
Bringing Home the Villainous Big Shot

Tang Qiao was reborn and became the infamous malicious heiress. Her parents didn't love her. She had a malicious personality, and she was useless. By chance, she entered the entertainment circle and was labeled a wallflower with almost no acting skills. Tang Qiao:"..." Fine, she would shatter that useless label! Later on, she revealed multiple titles she had, like Olympic champion, triple Golden award-winning Actress, miracle doctor... The list went on. Those who had once called Tang Qiao a useless wallflower were now kneeling in admiration! At this moment, Tang Qiao was faced with a frail, poisoned, almost dying man. Blind and crippled in both legs, he looked even worse off than her! Oh well, her kind, beautiful heart led her to take him home and care for him. Initially, the man was cold and resisted Tang Qiao's approach. "Get lost, don't touch me!" Later, he held Tang Qiao's wrist and acted spoiled. ""Qiaoqiao, touch me again..."" Ultimately, the pitiful man transformed into a tremendously powerful main antagonist. Tang Qiao was baffled. What the hell had she brought home?

Beep Beep · Urban
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40 Chs

Be Careful on the Road

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The steps to solve the questions appeared straightforward and clear, leaving many students feeling enlightened by Tang Qiao's explanation.

As Tang Qiao concluded her explanation, a profound silence descended upon the classroom. All eyes were fixed on her in disbelief.

They couldn't reconcile the confident and composed person before them with the gloomy and reserved Tang Qiao they had known.

Wen Guanjie was the first to regain his composure, offering a nod of satisfaction. "Well done, the solution process is entirely correct." He placed the ferule on the desk and turned his gaze meaningfully toward Tang Qiao. "So, you do understand how to do these questions…"

Tang Qiao remained silent.

Chen Shuming, the math representative seated in the front row with a crew cut, turned to Tang Qiao with evident confusion. "If you can solve these questions, why did your exam scores fall so far below par? We calculate the class average for each exam, and since you joined our class, you've single-handedly dragged down our overall scores across all subjects. Are you aware of that?"

Tang Qiao's silence spoke volumes.

"Very well, let's put this behind us for now," Wen Guanjie remarked, casting a meaningful glance at Tang Qiao. "I believe Tang Qiao will perform better in the upcoming exams." After all, Tang Qiao had demonstrated a grasp of concepts that had yet to be covered in their lessons.

Tang Qiao glanced at Wen Guanjie's half-smiling expression and suddenly felt an intense scrutiny upon her.

Wen Guanjie continued with his explanations, and Tang Qiao settled into her seat, her thoughts wandering. She recalled that Professor Cheng had instructed her to keep a close eye on the quantum displacement space device, even though it was in its early stages. However, after two days and two nights of relentless observation, she was extremely exhausted so she went to her room to get some rest. How had she awakened as 'Tang Qiao'?

The moment these thoughts crossed her mind, unfamiliar memories flooded her consciousness, causing dizziness and nearly leading her to stumble.

A short while later, Tang Qiao managed to calm herself down and sift through the newfound memories. The previous owner of the body she now occupied also bore the name Tang Qiao, but her life had been fraught with misfortune. As a daughter of the Tang Family, she received no love from her father, and her mother was equally distant. Worse yet, she was framed and had a vicious reputation for hurting her step-sister to seduce men. Consequently, the Tang Family exiled her to Feng City First High School. The blow proved too much for Tang Qiao to bear; her grades plummeted, and she became despondent and hypersensitive. Upon transferring to a new school, the students at Feng City First High School not only disliked her but also clandestinely ostracized her. She even thought of committing suicide by cutting her wrist.

Tang Qiao frowned deeply.

Feng City First High School adhered to a tradition of evening self-study sessions. By the time the session concluded, it was well past ten o'clock in the night.

Chen Shuming, the math representative, collected the exam papers of the day and made his way toward Tang Qiao.

Tang Qiao, who had since calmed down and come to terms with her current predicament, looked up. Her almond-shaped eyes, partially concealed by her thick bangs, glimmered with a touch of moisture.

Chen Shuming paused in his tracks, a hint of surprise flickering across his gaze. Then, he shook his head with an amused smile. Perhaps it was the result of excessive studying, but he found Tang Qiao unexpectedly attractive.

Tang Qiao's hair was dyed a vibrant dark green, her thick bangs covering half her face, and the tips of her hair sporting a silvery gray hue. She didn't fit the typical mold of a diligent student.

Moreover, her usual demeanor exuded gloominess and lethargy. Though not unattractive, in a place as ordinary as a school, she stood out like a sore thumb.

"What can I help you with?" Tang Qiao's voice carried a cold tone.

Chen Shuming scratched his short crew cut. "Um, may I ask you a question?"

Tang Qiao raised an eyebrow and nodded, then shook her head. "Certainly, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

Chen Shuming then recalled that Tang Qiao was a day student. "In that case, you should head home quickly. It's getting late. I'll ask you again tomorrow." After a pause, he added, "Be careful on your way home."

Feng City First High School was located in a remote area, characterized by sparse population and limited residential buildings.

"Alright," Tang Qiao responded, shouldering her bag.

Once Tang Qiao had completely vanished from sight, Li Wenwen, the Chinese Literature class representative, turned to Chen Shuming with irritation. "Why were you talking to Tang Qiao? Did you seriously believe she's a top student? You even asked her questions!"

Wang Meimei chimed in, "Exactly. We all know how poor Tang Qiao's grades are. Why did she claim she needed it until tomorrow? I doubt she'll ever get back to you. She's just finding excuses to procrastinate!"

Chen Shuming furrowed his brows. "The mathematics question Tang Qiao tackled in class was exceptionally challenging. I'd previously consulted the math teacher about it, but I couldn't grasp it. Yet, when Tang Qiao explained it, I suddenly understood."

Li Wenwen rolled her eyes. "You're making it sound like Tang Qiao is some kind of genius. But let's not forget she's ranked dead last in the class!"

Chen Shuming found himself at a loss for words.