
chapter :1 Through the last days

"Lin Feng, hurry up and deliver the goods, the beef is not enough, and I have to buy twenty pounds."

In the phone, a middle-aged woman voice came.

Lin Feng is a supplier to a large supermarket chain. In fact, it is a supplier and the scale is not large. It is to put some raw meat into the wholesale market, then put it in the supermarket, and after mixing and processing all kinds of seasonings, put these semi-finished products processed into barbecue to sell on the counter.

Although the profit of this business is not much, but for college graduates like Lin Feng, it is still much stronger than ordinary work.

Hanging up the phone, Lin Feng went downstairs into his second-hand delivery van, drove to the wholesale market not far from home and bought twenty pounds of beef, and then sent it to the delivery port of the supermarket underground parking lot. .

"More chicken wings tomorrow, don't forget."

When leaving, Lin Feng hired a shopping guide in the supermarket. The shopping guide is in his fifties, the people are very good, diligent and capable, which makes Lin Feng save a lot of heart.

Say goodbye to the shopping guide Auntie, Lin Feng turned and prepared to go home, and at night to dinner with his girlfriend, need to go back to take care of.

"Be careful!"

Just as Lin Fenggang turned around, the staff next to him shouted.

Before Lin Feng had not had time to react, he felt black in front of him and passed out. The collapsed shelves were pressed against Lin Feng's body, which was a few tons.


I don't know how long it took, Lin Feng opened his eyes and found himself in an old warehouse. The warehouse was very big and the dust was everywhere. I thought it had been used for a long time.

Lin Feng felt a little dizzy, just in the supermarket, why is she here now?

Lin Feng was stunned by the sight in front of him, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to prepare for the alarm, but the signal on the mobile phone was zero, and he couldn't get out.


A scream broke Zhang Feng, and a person was not far away and shouted as he walked toward Lin Feng. Looking at the appearance, it should be a middle-aged man.


Seeing the appearance of the person, Lin Feng shouted, the other's face was highly rotten, and the eyeballs were protruding, like the zombies in the movie.

Feeling not like filming, Lin Feng rushed back to the empty warehouse and closed the warehouse door.

Do you wake up? The world has become the end? Lin Feng gasped and whispered.

No, Lin Feng suddenly thought that just seeing the cars on the road, I have never seen one.

Is it... crossing?

Lin Feng also read novels during his free time. He has seen some novels through the novel. Now he feels that it is very similar to the way through the novel.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a bit tingling in his arm. Lin Feng looked at his arm and found a tattoo on his arm.

That is a sign, specifically the logo of the supermarket that Lin Feng has been supplying.

At this time, Lin Feng felt a blur in front of him. The next moment, Lin Feng found himself at the entrance of the supermarket.

There is no one in the supermarket, and the shelves are full of dazzling goods.

"Is this supermarket on my body?"

Lin Feng was a bit puzzled, and then he came to the processing area behind the supermarket's fresh area.

Picking up a long knife for cutting bones, Lin Feng thought about going out.

Sure enough, as Lin Feng imagined, Lin Feng felt blurred again and returned to the warehouse.

It was really a supermarket on the arm, which made Lin Feng feel shocked.

In order to experiment whether the time he entered the supermarket was the same as the time outside, Lin Feng did an experiment. He threw the long knife out and meditation into the supermarket. After waiting in the supermarket, it took a few minutes to browse the goods on the shelves, and then Lin Feng once again meditation back to reality.

Back to the warehouse, Lin Feng saw that he had just returned from the supermarket, and the long knife fell to the ground.

The time in the supermarket is static to the outside. Through the experiment Lin Feng got such an answer.

Lin Feng doesn't know if he can go back to the world, but the most important thing at the moment is to save his life. The zombies outside the warehouse door are still slamming the door. Lin Feng does not believe this is a dream.

With a long knife, Lin Feng's confidence increased greatly. Lin Feng, a university student, is a sports special student and is good at martial arts. Because his parents died young, Lin Feng, an orpha

With a headache, Lin Feng stood up and looked around. Then came to the warehouse door, Lin Feng opened the warehouse door and looked out.

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw the scene outside. There was a road outside, and the dilapidated cars were stacked on the road. There were still several bodies lying on the ground. The bodies were rotten and stinky, and a group of flies swam around the bodies.