand.

'It is for the very same reason there were very few Animagus and Familiar masters in my Era. It's difficult to understand them and that difficulty limits us in our progress.

'What to do? First, you need a strong mind as the process I worked out helps you transform step by step instead of in one full transformation and losing control.

'Curious to know the steps? Hold your horses, Champ. I want you to determine which Creature suits you first. After you select the correct animal, the steps will automatically reveal themselves.'

Below is a detailed explanation of what this 'soul search' meant.

'So to become an Animagus, I want you to focus on yourself and do some soul searching.

'Don't stroke it off as some useless exercise. Let me tell you a small secret. While the method I heard only allows you to transform into normal Animals, this method allows you to transform into any creature you see in your soul.

'I know it is very hard to believe. But it is true. I tried it myself and became a Unicorn of all things. I am a pure person, don't you think?'

Then there are some jokes about different attempts and how they resulted. Harry laughed heartily as Schpeel became his greatest teacher.

'Jokes aside, what should you do while soul searching? Search. Search for what is unique in you. Search for the qualities that make you, especially you different from others.

'Just searching for qualities makes you an Animagus? No. Searching for qualities is the first step. There are various steps to achieve the goal.

'So when you are done with all the searching, you will have a mental image of yourself in an animal form or the vague idea of the animal you will be. How do you find it? Well, I have painted many animals in this book which are only to be unlocked after you go through all steps. You can look at them for reference to get an idea of how they look or to confirm.

'I'll be watching you, remember. After you find the animal most suitable for you, your heart responds whether it is the correct animal or not.

'I know you might think now. 'Do you think I believe all this shit you're on about?' Well, it's up to you. If you don't want to continue, just press the black symbol on the book cover, I won't pester you anymore.

'So soul searching first. I want you to pick the qualities you feel are different one by one and assemble them in one place. After that, go through all the steps and finally, find the animal most suitable for you.

'When you find the perfect match, we will discuss what happens then. All the best, Champ. I'll be eagerly waiting to see how miserably you fail. ;).'

'Bastard!' Harry mentally cursed at the amused drawing his teacher drew at the end of his explanation. He knew Schpeel is no fool from his first-hand experience of reading his Occlumency. He understood there is something meaningful behind the action and started soul searching.

Harry started deep meditation in his free time, allowing him to journey into the deep recesses of his mind. There, he encountered various magical creatures, each embodying different traits and aspects of magic. The first one didn't surprise him. After all, it's because of the same bird he is alive.

Instead of compiling all of his unique qualities into 1 area like Schpeel suggested, he thought of going through all magical animals as he saw himself as a complicated person.

Often Harry himself gets surprised at the decisions he takes sometimes and kicks himself for his dumbness in others. So he opted for a long and gruelling method instead of piling his traits.

His Occlumency helped and he would have even gone through the arduous process of piling his traits if he didn't get this long-time idea which didn't rush things and so he started going through all the magical animals at random in the book.

First came the mythical bird of rebirth itself. The Phoenix. Phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates, obtaining new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. It's a symbol of rebirth, immortality, and renewal. Harry also in a way went through rebirth when he got rid of Inky and became Slytherin Lord.

Phoenixes are known for their healing abilities, their tears having potent curative properties. He got Phoenix tears as well and he knew he wouldn't be alive without them. Their loyalty and the powerful protective charms associated with their feathers underline their symbolic tie to resilience and recovery. Harry is resilient as well. He endured his relatives decade long mistreatment and torment after all.

Overall, it seemed like a good match for him. He added the mythical rebirth bird into 'under consideration' and moved on.

Next came the majestic Griffin. Griffins are majestic creatures with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. The irony of how the bird represents Harry's previous and current Hogwarts Houses wasn't lost on the Potter boy. In heraldry, Griffin's are known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions.

Griffins are a symbol of wisdom, courage, and guardianship. He does have all those traits. Their nature as half-eagle, and half-lion blends the king of beasts and the king of birds, reflecting a balance of power and wisdom. Again the irony was funny and so he reluctantly added Griffin to the 2nd box. Instead of comparing himself with all traits as he got a good grasp on his core personality, he blew past the next few potential options.

Unicorn: Unicorns are pure and highly magical creatures known for their healing abilities and their horns' power. They symbolise purity, grace, and innocence. Unicorns are attracted to innocence and purity, shy and gentle unless provoked.

Harry knew well he is in no sense pure and how any other traits of the horse variant didn't match him and moved on.

Niffler: Nifflers are rodent-like creatures with a penchant for anything shiny. They represent the pursuit of material wealth and treasures. They are also persistent and determined, often going to great lengths to acquire what they desire.

Aside from his desire to amass the otherworldly and alluring treasures of female anatomy, materialistic wealth didn't matter to him as he became wealthy as the Heir and Lord to the Ancient and Noble Houses of Britain.

Nundu: Nundu is a large, magical beast originating from East Africa. It resembles a leopard in its physical attributes but is far more formidable and larger, often compared to the size of an elephant. This beast is among the most dangerous creatures in the magical world, feared for its incredible strength and lethal capabilities. It is known for its exceptional power and peril, a symbol of survival against the odds, and a testament to the wild, untamed majesty of the magical world.

Harry shares several notable traits with a Nundu. Much like the formidable creature, he exhibits immense inner strength and resilience, thriving against adversity. Both are solitary in nature, often misunderstood despite their remarkable capabilities. Harry's protective instincts mirror a Nundu's defensive nature, while his notorious reputation in the wizarding world parallels the fear a Nundu can instill.

Their most defining shared characteristic, however, lies in their ability to survive against all odds, continually enduring despite the challenges they face. Thus, symbolically, Harry's and the Nundu share a profound kinship.

Seeing how well they mesh together, Harry added Nundu to the list without delay.

Basilisk: Basilisks are gigantic serpent-like beasts that can kill with a mere look. They represent immense power, danger, and fear. Basilisks are feared creatures due to their deadly gaze and venom, reflecting the destructive power of unchecked strength and fear.

That's interesting because not only Harry fought 1, but he also emerged victorious and knew its deadly gaze didn't affect him. He is not powerful, at least as much as needed to be a Basilisk. But he is going to be. Which removed Basilisk for him.

Thestral: Thestrals are horse-like creatures that are only visible to those who have seen death. They symbolise a deep understanding of mortality and the acceptance of fate. Despite their grim appearance and association, they are gentle and intelligent creatures.

Harry saw the bony creatures. He understood their beauty well. Though he used to accept his fate and death, he is no longer a naive boy. He started moulding his own destiny and believed in carving his own path in this bipolar world. So Thestral doesn't fit him as well.

Hippogriff: Hippogriffs, with their eagle heads and horse bodies, are known for their strength, speed, and proud nature. They symbolise honour, respect, and the reward of courage. Their majestic demeanour demands respect, and they are fiercely loyal to those who earn their trust.

Now this one is a closer match to him after Phoenix and Nundu. He is loyal to the few that earned his respect and despises being disrespected. As for honour and courage, he will show them when needed. Not always like his past self. This can be considered.

Centaur: Centaurs have a human torso attached to a horse's body. Known for their wisdom, they are often seen as seers and stargazers. Centaurs represent the balance between intellect and instinct, the spiritual and the physical.

Nope. He doesn't have any balance like this though he is a seer at least believes he is one. But he always switches between all traits and it's always chaotic around him rather than naught. With a shrug, he continued. It's not like all will match him. He understood how he had at least 1 or 2 common traits with all creatures he read through till now and decided to only consider them if he had 4 or more common traits with them.

Kneazle: Kneazles are cat-like creatures with a lion's fluffy tail. They are known for their ability to detect unsavoury or suspicious individuals. Kneazles symbolise discernment, intuition, and independence.

Harry doesn't even need to think about this. It's a no.

Leprechaun: Leprechauns are small humanoid creatures known for their love of mischief and trickery. They symbolise the allure of wealth and the deceptive nature of appearances, reminding us that all that glitters is not gold.


Manticore: Manticores are dangerous beasts with a human head, a lion's body, and a scorpion's tail. They represent the convergence of multiple forces and the unpredictability of circumstances, emphasising the unpredictability and potential danger that can come from underestimated situations.

Harry doesn't have any mergings like that and he frankly looks good and so he moved on.

Veela: Veelas are semi-human magical beings known for their captivating beauty and enchanting dances. They represent charm, allure, and the duality of attraction. While beautiful and mesmerising, Veelas can become terrifyingly fierce when angered. This reflects the dual nature of attraction, underscoring that beauty and charm can sometimes be a front for a fiercer, unpredictable side.

Harry is interested in Veela now. Though he does possess the traits, something in him tells that what he understood and what's being explained are different. Going with his gut, Harry denied it. He is curious to meet Veela in real life though. He wants to see how much their allure will affect him and honestly talk to them heart to heart. He stopped himself not wanting to go deep into the rabbit hole.

Werewolf: Werewolves are humans who transform into aggressive and nearly uncontrollable wolves at the full moon. They symbolize the struggle with inner demons, highlighting the battle between human reason and animalistic urges. The werewolf's story in many ways is a tale of identity, self-acceptance, and the internal conflict that can arise from a dual nature.

He is sure he is not a Werewolf and so he rejected it.

Exploring his mind and interacting with these magical creatures allowed Harry to understand the various facets of his character and magic. These internal experiences made him understand how to be one with his mind and he moved to the next animal. 16th on the list if he is right.

Arctic Eidolon: The Arctic Eidolon is an ancient and mysterious creature of immense power and beauty. Possessing the ability to manipulate temperatures, they are masters of ice and frost, capable of creating intense blasts of chilling energy. Their large, ethereal wings enable them to soar through the skies with grace and agility expressing their freedom and independence to the world. It symbolises resilience, freedom, duality, protection, and isolation.

Harry doesn't need to read further. Out of all the creatures he read through till now, this is the creature he can most relate with and so he added it to the list for further consideration.

Dragons: Dragons are the legendary serpent-like creatures that appear in the folklore of many cultures around the world. In the Wizarding World, there are numerous subspecies of dragons, all with their unique abilities and temperaments. They symbolize strength, power, and fearsome majesty. Their fiery breath is iconic, a raw demonstration of pure elemental force, and their hardy scales represent durability and invincibility.

Though Harry couldn't relate to anything other than strength, he added Dragons to the list just cause he wanted to have the satisfaction in part of possessing one of the sought-after traits of a Dragon. Moving further, there are no creatures following Dragons and Harry wrote it off as the Animals' knowledge Schpeel has ended there. How wrong he was.

It took him months to go through all above and decide on 1 of the 6 short-listed creatures and that's where Harry found himself today.

Out of the 6, Phoenix, Griffin, Nundu, Hippogriff, Arctic Eidolon, and Dragons, Harry believed Arctic Eidolon and Nundu are the best match for him. He further imagined each of the creatures in his mind. As only their faces were drawn, Harry couldn't go any deep. But after contemplating through his Christmas holidays, he can relate to 1 creature more and more. Arctic Eidolon.

Though Nundu had everything he sought after, it even represents independence but not in a way Harry liked it. Nundu is independent because of its unimaginable strength but Eidolon much like Harry on other hand is independent in part due to strength but also because of self-reliance and it's ability to fly in freedom.

Deciding to test 1 last time, Harry imagined Arctic Eidolon at the heart of his mindscape, its icy-blue form shimmering in and out in mystical light. Its eyes held ancient wisdom, its wings a silent promise of freedom, and its ethereal, semi-transparent body a mirror to Harry's complex life experiences. His heart resonated in joy and at that moment Harry decided and pressed on Arctic Eidolon in the book. It took months long effort to reach this point and further steps unveiled themselves in the book.

Steps Continued

'It appears that you finally chose which animal closely fits you, Champ. Congratulations on choosing the closest one. Here are your further steps to becoming the ancient creature, Arctic Eidolon.

'Firstly, the art of becoming an Animagus is much like taming the wild. It is a three-step process of familiarisation, adaptation, and transformation, each stage demanding patience, commitment, and an enduring connection with your magical creature counterpart.

'Familiarisation: You don't choose the creature; it chooses you. Through a deep meditation and magical introspection, you delve into your inner self, uncovering the magical creature that resides within. The process of familiarisation involves understanding your magical creature, its habits, nature, and its place in the magical world.

'This requires thorough research and psychological preparation. It's not a simple case of reading about the creature, but truly understanding it - empathising with it, living its life, and accepting it as a part of you.

'Adaptation: The adaptation phase involves simulating the physical attributes and senses of your magical creature. Special runes made to adjust your body will help you in this phase, allowing you to be the Magical creature you are.

'These magic-aided experiences allow you to gradually adapt to your creature's perspective. For example, if your inner creature is a bird, you might learn to navigate using magnetic fields or to see a broader spectrum of colours.

'Transformation: The final stage is the actual transformation. This is initiated by a complex spell that acts as the catalyst for the transformation. Once the spell is cast, you must will yourself to become your magical creature. The key here isn't force but surrender, a willing submission to the creature within.

'This is the most difficult part as it requires absolute faith in oneself, as well as courage to let go of the familiar human form and embrace the new form. It is the final step of acceptance that your inner creature is indeed you and unshackling it from the confines of your mind.

'The transformation doesn't happen all at once. It starts slowly, often with a single body part, and gradually extends until the full transformation is achieved. The first few transformations are mentally and physically exhausting. However, with continuous practice, the transformation becomes smoother and quicker, eventually happening in the blink of an eye.

'The art of Animagus transformation is more than a simple magical transformation; it's a journey of self-discovery, a harmonisation of your identity with your magical creature. It's an assertion of your place in the magical world, a testament to your strength, resilience, and adaptability. It's an experience that binds you closer to the magical world, enabling you to explore the depths of magic that few dare to venture into.

'This is a complex step as many witches and wizards can't see themselves as anything other than human and may lead to the creature not being released fully. As a creature of emotion, the magical creature understands its other self's apprehension and may altogether disappear.

'Remember, Champ. They are as special as you to act like a slave. They are manifestations of magic in unique shapes and forms. They need not be controlled like wild beast. They understand everything. Treat them with the much needed respect and they shall reciprocate. Mistreat them and they shall vanish, never to be found again. The journey is a wild adventure, the creatures themselves are not the wild. Hope you understand that. All the best, Champ.'

Though Harry can understand the uneasiness in Schpeel's voice, he can't help but wonder how his inner will react and what it, no he will do the ones they met. These warnings only managed to pique Harry's curiosity about the whole thing.

I mean, don't get him wrong. Who won't feel excited to become an Animagus and that too of a Magical creature which he didn't ever hear about? Whether the animal is useful to him or not is to be seen but he had a gut feeling that the creature is very beneficial to himself.

Closing the book, Harry went to sleep knowing that he made significant progress in becoming Animagus and he is going to meet his magical counterpart soon. There is nothing to rush after all. It's all practical now. All in the hands of his inner animal. Thinking of the shared traits as part of the first step, Harry slept.

The Arctic Eidolon represents several aspects that resonate deeply with him:

1. Resilience: Arctic Eidolon can survive and adapt to harsh environments. They embody survival and resilience, much like himself who has faced adversity since he was a child and has always found a way to endure and overcome.

2. Freedom: Their ability to fly is symbolic of the freedom that Harry always craved. Flying has always been a joy for him, from his first time on a broomstick to his passion for Quidditch. As an Arctic Eidolon, he could soar higher and farther than ever before and that would also allow him to beat Mira, which is just a bonus.

3. Dual Existence: The Arctic Eidolon's ability to become intangible reflects his own experiences in both the wizarding and muggle worlds, never fully belonging to either. This duality is a central aspect of his identity, making the Arctic Eidolon a fitting embodiment of his experience.

4. Protector: Arctic Eidolons have a protective nature and powerful abilities that can be used for defence and protection, mirroring Harry's role as a protector of his loved ones, and Hero of the entire wizarding world.

5. Isolation: Lastly, the Arctic Eidolon being an extinct creature signifies the loneliness and isolation he often felt as the 'Boy-Who-Lived'. He is a unique individual with experiences that none of his peers can truly understand, much like the long-extinct species.

As Harry observed the creature, he felt a deep sense of connection and understanding. It was like gazing into a magical mirror, one that perfectly reflected his strengths, struggles, and the journey that lay ahead of him.

In the Arctic Eidolon, Harry found a representation of his past, present, and future. It was clear to him, more than ever before, that the Arctic Eidolon was not just an Animagus form he chose, but rather the magical creature that chose him.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you all liked it. Tell me, what you think of the chapter and story in general.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.