
We'll Hand It Over

The intense gazes of the men and women in the room made Skullius hold back his intent to eat. 

What the flesh was this?!

The determination hidden in these gazes of these people was too much to be ignored and thus Skullius decided to ask what exactly was going on before doing anything rash.

"What are you all looking at?" 

The burly man hurriedly fixed his visage, donning a delightful smile once again. It had suddenly dawned on him that his disposition wasn't exactly subtle, despite that not exactly being a requirement for what he intended.

"Ahem... forgive me, dear guest. We are just a bit... anxious is all. Please... eat."

"Uhm... no. You really expect me to eat when everyone is looking at me like that?" Skullius gestured at one particular woman whose face was distorted; eyes bulging and her mouth downturned to produce a rather terrifying face.

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