
Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Dear Audience and Readers, We are thrilled to bring you the translated version of the sensational novel, "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World". As the translation team led by MarDoGeaR, we have worked tirelessly to deliver an immersive and captivating experience for you. However, we need your support to continue providing you with quality translations. "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World" tells the extraordinary tale of a young man named Zhao Hai, who suddenly finds himself transported to another world. In this new realm, he discovers that he has inherited a unique and magical farm. With the ability to grow crops and raise various creatures, Zhao Hai embarks on a journey to carve out his place in this unfamiliar land. But this isn't just a simple farming story. As Zhao Hai explores the diverse regions of the new world, he encounters formidable challenges and cultivates profound relationships. With his ingenuity and the help of his newfound allies, he must face off against powerful enemies, navigate political intrigues, and protect his farm from those who seek to exploit its potential. Throughout the novel, readers will be captivated by the intricate world-building, rich character development, and gripping plot twists. From cultivating mystical plants to breeding mythical beasts, Zhao Hai's adventures will keep you on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning the pages to uncover what lies ahead. The translation process has been a labor of love, aiming to stay faithful to the original while ensuring a smooth reading experience in English. We have taken great care to capture the essence of the story, its humor, and its emotional depth. It is our sincere hope that our efforts will transport you into the magical world of "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World." Now, we kindly ask for your support. By purchasing and sharing the translated novel, you not only enable us to continue our translation endeavors but also show your appreciation for the hard work that goes into bringing these stories to you. Your support is vital in ensuring that more captivating stories from different worlds can be shared with a wider audience. We are immensely grateful for your support, and we sincerely hope that you will join us on this remarkable journey. Together, let's explore the boundless wonders of "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World." With gratitude, The MarDoGeaR Translation Team.

MarDo_GeaR · Games
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90 Chs

Enter Space

Chapter 37: Enter Space

The fort's main room was not very large, but Stonehead's speed allowed Zhao Hai and the others to enter quickly. The sudden influx of people made the room feel crowded, but there was no confusion thanks to the slaves' understanding of the consequences of disobedience.

Under Blockhead's guidance, the slaves entered the room obediently. Zhao Hai wasted no time and immediately instructed Merine and the others, "Grandma Merine, when you enter the advanced space, take care of these slaves. After they enter the space, make sure they don't wander around. Blockhead and Stonehead, guard the entrance. Meg, organize everyone and guide them into space."

Since the chrysanthemum and secure hadn't entered Space before, Zhao Hai asked Meg to assist him while Merine entered Space to settle the newcomers. Stonehead and Blockhead stood guard at the entrance to the main fort, prepared to repel any sudden attacks by Magic Beasts.

Soon, a cave entrance appeared beside Zhao Hai. The slaves recognized it from when Zhao Hai had created a similar entrance before. Zhao Hai had initially wanted to bring all the slaves into Space, but he was surprised to find that Space didn't respond when he attempted to do so. However, as soon as Merine entered, Space immediately responded, and she appeared in the advanced space. Relieved, Zhao Hai created a cave entrance and allowed the slaves to enter.

The slaves were somewhat apprehensive and unsure about where Zhao Hai wanted them to go. However, after seeing Merine enter the space, they knew that Zhao Hai wouldn't harm them. Under Meg's guidance, they slowly entered the cave entrance.

Outside, the sounds of Magic Beasts could be heard, and the castle gates were being battered. Meanwhile, inside, Merine's organization was swift. Thankfully, the cave entrance Zhao Hai created was large enough for four people to enter side by side, allowing the slaves to enter Space in an orderly manner.

Before long, all the slaves had entered Space. Meg, the chrysanthemum, and secure also followed suit. Zhao Hai then used his power and, alongside Blockhead and Stonehead, entered Space.

The newly arrived slaves looked around in awe as they entered Space. Zhao Hai didn't pay them much attention and instead focused on the ripe radishes, which he harvested quickly. Standing in Space, he addressed the slaves, "Listen up, this is my Space. Do not wander around aimlessly. Find a place to sit and be careful not to step on anything."

Fortunately, there were open areas in Space that couldn't be used for farming. Zhao Hai tried to dig the ground there with his small spade, but as in the game, it remained unresponsive.

Although the slaves didn't understand what was happening in Space, they obediently sat down. Zhao Hai glanced at them and turned to Merine, saying, "Grandma Merine, I will bring out some cups later. Distribute them to the slaves. If anyone wants to drink water, they can go to the spring. Also, bring out some quilts and have them sit on them."

Merine, along with Meg and the others, immediately started distributing the cups. Zhao Hai also brought out several quilts for the slaves to sit on. Once that was done, Zhao Hai produced straw mats for them to use. With more than a hundred people now in Space, it was difficult to ensure proper hygiene without separate facilities. Fortunately, they had purchased some plates in the past, which they used to create makeshift partitions.

Blockhead and Stonehead guided the male slaves to a section behind the thatched-roofed hut and the Warehouse, respectively, using straw mats to create separate areas. The area behind the thatched-roofed hut was designated for females, while the area behind the Warehouse was for males.

After finishing these arrangements, Zhao Hai relaxed and harvested the radishes. He then planted a new crop before giving the slaves a large radish to eat. The flavor of the radish was surprisingly good—sweet with a hint of spiciness. Even though more than a hundred people were eating together, the scene was quite impressive.

The slaves were delighted with the taste of the radish. They had never seen or eaten anything like it before. Each person ate cautiously, savoring the delicacy. Thankfully, the slaves' mood remained stable.

Having completed these tasks, Zhao Hai returned to the shabby room. Over the past few days, he had hardly spent any time in the thatched-roofed hut. Although there was a screen, it was only suitable for storage, not for resting. However, now was not the time to rest. After entering the room, Zhao Hai called for Merine while leaving the chrysanthemum and secure to watch over the slaves.

Merine and the others curiously examined the room but found nothing noteworthy. They took a seat on the stools. Zhao Hai stood in the room and said, "We still don't know the current situation outside. We can only hope the Magic Beasts return to the swamp soon. If we have to stay here for the long term, we have enough corn for several hours. We also brought grains from outside, so there won't be any food shortage. Once the corn is ripe, firewood won't be a problem either. However, if we let the slaves remain idle, it won't be good. Grandma Merine, do you have any good ideas?"

Merine pondered for a moment, shaking her head, "Even though Space is vast, we don't need them to cultivate the land. But I can't think of any solution, Young Master. What do you suggest?"

Zhao Hai paced around the room, considering his options. He said, "When I just arrived, I stored some books in the study. Grandma Merine, why don't you teach the slaves how to read? The development of our Buda Family cannot rely solely on us. If these slaves learn to read, it might prove useful in the future."

Merine agreed with Zhao Hai's suggestion, saying, "That's a good idea, Young Master. Since Space is currently empty, teaching them how to read will definitely be useful in the future, as you said."

Zhao Hai nodded and waved his hand, conjuring books, papers, and pens in front of him. He handed them to Merine, saying, "Grandma Merine, take a look and decide which book to teach them."

Merine carefully examined the books and chose a simple miscellany titled "Aksu Empire Travel Notes." Zhao Hai nodded in approval and said, "There's no need to start teaching them immediately. They've just arrived and are still adjusting. Let them rest in the study for now."

Merine agreed and noticed the exhaustion on Zhao Hai's face. She said, "Young Master, you should rest as well. We'll take care of things."

Zhao Hai realized that the room was too small for them to rest comfortably. He nodded and said, "Alright, I'll bring out some beddings from the Warehouse. If you rest outside, make sure to spread them out."

Merine led Meg and the others to the thatched-roofed hut. Blockhead and Stonehead stood guard at the entrance like door gods. Merine then approached the slaves and addressed them solemnly, "We are currently in Young Master's Magic Space. You must listen to everything Young Master says. It's not safe outside due to the Magic Beasts and Undead Creatures that may attack the castle. This is the only safe place. You must obey and not disobey Young Master's orders. Otherwise, he will expel you from the Space. Do you understand?"

The slaves immediately stood up and replied in unison, "Yes, we understand." Their training as slaves had conditioned them to respond in unison and follow orders.

Merine nodded and said, "You've had a tiring day. It must have been frightening for you. Young Master says you can rest now. Remember the location of the restroom and don't wander around. You must not approach Young Master's room or touch anything in the Space. Understood?"

The slaves nodded in agreement.

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