
Bringing my disciples through the heavens

The Global system brought everyone on earth to the immortal world. How will we not only survive but thrive. "Hmph, I have the sect system so while people are begging for food my disciples will be bathing in the heavens pool."

Iseeyou · Eastern
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11 Chs

The Shun Village

Chapter five

The Village had stone walls that reached ten feet high keeping them safe from some of the smaller animals, but the walls wouldn't be enough, so they had a few cultivators with bows that were patrolling the walls.

It seemed that the world also used stationary weapons since the walls were also lined with a few ballistae with big arrows, probably used to take down air attacks.

This looked nice and all but if a strong immortal came by, they could destroy this village easily, of course the chance of a strong immortal taking the time to do that would be close to zero.

Kai and Ryan were seen by the guards as they flew in on their Stream cloud birds, so they stopped outside the gate since it was a rule unless you were a strong immortal.

The guards didn't have fancy armor, they mostly wore leather and chain mill which made Kai think these guards were probably only like four-star qi realm.

"State your business." one of the guards said in a gruff voice.

"Gentlemen, were here to buy some things and maybe check out the local pleasantries." Kai tried to act in a noble manner instead of his usual lazy look.

"Alright but its five silver a person to enter for visitors."

Kai didn't even care for silver, so he just handed the guy twenty and they went in while the guards looked at Kai with a thankful look.

Kai went up to one of the nicer looking ins that served food and didn't smell.

It only cost him hundred silver to stay for a few nights for him and Ryan plus the food, so Kai realized that some of these smaller places ran mostly with silver since they didn't cost too much.

"Alright Ryan I'm going to look for some things I need while you can do whatever you want, well meet back here by tonight."

"Understood Master, be careful."

"Haha, I will."

Kai left Ryan and started looking around the village and as he walked more and more, he got an understanding of the living situation.

The village had a rich side where they lived well off and spent time in dining places or hang outs but they're also a poor side where people were starving and didn't have much of a house to live in.

The poor side wasn't only for poor people though as there was all kind of shady business-like info brokers and small-time hitters who get paid to kill people.

Kai was getting bored so he headed toward his first stop which was actually a shabby looking building but that was really only a deceiving front.

Kai had asked around the poor side and found a couple cheap info brokers who sold info and he found out there was a merchant who stole goods from a low-level kingdom across the sea and was trying to get the stolen goods off his hands.

Kai wasn't into stolen goods but he didn't really care either as he wanted a couple unique weapons for his sect so he could start stocking up the treasury.

Kai walked into the run-down building and the first thing he saw was a young boy sitting at a small desk while drawing something.

"Cough, uh is the merchant here?"

The boy looked surprised to see someone here, but he still didn't let that hold him back from his job.

"Yes sir, follow me."

Kai followed the boy into a back door which led into a big room with random crates and items strown everywhere.

"Hold on let me get him." the boy looked scared to get the guy, but Kai just ignored it not thinking much about it.

After a couple minutes a fat chubby man walked out with a slow stride as he held his stomach, he looked greasy, and his teeth had a brownish look to them, yet the guy wore a long purple robe making him look somewhat decent.

Kai already hated the guy just by the guys looks but he didn't say anything.

"Boy, what can I do for you?"

Kai frowned at the man's words, but he didn't say anything.

"I'm looking for some weapons, some cultivation pills and maybe a few cultivation manuals."

"Oh. your right on time since I just got a shipment of the good stuff, follow me ill show you some of my weapons first."

The fat man led Kai toward the crates in the front and he popped open one of the crates and inside Kai could see a really nice looking sword.

"This sword here is called the snow piercer, its made from a strong metal found in really cold climate and it gives the effect of frost bite when intact with the skin."

"The problem is wielding this blade is almost impossible unless you have some kind of cold temperament or are blessed with some kind of mystical ice bone."

Kai was interested in this sword for sure since he knew it was defiantly a decent sword. He knew what the guy meant about the ice bones.

Some people could be blessed with natural bones that had some kind of blessing attached to them and there was a bone name the Natural Mystical ice bone. Not all bones were awakened in people though sense they needed the materials and treasures to help awaken it.

Some people didn't even have special bones but could gain one by using godly pills and treasures, but it would cost a fortune.

"I'll take it, how much?"

The man looked surprised but hid it pretty well.

"Hm, how about since this sword isn't very popular ill sell it to you for twenty mid-grade spirit stones."

Kai knew some sell tricks from his time on earth and knew this guy was trying to see if Kai was rich or not so he could jack up prices later.

"Twenty Mid!!, no way, how about ten mid-grade and we got a deal." Kai acted flabbergasted at the guys offer.

"Alright fifteen than."


"Deal!" the fat guy chuckled at how easy he made twelve mid-grade stones. Twelve mid-grade could buy a quarter of this village if he wanted to.

Kai was also laughing inside because he knew this merchant probably thought he made a killing, but Kai knew a sword like this could probably sell for an entire high-grade stone back in a kingdom.