
Chapter Six

***Chapter Six*** Words (1105)


**Pov (Hitoshi Shinso)***

*{Random Library near his house}*



I've gained quite the haul in the short time I've been here. Skills for just about everything, from auto repair to advanced coding Have fused into various compound skills.

Two of them stand out amongst the rest however with their sheer utility.



[General Repair Lv:1/10]

Through extensive knowledge of all mundane objects, you now know how to repair just about anything at a glance, as long as you know how it works. 



[General Schematics Lv:1/10]

Through extensive knowledge of all mundane objects, you have gained the ability to know how to recreate anything you study. (Note this skill does not give you the physical ability to create, just the knowledge of how something was made)



The sheer utility these skills will have with any crafting class I get in future will be insane. I also got a few other skills Like [Arts & Crafts], and [Digital Expertise] both of which are fairly self-explanatory.

There were a few books that either didn't count as a skill book or I needed a class to learn. For instance, I found a wood working book and the system told me I need a wood type crafting class, like carver or carpenter.

A big surprise was when I got to the medical books. It actually let me learn most of them. But when I absorbed the knowledge, I got a notification that I didn't have a doctor or equivalent class, so my skill was downgraded from [Scientific Medical Arts] to [First Aid]

After asking Layla about it I learned why. Apparently, I can learn the 'Initiate' level of a skill without a class. The reason I couldn't learn the woodworking skill was because it already fell loosely under [Arts & Crafts]. It was a much larger skill than I initially thought.

As I level it up, it will teach me a little bit about every art style and crafting technique. And I do mean EVERY-ONE, any and all mundane styles are at my fingertips with this one skill.

The only downside is that since it's so general not only will it take forever to level up, but it will only let me get my proverbial foot into the door for each style.

Using painting as an example, with this skill maxed out I will only be about average at it, and if I want to get better, I would need to take a class about painting.

Putting the skill for now I move on to more books at this point most of them are giving me nothing or are folding into my other skills. You would be surprised how many skills fall into arts and crafts,

There were a few here and there but not Any that really seemed to speak to me. After a while I ended up finding the book I came here for.



[You have obtained an Introductory to clinical hypnosis. Would you like to learn the Hypnosis] Skill?]



Confirming yes, I learn the skill.



[Note: Due to lacking class requirements the skill has been downgraded.]



[Clinical Hypnosis]

With a focus and the willingness of your patient you can put them into a trance. While in a trance you can alter some aspects of their cognition. If you attempt to alter them in ways that are averse to their 'self' you need informed and enthusiastic consent on their part, as they will passively reject changes made, otherwise the alterations will either not work or are quickly rejected, returning them to their previous state.



'While not as good as I expected It is a start. I'm assuming all the limitations are from the clinical prefix.' 

Not like I'm planning to mind bend everyone without their consent anyways. Probably only ill or evil people. 

It isn't even because of my morals either. What would be the point of having relationships with people if they were puppets? I would rather date or be friends with others without having to twist them.

In my opinion the moment I change something about someone permanently I've basically killed them and replaced them with someone else. Doing that to a person I love or care about in some way would be like puppeting their corpse.

On the other hand, manipulating those I either don't care about or are actively my enemies is the easiest decision I could make. Not only does the idea of controlling others arouse me but any hang ups I may have disappear.

That isn't to say I won't use mind control on those close to me at all. In the case that I actually care about them, it will only be used to 'enhance' their experience with me, with their consent of course. Imagining the fun we could have with just being able to enhance their senses would be way too much to pass up. 

Anyways, I don't really need this for now, the plan is to max out the class once I get it, and once I max out my quirk, I'll try to fuse the two.

Imagine an awakened mind control quirk with the added oomph of a maxed hypnosis class.






After finishing up at the library I headed back home to pick up Himiko so we could head over to UA. I tried calling to schedule the test over the phone but was told we would have to meet the principal in person to get approved. 

Which is another weird thing about this whole situation. My only guess about this whole situation, is that someone, probably someone higher up in the government, doesn't want more versatile quirks 'wasted' on hero work.

With that thought It would mean that the entrance clause shouldn't even exist. If I were a betting man, I'd say Nezu would have snuck one in there though. Even if just to spite them.

It makes sense, it was a pain in the ass to find. I wouldn't be surprised if some grungy old fart missed it.

If the government was anything like it is in my old world, it wouldn't surprise me if they started the whole Born with Heroic Quirk/Villain Quirks thing, to cause strife and swoop in and scoop up the useful Quirks when nobodies looking.

It's the classic case of dividing the masses to keep them docile while you stomp out their rights one by one, gaining profit along the way.

Arriving at the house I meet with Himiko, and we head out towards our destination.





A/n: Getting back into the swing of things. I couldn't write for a while due to work. I should be putting out two or three chapters a week for a while.

Here is his status. I didn't want to clutter the chapter up with it. It's getting quite large already

[Name: Hitoshi Shinso (?)]


[Race: Goblin Lv:9/10 EXP 45%]

Class: Chain Binding Initiate Lv:10/10 EXP MAX%


HP: 140



Strength: 6 -> 20(MAX)

Dexterity: 6 -> 20(MAX)

Constitution 7 -> 20(MAX) 

Wisdom: 11

Intelligence: 16 

Charisma: 12

Luck: 7


Free Points 45



Demonic Magic Affinity: Bound

Fey Magic Affinity: Bound

Nature Magic Affinity: Bound



[Observe Lv:5/10](Up*) [Trance Lv:1/10] [Binding Arts Lv:MAX](Up*) [Pain Tolerance Lv:MAX](Up*) [Art & Crafts Lv:1/10(NEW)] [Digital Expertise Lv:1/10(NEW)] [General Repair Lv:1/10(NEW)] [General Schematics Lv:1/10(NEW)] [Rednecks Akashic Record Lv:1/10(NEW)] [Clinical Hypnosis Lv:1/10(NEW)] [Cooking Lv:1/10(NEW)] [First Aid Lv:1/10(NEW)] [LanguageLv:1/10(NEW)]



[True Name] [Sinful Indulgence] [Gamers Mind] [Hypnotic Fascination]‎ 



[Contractual Obligations] [Gamers Constitution] [By The Cover] [Hentai's Trash Monster] [Would Be Fun To Kill]



‎1 Weighted Gacha Token, 1 Random Skill Token, 1 Class Weapon Token.