
Bringing the game items to real world

What if a person gets to bring the gaming items from the game world to real world? What if the mana potions and the health potions that are almost a currency in game world could be brought to the real world? What if he can bring the guns and weapons? What more can he bring? Pokemon? Greatest weapons of all time? Star-ships? Follow a guy who gets the cheat and pushes world into a new era Warning : Don't expect the MC to be all knowing, all powerful from the get go and is a genocidal maniac. The MC will be more realistic. English isn't my first language so I don't have a plethora of vocabularies in my head. So please cut me some slack. Hope you will like the story Join the discord server at discord.gg/ankAtNwyaz

thelightedghost · Video Games
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212 Chs

I am having a panic attack. Can I live here?

September 16, 2023

The news has been circulating across the world for one day at this point. There was a discussion taking place online, and the majority of the participants claimed that Kim Jong-un and the CCP were using it as propaganda. But then again the borders of most strict country was suddenly open.

It was so preposterous that South Korea moved many tanks and military units to the borders when the DMZ separating North and South Korea was modified from the North Korean side, believing that North Korea was about to launch an attack. But the South Korean military got the scare of their life when they saw white colored skeleton robots moving and lifting the fences of their borders.

Out of fear, the South Korean military, led by a General, almost ordered the shooting. However, he managed to stop himself and simply issued the directive to record and send the leaders the pertinent videos. He was surprised at how highly developed drones, robots, and even some humans could work in unison, just doing their jobs, and turn the DMZ into a safe area by removing the explosives.

What South Korea came to know, the White too came to know as they were very closely related. Like South Korea, the White House was astounded. As this was happening, the first group of reporters and explorers swarmed into the DPRK.

When the flight options were first provided by the DPRK to their country, most of the eminent journalists ignored it as they thought it was some kind of hoax of trapping them once landing on Pyongyang. But it inspired some adventure-hungry people to emerge from their holes and travel the nation, including Twitch streamers, YouTube vloggers, and others. Therefore, by the evening of September 16, when the first flight from Shanghai landed at Pyongyang's airport, it was crowded with visitors.

A few of them were Westerners, but the majority were from South Asia. Since there appeared to be no restrictions, the South Asians began filming as soon as they landed in Pyongyang's airport, which astounded everyone.

"So as you guys can see there is actually good internet connection... The WiFi connectivity is so fast, it's ridiculous. Better than my home in Singapore.. Mind you guys I am paying premium for my wifi at home and their public wifi seems to be better than ours.. I'm willing to relocate to Pyongyang only for this. Hahahaha."

"What is this.. You guys are you seeing this.. These planes are vertically lifting off.. Is this some kind of huge drones that the military had built... Wait people are going in and coming out of these planes.. What the fuck is going on.."

"These are flying cars.. They are levitating! How are they doing this without much air under them.. The track isn't magnetized.. Fuck.. Guys, I'm going crazy. Can anybody explain where the hell we are? I refuse to believe that this is real. This must be a hallucination."

"Wait so they have cars that could fly higher and just park themselves in a building vertically... THis is so cool.. Guys I am dying... I think I am having a panic attack... Panic attack from all this awesomeness.. I would like to see the quality of life here and if it fits my budget I would move here. I don't care if its North Korea or some shit.."

When they arrived at the airport, many of them were streaming on Twitch and YouTube live. None of them were big time streamers and but within half an hour, the viewer count of 150s changed to 100s of thousands. People initially believed that these individuals were simply showing a movie and not livestreaming.

However, when people began paying the streamers and asking them to perform a specific kind of trick, that is when people started to take it seriously. This shit was real and this really was Pyongyang of North Korea. Everything that was seen, even if it wasn't North Korea, left many in awe.

The videos started being recommended to the broader public so that everyone could watch, and the live broadcasts started trending everywhere and moving to the prominent deck of Twitch. JARVIS tweaked the recommendations tab for the video websites and thus more people started joining in.

This was nuts.

Big-time journalists who learned about this regretted a little for not showing up for this epic thing that they were seeing since it had been blown out of control. But since there was still time, they boarded the subsequent flight to Shanghai because Air Koryo was only permitted to use Russian and Chinese airports as a result of the sanctions.

Due to the ongoing war, Russia was off the table, and the only country that could grant them access to North Korea was China. Of course, several of them also traveled to China to investigate the reasons behind the abrupt shift in policy. Air Koryo only had a few planes that had been remodeled but it was done according to the current standards by DPRK.

This was done because it was feared that some idiot Chinese politician would order the plane to be seized if people in other airports saw vertically lifting planes appear out of nowhere. Although Robin wasn't afraid of trouble, that didn't mean he would actively seek it out.

He had already called for convention of the world leaders. It would be settled there.

20 September 2023

The controversy around North Korea had been trending online for 4 days at this point, and it was still going strong. Only difference was that now more than 75% of the world came to know that the North Korea wasn't the same as it was. It was different.

The demographics as a whole had shifted! Additionally, nobody knew how!

Renowned journalists who visited the nation confirmed that everything they saw was real. After seeing the trend, journalists decided to live stream it in order to demonstrate its authenticity and demonstrate how the city, the nation, and the people had all been turned upside down.

The international leaders who had previously been in denial mode had to accept the reality of the situation and accept the invitation sent by the Premier of China to North Korea.

White House.

"Is this real?" - The President.

"Sir, we can confirm that it is really real in accordance with the sources and even the individuals we dispatched yesterday. The robots, the cars, the planes, and the futuristic metropolis are all genuine." – The Defense Secretary.

"How did this happen?" - The President

"Sir, we have no idea. Our satellites never picked up anything." - The Secretary of Defense hung his head in shame as he said that.

"Why are you even in the Defense sector when you don't know how a nuclear powered country which has ICBM that could destroy us with one of bomb managed to change in a span of few months. Do you even qualify for the position?" The President was furious.

"Sir, what do you suggest we do with the Chinese Premier's invitation?" -The Secretary of State.

"We go. Of course we will go. But we won't go bare-chested. Send some ballistic missile submarines to North Korea's maritime boundary. The Premier said that Kin Jong-un is dead. So the new ruler must be somebody else who has access to technology which we don't. We must begin working on it. Before everybody else. I have no doubt that the Chinese have the same thoughts." – The President. He didn't have much fear of North Korea. Primarily because to their ability to annihilate North Korea with nuclear missiles. Additionally, they recently put in place a system akin to Israel's Iron Dome that could block ICBM missiles that were fired in their direction.

He didn't think a nation like North Korea posed a threat to the United States. Nearly all powerful nations had thoughts similar to this. The United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, and India all shared roughly the same ideas.

The convention was called 10 days later at Pyongyang and most of the countries around the world accepted the invitation. Although the nations were aware that only the major players could play their "golf" here, they were still allowed to participate as spectators. Who knows, some of them might even be able to bring the golf ball back with them.

In the meantime, China was having some internal issues. People were learning information that had been hidden for a long time. With all the layers of exploitation the government engaged in in the name of progress, people were able to interact and express themselves more.

Surprisingly, though, the lawmakers stood up and promised that the labor rules would be changed, and people would live happy lives. The rules started to change, and people were given more freedom at work, so the confidence wasn't just something that appeared out of thin air.

The gradual modifications greatly relieved and delighted the populace. The people could see the change coming but little did they know that this small change was nothing in front of the storm that was going to hit their lifestyle soon.


Read 26 more chapters on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost