
Bringing Nazarick to Tensura World 

Lucas , carrying with him the system of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, is summoned into the world of tensura. In the world of the tensura, he summons characters like Albedo and Demiurge one by one. Two years in advance, he establishes a dynasty on the eastern side of the Jura Forest. When Rimuru establishes the Jura Federation on the western side of the forest, he discovers that his cheap big brother is terrifyingly powerful. Thus, the story of the big brother and the third sibling… no, the younger brother, begins! What interesting stories will unfold when two little Demiurges appear at the same time? What strange sparks will fly between Shaltear and Luminous, both true vampires? In the early stages of the story, the protagonist starts his development on hell difficulty, which is slow to heat up, so please be patient, dear readers.

DaoistY5ZOUh · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 5: Surge in Intelligence

Chapter 5: Surge in Intelligence

Training is mentioned, but everyone excels in different areas. For Lucas, it's a dual cultivation of martial arts and magic, knowing a little about everything. Each person can choose their main direction of study. One can go to a special training ground to practice combat with knights, or head to the library to learn magical knowledge. Sunday is the day for mock battles among everyone, a day for testing. Razen, as the examiner, observes everyone's progress. If one performs too poorly, they will be expelled. Although it's not a matter of life and death, the difference in treatment is like heaven and earth. Everyone understands the stakes and takes training seriously. After meals, Lucas, holding a Firefox, heads to the library, accompanied mostly by girls. This makes some boys envious and resentful. Lucas ignores this, simply walking silently. The Firefox seems to sense the tense atmosphere, obediently lying in Lucas's arms, allowing him to hold it. Another unexpected person for Lucas is the black guy. He turns out to be a healing magician, which is quite rare. On the way, a short-haired cute girl with an innocent face strikes up a conversation with Lucas. "Brother Lucas, does your Firefox have a name?" The girl's name is Ling Na, eighteen years old, dressed in Lolita fashion. Her clothes are all branded, indicating a wealthy family background in her previous life. To her question, Lucas just shakes his head lightly. "In this world, you can't just name a magical creature." "Why not?" Ling Na blinks, asking with some confusion. The other girls also look curiously at Lucas. Lucas sees no need to hide such common knowledge and begins to explain. "You can think of it as a world rule; there are two types of magical creatures in this world. One is ordinary magical creatures, and the other is named magical creatures, with a significant difference in strength. A named magical creature will receive the power bestowed by its namer, which is magical essence. Everyone has a limited amount of magical essence, and naming causes an irreversible loss of it. If you don't have enough magical essence for the naming, then you're done for. So, naming a magical creature is a very dangerous thing." Hearing Lucas's explanation, the girls nod in realization. "I see!" "Wow, Brother Lucas, you know so much," Ling Na says with admiration. Lucas doesn't speak, just smiles slightly, holding the Firefox and continues forward. Moments later, they finally reach the library. The library is exceptionally large, covering a hundred meters wide, divided into five areas. Each area is separated by a magical barrier, not allowing outsiders to enter. The library is filled with countless books, a dazzling array, in vast numbers. Some books are covered in thick dust, obviously not read for a long time. Some are worn out, but these books are even more valuable. They are precious volumes left from hundreds of years ago. Lucas's purpose here is to find ways to increase his MP. Inside the library, only two of the five areas are open to them. The other two contain national secrets, not to be disclosed. Another area is forbidden magic, which ordinary people are not qualified to touch. It seems that there is great confidence in the library's isolation magic, as there are no staff around. "I must take a look if I get the chance, to see what these forbidden magics are, perhaps I can learn something from them," Lucas thinks to himself, then starts looking for the books he needs.

Elsewhere, inside the royal palace hall, King Edmaris listens to Razen's report. "So it seems, this year's summoners include a few notable individuals." A smile appears on Edmaris's face; this year's summoners are indeed good, stronger than previous years. "The most impressive, I believe, is the one called Lucas." Razen continues: "His current strength may not be very high, but his potential is absolutely the best." "If the kingdom can invest resources in him, I believe, this person can definitely become a great weapon for the kingdom." The king is somewhat surprised, "This is the first time I've heard you praise someone like this." "This matter still depends on Your Majesty's personal decision," Razen smiles slightly. "Of course, I trust Lord Razen, but about this safety measure…" Seeing the king's hesitation, Razen understands. "Your Majesty, rest assured, the curse on him cannot be lifted." "As long as the curse remains, he can only obediently follow our orders." Hearing Razen's affirmative answer, the king shows a smile. "Hahaha, good, then let's follow Lord Razen's suggestion and tilt the nation's resources slightly in his favor." Razen bows, "As you command." After leaving the hall, Razen's expression turns somewhat sinister. His time is running out, and he has stayed in the Falmuth Kingdom as the chief magician for these years. That was to find a suitable vessel. He has a forbidden magic that can transfer his spirit to another person. To maintain his own life. Originally, Razen's target was Taniguchi Shingo, but after seeing Lucas's battle today, he changed his mind. He needs a strong body and powerful close combat ability. In this way, combined with his own magician's abilities, he can achieve dual cultivation of martial arts and magic, becoming an even more powerful being. This is why he was pleased to see Lucas could also use magic. Such a vessel is tailor-made for him. Thinking this, Razen's gaze becomes intensely passionate, his heartbeat quickening. Now, what he needs to do is to cultivate Lucas, this vessel, until the time is ripe… Hehehe…

Back at the library, Lucas is rapidly reading through magic books. The speed is not quite ten lines at a glance, but at least a hundred lines. He flips through a magic book in less than 30 seconds, then takes out the next one. The little Firefox is busy running up and down the bookshelves for Lucas, continuously fetching and returning books. The people around look at him with strange eyes. Ling Na turns to the Western woman with blonde hair and blue eyes beside her. "Sister Rose, what is Brother Lucas doing?" "Uh…" Just as Rose doesn't know what to say, the black guy seems to know something and says in shock. "Could this be the so-called quantum reading method mentioned in the legends?" Everyone rolls their eyes at him. Talking about quantum mechanics in a fantasy world? That's nonsense. Lucas is too busy to care about everyone's reactions, focusing intently on reading the magic books. "Faster, even faster!" Lucas's expression becomes more and more excited, and the reason is… [Ding! Reading a magic book, intelligence +1] [Ding! Reading a magic book, intelligence +1] [Ding! Learning lower elf summoning, 'Summon Mastery' activated, acquired skill 'Elf Summoning']