
Bringing Home the Villainous Big Shot

Tang Qiao was reborn and became the infamous malicious heiress. Her parents didn't love her. She had a malicious personality, and she was useless. By chance, she entered the entertainment circle and was labeled a wallflower with almost no acting skills. Tang Qiao:"..." Fine, she would shatter that useless label! Later on, she revealed multiple titles she had, like Olympic champion, triple Golden award-winning Actress, miracle doctor... The list went on. Those who had once called Tang Qiao a useless wallflower were now kneeling in admiration! At this moment, Tang Qiao was faced with a frail, poisoned, almost dying man. Blind and crippled in both legs, he looked even worse off than her! Oh well, her kind, beautiful heart led her to take him home and care for him. Initially, the man was cold and resisted Tang Qiao's approach. "Get lost, don't touch me!" Later, he held Tang Qiao's wrist and acted spoiled. ""Qiaoqiao, touch me again..."" Ultimately, the pitiful man transformed into a tremendously powerful main antagonist. Tang Qiao was baffled. What the hell had she brought home?

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40 Chs

A Fairy Arrives in Class 9

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"Tang Qiao! You!" Hu Jiao's face flushed crimson as she stomped her feet and hurriedly ran out of the classroom, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Tang Qiao regarded her with a cold gaze, wondering how someone with such fragile emotional endurance could launch an attack like this.

Duan Yi felt a growing headache as he witnessed the scene. He instructed Jiang Mengyu to chase after Hu Jiao and then turned his attention back to Tang Qiao, letting out a deep sigh. This girl is no longer the meek and indifferent student I once knew. Her sharp tongue is now capable of reducing others to tears.

As he rubbed his temples, Duan Yi raised his voice to address the still-noisy class. "Alright, that's enough chatter! Let's get back to your morning reading!" He then turned his gaze back to Tang Qiao and uttered, "You, come with me."

Tang Qiao followed Duan Yi out of the classroom.

The classroom buzzed with conversations. Wang Meimei, who sat in the front row, went through various expressions before silently retracing her steps to the back row, where she took back the items she had placed on Tang Qiao's desk. Han Dongchen, seated diagonally behind her, observed her actions and pursed his lips.

The sophomores had a multitude of textbooks, materials, school uniforms, and cups. When their desks couldn't accommodate all of these items, most students stored the excess in their dormitories. Wang Meimei had taken advantage of Tang Qiao's frequent absences and her back-row seat to use her desk as extra storage space.

As Class 9 continued to discuss Tang Qiao's transformation, a post suddenly appeared on the school forum, creating quite a stir. 'The reigning school's belle of First High School has been dethroned! A new beauty has emerged in Sophomore Class 9!'

This post quickly gained popularity.

Zhang Yang, a student from the next class, noticed the post and was puzzled. What is happening? Isn't Lin Qingyu widely regarded as the most beautiful girl in our school? Where is the fairy in Sophomore Class 9? He furrowed his brow and clicked on the link. It was a short video, lasting only a few tens of seconds. It was clearly filmed secretly, with the girl's profile facing the camera. Her fair complexion seemed to radiate a soft glow, and her facial features were delicate. Her posture was upright, and her demeanor exuded elegance. Zhang Yang couldn't help but think she was quite good-looking.

As Zhang Yang continued watching, he was captivated by the girl's voice—sweet, yet her words were delivered with calm precision. Even when she scolded someone, it sounded pleasant to the ears. Zhang Yang rubbed his ears. The brief video was coming to an end when, suddenly, the girl turned her head, revealing her stunningly beautiful face.

Zhang Yang was left utterly stunned.

Meanwhile, in the teachers' office.

Duan Yi stood before his desk, extracting a record sheet from the pile of textbooks and exercise books cluttering the table. "Tang Qiao, you've been absent from class seven times in the two months since you are here, totaling thirty-five days. You've taken two exams, and your performance in both has been consistently at the bottom."

Duan Yi set the record aside and let out a sigh. "Tang Qiao, you can't continue like this. I'm not well-informed about your family situation, and when I attempted a home visit, there was no one answer. However, I need to be clear with you, you're only seventeen years old, and you have a long journey ahead. Feng City First High School may not have the best reputation, but I don't want you to squander your potential here. It's irresponsible for your future."

Tang Qiao was taken aback by Duan Yi's earnest tone. In her memories, this homeroom teacher had a notorious temper and could be quite explosive. He was also known for his emphasis on academic performance, and even the most mischievous students in the class were wary of him. Yet here he was, speaking with such gentleness.

Upon feeling Duan Yi's genuine concern, Tang Qiao lowered her head and replied sincerely, "I understand, Mr. Duan."

"I hope you truly do." Duan Yi's tone softened further. "No more skipping classes. The Education Bureau conducts attendance checks every month. I've covered for you twice already. If it happens again, the school may have no choice but to expel you."

With no other school willing to accept a student expelled from Feng City First High School, Tang Qiao's prospects would be bleak.

Tang Qiao nodded.

Duan Yi smiled. "Alright, let's head to the morning self-study session."


Upon returning to the classroom, Tang Qiao noticed that all the items that didn't belong to her had disappeared. Only six textbooks remained on her desk. She opened her math book and began browsing through the table of contents. As she delved deeper into the book, her expression grew increasingly perplexed. The pages of the book flipped rapidly, as though she wasn't reading but merely skimming through it.

After reading the math book, Tang Qiao proceeded to read the physics, chemistry, and biology textbooks in the same manner, starting with their respective table of contents.

After the morning self-study session, Tang Qiao browsed through all six textbooks, including Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. She couldn't help but feel bewildered. Who can explain why the content that resembles elementary school-level material is found within high school textbooks?

Or is it a current trend to provide shallow content in textbooks, with more challenging material in supplementary resources?