
Bringing the game items to real world

What if a person gets to bring the gaming items from the game world to real world? What if the mana potions and the health potions that are almost a currency in game world could be brought to the real world? What if he can bring the guns and weapons? What more can he bring? Pokemon? Greatest weapons of all time? Star-ships? Follow a guy who gets the cheat and pushes world into a new era Warning : Don't expect the MC to be all knowing, all powerful from the get go and is a genocidal maniac. The MC will be more realistic. English isn't my first language so I don't have a plethora of vocabularies in my head. So please cut me some slack. Hope you will like the story Join the discord server at discord.gg/ankAtNwyaz

thelightedghost · Video Games
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212 Chs

There is something wrong with the water

Robin won 5 of the 6 games and at the end he didn't know why but he felt like he should just let her win. He had been winning by a considerable margin and though she never complained he felt bad.

"You let me win. Didn't you?"

"No. I just got lazy at the end."

"That means the same."

"No, I really got bored."

"Fine. I will trust you on this but don't lie to me."


Cathrin seemed really serious when she said not to lie to her. She could tell that Robin had let her win since she was suffering horribly but she didn't call him out. Robin found it odd but didn't care about it. Later they played another game but it was some other racing game since Robin said he got bored with just repetitions.

But even in the new game, Robin beat Cathrin with ease.

"Playing with you is really brutal and I get a reality check."

"Sorry. It just comes naturally to me."

"Maybe that's why you are a millionaire and I am not."

"That has nothing to do with it. I don't think any millionaire would waste time on gaming like I do. And you are assuming that I am a millionaire, I might not be one."

"That's true, which is weird. Millionaires are supposed to be in office all day working. Only you have been different supposing you belong to that ultra rich group."

"I have been busy the last few days as you have seen."

Both Cathrin and Robin spoke of random things before signing off. Robin had spent 2 hours gaming so he felt a little hungry and thirsty so he called for some snacks and drinks. After spending a few more hours in the air, the hired captain had finally announced that they would land in a few minutes.

Robin was already excited thinking of being back to his own place. At the end of the day, he did miss his home city. The moment he stepped out of the plane he was welcomed with the smell of his home. He couldn't describe the smell but he knew that this was his home. He didn't need his eyes to confirm.

Since his parents were not informed, someone else had come to pick him up. His cousin's sister and her fiancé. As Robin stepped out of the airport he could already see her. She had her eyes wide open when she saw her and so did her fiancé.

"What the fuck! What the hell happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you so tall and how come you have muscles now? What the hell happened there? Are you really Robin?"

"Is my voice any different?"

"Uhh.. No.."

"So of course I am Robin. I just got interested in the gym and good habits."

"I am a doctor. This is impossible. One can't grow from 5.10 to 6+ in just a few months. You didn't do some thigh surgeries I heard of which makes a person taller? Did you?"

"Am I that crazy?" Robin rolled his eyes. He had almost forgotten about his height and body changes that had occurred over the months. Now he definitely would have to explain again to his parents.

"You don't look like one. But who knows? Maybe the water of Amsterdam made you crazy."

"I think I should go to Amsterdam to grow taller." The fiancé of his cousin commented. He had met Robin a couple of times before so he was known to him.

"You are always welcome. I have a place there." Robin said.

"Babe, let's go to Europe for Honeymoon."

Rita rolled her eyes and replied.

"Sure, if you can afford it. Robin is here being funded by his work and we are not."

He didn't care as he could really afford it since he came from quite a wealthy family. While talking they had already reached the car and after putting on the seat belt, they drove off. Robin then proceeded to speak of his time in Europe and his false work of travelling and working.

He wanted to make her jealous and it worked marvelously. She had made a pouting face to which both Robin and her fiancé laughed.

After half an hour of driving, Robin reached his home and bid his goodbye to them. She wasn't exactly close to his parents. There had been a lot of family drama before so even though he and her were best buddies, their families were never involved. Apparently, Robin's grandmother didn't like the fact that Robin's father married someone who didn't belong to the same class and this thing led to many family dramas.

But the new generation never cared. Of course, there were other cousins but they lived in different places, so the friendship wasn't so close. Robin was having those thoughts as he rang the doorbell.

Few seconds later, the door opened and his mom just stiffened seeing him. All kinds of emotions went through her as she finally let her body hug her son. She had a few tears in her eyes.

"You.. You got so tall."

"Yeah mom. Where's dad?"

"He is at your table. Working."

Robin let go of his shoes and his father had already come out listening to the voice of his son. Just like his mother, his father too was surprised seeing the tall and muscular figure but he could tell that this was his son.

"How did you become so tall?"

"The average height of the Netherlands is above 6 feet. Maybe their water has something that made me tall. Plus I joined the gym."

"Isn't gym membership costly?"

"It's free Dad. Don't worry, I am not wasting money."

"As long as you know. Why didn't you tell us that you are coming?"

"Wanted to surprise you."

"Did they fire you from the job?" His mom was a little pessimistic and had already thought of a bad scenario in her mind.

"No.. I came because it was free of cost and I could work from here someday before I would return."

"What kind of company funds such indulgence of the employees?" His father was confused by this.

"It's a big company. Didn't I tell you that this job requires me to travel. Didn't I send the pictures before?"

"Ok OK.. Did you eat? Was it a long journey?"

"It was long. But don't worry, I did eat. Is dinner ready?"

"No, do you want me to make something for you?"

"Yeah. I miss your handmade food."

His mother didn't wait and almost ran to the kitchen to make something for his son. His father was more interested in his life and asked about his work. Robin happily replied but half of it was still lies. He could never speak the real truth. Not now, at least.

He later gave them the gifts he had bought from his travels. Both of his parents were happy to see this but his mom after seeing so many gifts felt like his son was wasting too much money. Of course, Robin had to make them believe that he was saving for rainy days.

After dinner and lengthy talk, he proceeded to sleep on his old bed. He really missed his old bed.

"JARVIS, how is everything in North Korea?"

"Sir, the Novus has secured the coastal regions and the borders and from there they have started to close in towards the capital. Miss Eve has done a wonderful job in maintaining and expanding her influence through the human beings that she had brought. Novus, with the help of Miss Eve, had already started making roads across the country. A road that will be used for both energy distribution and transportation."

"They are using the Constructors?"

"Yes Sir."

"How is Sigret?"

"I am fine. I thought you forgot about us after reaching your home." Another voice from his mobile said. It was apparent that she was listening to the conversation.

"I am just a second away from meeting you." Robin rolled his eyes at the words of Sigret. Sigret didn't reply and was silent.

"How far has your research gone?"

"Give me one more month. I have talked with Eve. We will start the real world trials in a week or so?"

"Has it been positive until now?"

"It's 95% positive."

"Is the rest 5% hazardous?"

"Not exactly hazardous. Those berries had been grown at the harshest conditions and Earth hasn't reached that point so I am trying to see if there is any affect in their growth. In the lab, it's fine but the real world has many other factors like pollen, temperature changes and other factors. We will do the experiment in the Ark under the Greenhouse and see if there are any negative effects."

"Okay. Thanks Sigret for the hard work."

"At your service always."

After this Robin went to sleep. Surprisingly, his body didn't feel any jet lag and he could easily catch sleep. It was as if his body knew that it was time to sleep and he just went along with it.

Sunday, 12th February

Robin woke up on time and since it was Sunday, dad didn't have work and they enjoyed a family breakfast with smiles. His mother was happy that his son is back. He spoke of the fact that Rita was getting engaged.

His parents didn't have any say in this matter nor did they care.

"I will be going out today. Have some shopping to do."



Read 15 chapters ahead on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost